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I’m Mike Ando, a time-travelling mad scientist. DeLorean driver. Satellite owner. Inventor. Potato connoisseur. Once on Beauty & the Geek AU, now a Professional Geek.
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Playing the #Riven remake on something it's defs not designed to run on: a N100 CPU (low-power cheap 4-core thing with Intel Integrated graphics), no external GPU, only 8GB of RAM, plastic heatsink not metal, no cooling fans, in a case smaller than a laptop power supply, off a USB charger. 1/2

If you didn't know TC stands for Tropical Cyclone or which Alfred they're talking about, this SMS I received reads rather scary. Is Alfred a zombie virus? Giant cyclops? A drunk guy singing karaoke? Who knows #Brisbane

Current state of the weather here: the Bureau of Meteorology is using icons in this week's forecast I've never seen used before for here #Brisbane

King Floof has come to visit again #cats

Lana kitty sticks her tongue out at you #cats

New artwork for my wall - proper Death Star plans, printed on blueprint canvas. Because many Bothans died to bring me this information #StarWars

Today is National Appreciate A Dragon Day, and today I appreciate Lana #HugACat Show me pictures of a dragon you appreciate in the replies!

Wow. I just got an ad for bottled water on a video about how overpriced bottled water is

2025 is a Very Good Number for a year! -It's a perfect square, 45 x 45 = 2025. The last one was 1936 & the next one's in 2116 -It's the cubic sum of all single-digit positive integers, 1³ + 2³ + 3³ + 4³ + 5³ + 6³ + 7³ + 8³ + 9³ = 2025 [1/2]

My present to Meka's family - this custom #pokemon sign. Now they have an excuse for not mowing their grass

Celebrating 20 years at work today! I'm grateful to have that kind of stability in my life.

Omg, the tow company must have my phone number saved as something special... I just called them & said "Hello I'd like to make a booking for the future". Without me giving my name or other details, they replied with "You mean a booking Back to the Future?"

Ok this is pretty cool, someone's replicated an Andotrope-like optical illusion in #Minecraft

Look just because Santa pays his users for collecting their private data, doesn't mean I'm okay with his lack of a robust Privacy Policy. He accepts cookies too easily #Santa

What's that? The Action Lab has done a feature video on Andotrope technology where he makes his own one? Awesome!

"Is there a Doctor in the room?" #DrHorrible #DoctorWho #Cosplay

SCIENCE with (Doctor Horrible smock is an identical copy screen-used in Aliens 4, courtesy of one of Universal's wardrobe suppliers) #Supanova #Brisbane #DrHorrible #DoctorHorrible #Mythbusters #Tested

DMC released photos of their newly-remanufactured #DeLorean body panels and all I can think is how they look like fantastic baking trays "Happy Birthday! I baked you a cake in the shape of a Left Front Fender, just what you always wanted!"

Gaming technology priorities. #CRT #SuperMarioWorld #SNES

#StarTrek DS9 S3 episodes 11 & 12 happen in San Francisco this week. Give these eps a watch if you can - now's your rare chance to watch something written in the past, set in the future, go back to the past, but still a form of future, happen in the present!

Gehn's Imager Andotrope has been featured by the Official Raspberry Pi magazine, The MagPi Magazine! Issue 144 pages 18-21, check out my article below, or get a PDF or physical copy of the magazine at

Hi I'm Mike and this is Mike's Hard Lemonade. The innuendo writes itself really

Finally visiting the place that Google keeps thinking I live in

All set up for #OpenSauce! Hall B, booth C4.10, and I've already had one Myst fan recognise Gehn's Imager

Introducing my latest #Andotrope prototype. This one uses just a normal smartphone that takes seconds to drop into the top. It's smaller at only 31cm*20cm, much quieter, has built-in Bluetooth speakers, & total cost is now down to only a few hundred $

Got some spare braincells you want to kill? EndemolShine have uploaded all of my season of Beauty and the Geek to YouTube. Fair warning, it's as bad a show as you'd expect. :P

Alas it's a weekend so I can't show up to work wearing a towel for #TowelDay instead I just look like I'm having a lazy Saturday. Which I also am. :p

New business card time! Printed on translucent plastic, waterproof/scratchproof, and both barcode/QR codes still scan as valid. What do you think?

Oh yeah and while I'm announcing appearances, it took literally 110 minutes at the travel agent to organise everything involved with the trip, but Meka & I will be at #Mysterium 2024 in Montreal July 12-14!

Super excited to announce that I'll be exhibiting my #Andotrope displays @ Open Sauce San Francisco, June 15-16! If you live near come say hi!! And yes, I did say plural - Gehn's Imager will be joined by my latest improved prototype ;)

Lana means Serious Business with today's blep

This cat says my username

IMPORTANT and VITAL update: Here are some of Lana kitty's multi-coloured toebeans

A silly little Firmament Valentines card I made

Went to a birthday party set in the year 2050, so I couldn't resist wearing a Doc Brown/Cyberpunk 2077 cosplay mashup

Why yes I did buy a phone with night vision solely so I can take better pictures of cats in the dark, are you really that surprised knowing me?

So I bought a couple Diodes recently... Regular-sized normal diodes on the left for scale. The big 15cm-long ones are rated for 2 Amps at 30,000 Volts

New fridge magnet. I'm having far too much fun going full Mad Scientist #MadScientist

~15 years ago I bought a CO2 meter for work. It was calibrated by leaving it outside & that was 370ppm. I just bought another one. It calibrates outside to 410ppm. That's 11% more. This increase is real. In case there was any doubt the climate is changing.

It's 2024. No one's going to hand us the future. We have to make it ourselves, in every way.

Super excited to announce my Andotrope invention/Gehn's Imager is in this month's issue of DIYODE magazine as both the cover image and a 13-page (!) feature article!! 😁