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Cat herder. Amateur woodworker. Expert tinkerer. Professional help deskerer. Recreational gamerer.
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Been a while since I’ve made fajitas. They really hit the spot! I totally overfilled that tortilla 😑

Already 50F this Tuesday morning. Toby and Cooper are open window magnets. The crossed tails are cute 😊

This poor boxwood was laid flat in an ice storm. I shoved a utility flag upside down in the ground to hold it up after the last snow. Discarding something orange and doing our best to fix damage done sounds relatable these days

A google search says animals can’t suffer from mosophonia (unpleasant reactions to sounds), but I beg to differ. Bought some zip ties that were too small to be toys (Cooper LOVES zip ties) so I’ve been making larger toys out of them. Cooper gags at the sound of zip ties being tightened. 😲

Happy rainy Caturday. The boys appeared seconds after the window was cracked and promptly settled in for naps.

Working on a new powerplant in #Satisfactory The ring is a proof of concept to make a matrix-esque battery tower (or two). Had to build another coal powered plant to account for the refineries the fuel generators will need. Was fun to try the triangle in a predominantly 'square' game :)

Trying again in #Satisfactory to spend less time on objective tasks and more on aesthetics. The engineer in me has a hard time not checking boxes and moving on. Built this monstrosity over a crater-like pit so I wanted pass-through 'skylights' to let light through to it.

Have I mentioned that #Satisfactory is a very great looking game? (I may have started a new game again...)

This is what I get to listen to all too frequently. Tried to take him outside with the harness but he wanted no part of it. 🙄

2 out of 3 cats think when I’m making the bed after laundry is the BEST time to be on the bed. Toby rarely gets on the bed at all, so let’s just call it 2 out of 2.

This is how Toby uses the wheel when he’s happy. He jumps and grabs the frame for the initial momentum but I’ve yet to capture that on video.

Cooper when I’m at a computer: meow meow meow meow meow MEOW meow Cooper when I go to the room he’s in: … Cooper when I throw a toy: watches in silence Cooper when I head back to the computer: meow meow meow

Will I post a video to YouTube? Only if I’m satisfied with the result. I find I don’t particularly like listening to my own voice… or talking into a microphone in the first place. 🤷‍♂️

Do I have a barstool with an old bathmat as a cat perch? Yes Do the cats love it? Also yes I should build another ‘window bench’ for this location, but for now this is an ideal height for bird watching.

Took Copper outside as the needle finally broke 40F here. He is super fascinated with the outdoors. After I brought him back in he cried at the door then jumped on my legs when I got close. Took another short wander. I totally need to buy/build a Catio this Spring!

Escaping to some comfort food while democracy crumbles. As I cook for one, I will be eating chili for the foreseeable future

Warm enough today to crack a window. Cooper approves!

Still snow on the ground after a warmer day and a great sunset this evening!

Finally sold my PC today. The eventual buyer was great, but the overall Facebook Marketplace experience for a local sale was a mess. Glad that’s over with!

Very much a WIP, I've finally moved my core steel production out of my starter base in #Satisfactory. Was trying to rush to trains, but I need to establish some other tings first (like rubber and plastic production).

Cooper is again fond of sleeping on my desk to be close. He’s a good kitty 😊

In my last #Satisfactory playthrough I practically paved the entire desert biome, so giving this cave system the ol' concrete treatment seemed like a neat idea. There's 3 quartz and 1 SAM node in here so there'll be a subterranean train station soon. (this is just ripe for a pun).

Sad the concrete walls in #Satisfactory don't vary much in color when customized. This is as dark as I could get them. The standard walls have that 'factory texture' and foundations don't have an 8m slope. I'm going for more spacious structures this time around vs. my normal 'cram it in' style

What’s wrong with your cat? He’s been like that for a while. Oh… he just does that sometimes

Trying a totally different aesthetic for this playthrough of #Satisfactory. Also going to try to use trains much more than before... once I unlock them. Definitely a work in progress.

While my 'starter base' in my new playthrough of #Satisfactory will be bulldozed eventually, this power plant dam I'm working on will be permanent.

Ah, the humble beginning of a fresh save in #Satisfactory Pre-foundations and customizations, chaos rules.

Automated the last project part in #Satisfactory. About an hour and a half for the last parts to be made. That will put total completion time this go around at about 480hrs. And yes, I've already started thinking about how I'll do things differently for the next playthrough...

It cracks me up when KC lays like this

Yes, I put a barcode on a building in #Satisfactory. It says SAM, the acronym for Strange Alien Material in the game. I love the alien tech and particle accelerator animations so much! Trying to continue the 'odd' aesthetic for all of my alien tech buildings.

KC is the oldest, but she often reminds me she is not ‘old’

I don't look up enough in #Satisfactory. They added Northern Lights for the Ficsmas event and it's REALLY cool!