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Baptist Minister. Pioneer Ministry. Peace and Reconciliation. Public Theology. Social Justice. Ireland. SSBelfast.
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We are from very different backgrounds… I had the complete honour of being Deirdre Hargeys Chaplain when she was the Belfast Lord Mayor.. we became great friends You are welcome to come along & hear our conversation together. This is friendship This is peace& reconciliation This is our future 💚

Diary Date for March. The is always good craic in a convo so why not take an evening out in Belfast? Eat local before hand then join Catholic, Protestant & Dissenter for a bitta of lively chat in a Church + Building of historical importance! #Conversation

Great to spend the day in Oxford and such an honour to share to a paper about life as a Rev / peace and reconciliation in the Irish context! ❤️

Let’s be honest… Our Irish rugby team represents us all.. Whatever our background Whatever our upbringing… North or South.. We are one! Love us. Love our Irish Rugby Team 🇮🇪 #TheBestOfAllOfUs

My daughter (Meg) & her girlfriend (Rhya) are launching their first storytelling event 👇 A night of storytelling, inclusivity and belonging .. Thursday 10th April, 7.30pm @ Chaplins Bar, Dublin… All Welcome! **Scan the QR code to join on them on Instagram.

Some good news… SoulSpace DUBLIN is meeting on Thursday 13th March, 7.30pm… at The Margaret Aylward Centre in Dublin. We exist for people who feel they don’t fit in church. If you live in and around Dublin you are welcome to come along!

Yes 🙌 ❤️

Hey Friends, Our online SoulSpace Community will host a virtual table every last Thursday of the month starting 27th February. Tog we will be reading Rachel Held Evans book ‘Searching for Sunday’ - just simply request to join our fb online community, buy the book and come join the journey!

The best of us 💚 #Ireland

Lá na Féile Bríde The beginning of Spring. There are many women who carry the baton on from St Brigid- female leaders who champion community, who care for the poor and the broken-hearted within our communities, wider society, and the Church. Let’s celebrate them! 💚 #StBrigidsDay


Bishop Mariann 👏 👏 Mr President have mercy. Lord have mercy. All human beings are created in the image of God. ALL matter to Him. Our LGBTQ+ community matter Our Immigrants matter. Every Single human being matters to God.


So great to have the opportunity to present a paper at the Project Violet International Symposium sharing a snippet of the story behind our ‘Bizarre Feminist Tees’ highlighting the everyday abuse faced by female clergy. #GenderEqualityInTheFaithArena


It's not too late for women to register for the @ProjectViolet1 International Symposium on Wednesday and Thursday. Bursaries available if you need help, the full programme is here:

Our forthcoming conference on Anabaptism in February is just one event celebrating 500 years of this movement. There are more details of other events here:

‘If there is anywhere on earth a lover of God who is always kept safe, I know nothing of it, for it was not shown to me. But this was shown: that in falling and rising again we are always kept in that same precious love.’ ~ Julian of Norwich


During my year off I found this gorgeous coffee spot in Dundrum, County Down👇 This place has now become a regular for me, my family and my team at SoulSapce (especially on Mondays).. we loved being there today. If you’re down this way.. pop in for a coffee!

Today in Ireland we celebrate Nollaig na mBan, or Women’s Christmas. Here’s to the many women who seek to create community and that sense of togetherness. Let’s keep paving the way!

The greatest tragedy for the Church today isn’t that we have differing theological views .. But rather the lovelessness and lack of grace shown to those of us who see things differently, and who dare to challenge church teachings. Here’s to the misfits and the rebels!

Happy New Year … embracing the ministry of presence! ❤️

As we step into 2025… It’s okay to reach your enough is enough moment. It’s okay to confess that life is tough, and to ask for help. It‘s okay to let go of some things… and even some people. Find you. Be you. Keep being you. Pull in tight to your tribe. Happy New Year x


That moment when your 9 year old gets free surf lessons from his big sis (who is a surf instructor) then runs out of the ocean to say… ‘Mummy, I want to be a surfer like Meg’ … And so it begins again!!! 🤣🤣 Why couldn’t he pick ping pong?! 🤷 🤣 #MyNervesAreWreckedAgain

When Meg encourages the family to go for a Christmas surf… (well everyone except me!!!) Not right in the head 🤣🤣🤣

👇 ❤️

Jesus moved into the neighbourhood… Into our mess, into our brokenness, into our reality, into our questions&wonderings, into our hopelessness, into our poor choices, into our dreams, into our grief, into our failures etc. He moved right in! He is present with and for you #TheChristmasStoryToday

Friends, have a blessed Christmas! 💚

When darkness surrounds us When worry & fear grip us When all appears lost When God appears distant & silent And we find ourselves sitting in our own ‘Silent Night’ this Christmas season The light will break through Seasons change Winter never stays… Spring is on the way Hope. #WinterSolstice

Is there anything more gorgeous than our wee ones nativity?! He’s SO grown up in his school shirt and tie! My heart is wrecked. Love him more than words. #LifeWithJonah

The Christmas Story today.

When our little 9 year old is making us watch JAWS … and you realise how old we are!! 🤣🤣💚

Friends, I’m looking forward to leading SoulSpace again in 2025… we exist for folks who feel they ‘don’t fit’ in church. We are launching in Dublin too.. get in touch if you would like to plug into us. I’m looking forward to travelling/working in both Belfast & Dublin! Blessings Rev Karen x

I’m back into ministry life in 2025. SoulSpace Community is back in 2025.. we exist for people who feel they ‘don’t fit’ in church. New Year. New Team. New Chapter. You are welcome to plug into us to us… Stay posted for details! 💚



Nothing… NOTHING beats watching Christmas movies with our little 9 year old. #MyPriority #Advent

The Christmas Story Today! #Advent

Movie .. The Holiday… Has to be the best Xmas movie ever?! My daughter makes me watch it every year. I confess… I love it ❤️

With skinned knees and bruised hearts we choose to own our stories... We craft love from heartache, Compassion from shame, Grace from disappointment Courage from failure...we are the brave and brokenhearted. We are rising strong!