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Jaundiced observer. Sometime Editor. Afterthought. Enquire within. Archivery:
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Fucksake Albo, Marles, Dutton, and the media: Of course the orange shit volcano had no damn clue what #AUKUS meant. Stop normalising his ignorance. If pressed further about Australia he would have announced "Yes, Vienna is one of my favourite cities...". #Trump #auspol

Still puzzled by people calling #Russia "Soviet", let alone "Communist". It's a gangster-fronted oligarchy - exactly what #Trump wants his America to be. Although right now, it's leaning more toward being a kakistocracy - government by the least suitable numpties available.

Nooo!!! Not the magical electoral gnome! How can we trust anything on an election night anymore? Sigh. #AntonyGreen #Election2025 #auspol

Given the way things are going, is it wrong to say I'm a little disappointed? #Asteroid2032

Oily Bruce is either the unluckiest man alive, a complete shit magnet, or a borderline sociopath. You decide. #Lehrmann #auspol

Seems horribly relevant, again. #auspol

So, Boofhead floats a hint that Palestinians are being given shortcuts to vote for Labor. Story is easily disproven and dismissed within hours. But ask Merv and Raelene at the bowling club next week, and they'll parrot the original lie. The damage is done. #auspol

The incumbent government has two major things working in their favour as they hope to retain power. Those being Peter Dutton and Angus Taylor. #Election2025 #auspol

I did, as the kids used to say, LOL. #Gulfs

"Flog" is a particularly Melbourne term. Botoxed fossil Sam Newman is a particularly Melbourne kind of flog. #MediaWatch

Hey #MediaWatch, perhaps you could forward this on to the Telegraph's Benny English and Danielle Gusmaroli - they seem to need a refresher course, if they'd ever read it in the first place... #CairoTakeaway

Central Station II (Jeffrey Smart, 1974-75).

Memo: Ben English, Editor Daily Telegraph. Sir, You sent a Zionist troll into a Arabic cafe wearing a Star Of David cap, with a video crew waiting outside for something to happen. Basically: You're full of shit. Yours, etc... #CairoTakeaway #ThisIsNotJournalism

No, Microsoft Word - having written things for money for 40 years I'm pretty sure I don't need a hand from your new #Copilot thingy to polish up this email I'm writing. Now, with all due respect, please go fuck yourself. I believe that's clear enough. #AndTheAIHorseYouRodeInOn

Media ethics? Remember those? The wretches of #Newscorpse now right down in the dregs of the slops bucket trying to stir up what's left of their bogan base. Pathetic. #MediaWatch

The Silence That Lives In Houses (Henri Matisse, 1947).

Album of the month, so far. #SharonVanEtten #TheAttachmentTheory

It's odd. For all the screeching about their "freedom" and rugged individualism, #Trump's base are now like 18th century Russian peasants - needing a authoritarian leader to tell them what to do, and a judgemental God to tell them what not to. #America?

Philistine conservatives like #Trump loathe art and culture, like they fear education and literacy. Putting himself in the Chair of the #KennedyCentre is like appointing a fish to oversee national bicycle manufacture.

It's not just that they squibbed to human anal warts like David Adler, and shafted #Lattouf - it's that they did it so ham-fistedly. Oliver-Taylor will be one under the bus, But #Ita, the "venerated ultimate media professional" was in it up to her heavily wrinkled neck. #OurABC?

Having had the misfortune of working in an organisation where #Ita was well up the chain of command, I still consider her being thought of as Australia's caring Auntie as a triumph of corporate PR over reality. #Lattouf #OurABC

Oddly, I can't bring myself to describe #Trump or Elmo as "fascists". They'd have no concept of the actual meaning of the word. They are simply entitled, emotionally stunted, rich kids just used to getting their own way. Unfortunately, the new toy they've got to break is an entire country. #America

Albanese's first and biggest mistake remains over-estimating Australia's conscience, intelligence, and empathy for those worse off. And under-estimating its gullibility for swallowing scare campaigns and dogwhistling. We remain a small and mean people. #qt #auspol

I do not recall a 24 hour or one week news cycle with more disturbing news about the state of the presidency and the US government in it than those of today and the past seven days. January 6 was nothing compared to this. But make no mistake, this too is the gov't being torn apart by a mob of thugs.

So, New White House spokesmodel Weathergirl Barbie announced a few days back #Trump stopped "$50m worth condoms going to #Gaza". Only the Gaza was a province in Mozambique. The $50m was for an AIDS prevention programme. But ask Bubba or Sherilyn next week, and you know what they'll say, right?

That was a life. And I'm sure she did ride through Paris in a sportscar with the warm wind in her hair at some point. Probably more than once. #MarianneRIP

Still life of Tomatoes (Nora Heysen, 1939).

This is a demonstrable outright lie. No "military turned the water on". But it doesn't matter - ask Bubba and Mary-Jo about it next week and they'll tell you dear leader set it flowing, enabled by sycophants like the increasingly ridiculous Rita. #California #Water #Trump

The Cricketers (Russell Drysdale, 1948).

Happy British Empire Prisoner Relocation Day to those who celebrate the best dang country with the word "girt" in its national anthem. #Straya

Grace Tame, still an absolutely top unit. #AustralianOfTheYearEmeritus #FuckMurdoch #auspol

#Dutton trying to pick a fight over #AustraliaDay is a conservative tradition. It comes immediately after their annual failed "They're trying to cancel Christmas!" scare campaign, and slightly before they start hyperventilating over #AnzacDay. Rinse and repeat. #auspol

Yes, for those down the back, the suggestion is it resembles #Trump right now...

A relevant and insightful analysis. Unfortunately, it got Luigi Barzini Jr arrested. In 1940. By Mussolini. But somehow seems familiar. #PlusCaChange

Well, I'm glad we cleared that up. Thanks #AI, you really are the future.🤨 #Buffy

It should have ended here. That it didn't will be a mystery for history to solve. Or maybe people really are just cunts. #TrumpInauguration

¿Por qué no ambos? #JustSayin'

With America increasingly resembling a scene from one of his movies, he's probably picked a good time to go. #DavidLynch

So, an idiosyncratic little UK label is putting out a triple-disc set of the idiosyncratic little collaboration between McLennan and Kilbey, #JackFrost. Apparently you'll get both the albums they managed, and live bits and pieces. So basically, shut up and take my money. #AsSeenOnTV #AustralianMusic

Aka, Peter Dutton's target market as sets himself as our #TemuTrump. #auspol

Sydney Harbour (Arthur Streeton, 1907).

New Bob. Exactly the kind of racket we need right now. #BobMould #HereWeGoCrazy

The only #GulfOfAmerica is between the gullible peasants who voted Trump in, and the rest of the world that doesn't know whether to laugh or cry about it.

Vwooorp!, Vwooorp!, Derp!, Derp! #Fifteen

Customers, #Australia 2025 summed up perfectly. "Giving some homeless women a roof over their head might fuck with my property values...". Beyond "I'm alright, Jack", it's more: "Fuck you, Jack - I got mine." My country, you suck. #HousingCrisis #Riverwood #auspol

"No, you're thinking of Graeme - he's three doors down...". #LegendaryTalkingFish

#America: The next four years, a visual representation. (If unaware...yes, that is one of Elmo's Tesla Tonka Trucks ablaze.)

Supplementary #NewYearsResolution: I will try and annoy less pedants.😏