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I really love the assassin miniatures. I wanted to make them all individual so used different colours to paint there body gloves. #warhammer #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #assassins

Some priests I painted up for my Astra Militarum, love these old metal sculpts. #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #astramilitarum #imperialguard

This might be my favourite list I have ever run at an event. This was 8th edition just before the rule of 3 was introduced. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #warhammercommunity #astramilitarum #imperialguard #warhammerfest

A while ago I started painting pottery and wanted it to be useful so now have a good range of hand painted pottery for my miniature painting table. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #pottery #gw #gamesworkshop #paintingpottery

Do you ever paint that test model then look at the army and think I may have over done the paint scheme? I did with my goblins…. #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #theoldworld #warhammerfantasy #orcsandgoblins

Yo this weekend weve got a few tickets left for our 2 days AOS event at the tSN Arena AND WEVE GOT VISITORS FROM SWEDEN COME JOIN US

Bit more standard looking marines than my last post, but these are the marines that got me a painting job a GW years ago. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #warhammercommunity #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #spacemarines #adeptusastartes #ultramarines

My Reivers from my ultramarines army. I wanted to go back to the days when marines used camo. #warhammer #warhammercommunity #gamesworkshop #gw #warhammer40000 #40k #spacemarines #adeptusastarties #ultramarines

My librarian from my Ultramarines army. I went with a camo cloak to fit with the jungle theme of my army. #warhammer #paintingwarhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #spacemarines #adeptusastartes #ultramarines

This photos shows 2 things, 1 I need a Lightbox for photos and 2 my new characters for my upcoming old world army. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #theoldworld #oldworld #tabletopgaming #vampirecounts

Is lovely to see my guard on Warhammer Community. I love painting guard tanks and have painted over 100. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #astramilitarum #imperialguard #warhammercommunity

First models of 2025 painted. These are my spirthosts for my Vampire counts. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #theoldworld #warhammerfantasy #vampirecounts #spirthost #ghosts

Oh I'm also running a huge Age of Sigmar event too! 2025 calendar filling up fast so get some tickets!!

My scout gyrocopter that was featured in the Dwarf Arcane journal. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammertheoldworld #theoldworld #dwarfs

Ooooh I've been excited to post this one for AGES and now it's the perfect comfy lil Christmas hobby video :') Come join in at 6pm for the live premiere of me trying to fix one of Warhammer's rarest and ... Most interesting minis 👀 #Warhammer #warhammercommunity

I will forever miss this pair of legends for Warhammer 40,000. Creed and Kell were the models that got me into Imperial guard. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #astramilitarum #imperialguard #cadia

As much as they are seen as the “basic” Marine paint scheme. There is always something so satisfying about painting a clean Ultramarine. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #spacemarine #ultramarines

I recently watched video about commissars and painting the old Yarrick model and it made me reminisce about how much I love painting commissars, so here are some of mine. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #astramilitarum #imperialguard

So Orcs and Goblins were my first army in 6th edition Warhammer Fantasy. With Old World I cot the chance to repaint my first model to see how I have improved. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #theoldworld #warhammertheoldworld #orcsabdgoblins #warhammerfantasy

The last parts of my old Ultramarines army. Death from the skies was a great expansion for the game. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #ultramarines #spacemarines

More of my old ultramarines army. Loved painting this unit of heroes. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #ultramarines #honourguard

This might be the Army I am most proud of and miss the most. Sad that these left the game. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #warhammer40000 #40k #spacemarines #ultramarines #scouts

We have some new Honest Wargamer dice for sale and ive been told they roll way too good and should be nerfed. Pick them up before they go out of stock!

One of my trolls from my goblin bloodbowl team. I loved all the details on this model. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #bloodbowl #troll

A centurion that I converted for my Iron hands. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #horusheresy #30k #ironhands

With the new Frydaal the chainmaker model being shown off it reminded me how much I loved painting this model. Why are there so many amazing models out there and so little time? #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #aos #ageofsigmar #theoldworld #slavestodarkness #warriorsofchaos

This is my Sylvaneth army, I started this army in lockdown and wanted to base it on my favourite tree the silver birch. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #aos #ageofsigmar #sylvaneth

My leviathan Dreadnought that I painted for my Iron Hands, I was proud to have it featured on Warhammer Community. #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #horusheresy #30k #ironhands

Thought after showing off my cloak I would show the front of the model. It is a conversion 40k thousand son parts and both of the plastic praetor models. Only greenstuff is 2 studs on the left shoulder #painting #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #horusheresy #30k #thousandsons

I struggle with cloaks some times so super proud of this one I painted. As it was a massive part of the model. #painting #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #gw #gamesworkshop #horusheresy #30k #thousandsons

Painted something a bit different recently. Shatterpoint is a great game and really easy to get into. I only have 6 models to paint so wanted to spend some time painting each one. #paintingminitures #shatterpoint #starwars

My soul and heart have just been ripped in half. #arcaneleagueoflegends