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Writer and editor of mostly SFF, refugee from The Other Place, striver of impossible strives (he/him/that hulking monstrosity)
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Hello all, and how are you doing? Just wanted to say, especially to new followers and old friends, that I'm sorry I've been so quiet on here recently. I've been long-term ill and haven't had the energy for discourse

Conspiracy Theory Book Club. (My latest cartoon for Guardian Books)

To celebrate #Wordle1000 here is my cartoon about wordle addiction for the Guardian. You can get a print of it here:

Afternoon all. Just got Friday's #blog scheduled. It seems like I spend a lot longer on that bloody thing than I do on my real #writing; I certainly wasted good minutes of my life creating a pie-chart for the sake of a weak gag. How's things with you?

My latest cartoon for Guardian Books

HI all, and how are we doing at the moment? Just wanted to say sorry for not being particularly chatty recently - life has rather got away from me recently. But I'm still here, still lurking, and - as ever - always listening if you want to talk. Hope you're doing well

My latest Guardian Books cartoon.

Writing conflict 1. Set up instrumental characters to obstruct protagonists 2. For realism, give them motives of their own 3. Oh shit, those motives are pretty reasonable and sympathetic 4. Now I'm going to look a right bastard for murdering these people 5. Despair of writing, go for walk

Morning all. How are we doing today? I've scavenged a free hour to tick off a few jobs but instead I'm pratting about on social media. How are you doing?

A cartoon about libraries for the Guardian.

Hallo all, and how are we doing today? I've got an hour or so before I have to get Exhibit A from school so I'm in the #Editorium panicking about all the things I've not done, therefore not achieving anything. Hope you're making progress

Afternoon all, and how are we all doing today? I have managed to steal a precious hour in the #Editorium so of course I've completely blanked on all the jobs I was supposed to be doing. How are you all doing out there?

Now: onwards to a hard day's baby-wrangling. Much more of a challenge than even the densest manuscript

Just had a virtual meeting with someone in Japan about a potential #editing job. Think it went okay, though this (people) ain't exactly my forte

Afternoon all. Sorry for my recent absence; I've been ill and social media has just been a little too much for me. But I'm still here, still plodding along and desperately trying to do something roughly #writing-esque

Right, got to go get Exhibit A. Then a short break before I get B, and then finally the wife. And then tea. Have a wonderful rest-of-day all you lovely people. Keep smiling. Catch you all in a bit x

Afternoon all. Just popping by on my way through life, trying to do some jobs, some #writing (well, thinking) and some caffeine before I have to go get Exhibit A from school. How are you getting on?

Hi all. Hiding in the #Editorium for a very chilly lunch and maybe a look at Friday's #blog before an afternoon appointment at the kitchen fitters. Don't tell me I don't know how to live

Solo parenting day four: I have Exhibit B today as she's off nursery and A is back in school. We have already spilled our cereal on the sofa. Nap time is being craved already, but not by the toddler

Day three of solo parenting. An uneasy truce has been reached. She will agree to do anything I ask on condition that I don't ask her to do anything. Puppy Dog Pals is all I know now

Day two of solo parenting Exhibit A (B, fortunately, is back at nursery). I am surprisingly sane and chipper - by my standards - as she enjoys her tablet and me my phone. The flooded kitchen can wait for attention

Morning all, and how are you doing? I'm just sneaking an hour to try and pull the last bits of this #edit together - the deadline approacheth. Hope you're having all sorts of happiness in whatever you're up to

Afternoon folks, and welcome to the dark days! Hope you're all having fun doing as little humanely possible; I'm back in the #Editorium facing up to my #editing deadline. But hey, I have new CDs to accompany me, I have coffee and various comestibles, so no loser I

Survived the annual trip to the parentals. Now a few blissful hours at home before it's off to the in-laws tomorrow. Hope you're enjoying your doings, whatever they may be

Tonight you will be visited by three ghosts: First, the Ghost of Stop Procrastinating Second, The Ghost of No One Else Will Do This For You Third, the Ghost of Finish Your Shit Then Start Again They come every night, get used to it, you're an author now.

Merry chrimble to all you wot celebrate. Off to the parents in a bit to partake of the usual rituals; hope you have a magnificent day however it looks for you x

All a bit fraught this morning trying to get packed for Christmas at the parents. So here's a #cat to aid you in all your doings

A Christmas cartoon for the Guardian. Happy holidays, everyone!

Nearly time to go liberate the kids for school/nursery, so I shall bid you adieu. Have a wonderful rest-of-day, all you lovely people. Keep smiling, don't let the bastards get you down

Howdy folks. Just cracking on with my #editing and wondering what to scrounge together for tea. How are you getting on?

My GIFT-XPERT™ algorithm will help you with those tricky Christmas shopping decisions!

Morning all, and how are we doing today? I'm about to get stuck into my #editing - just time to drop Friday's #blog-post here, the last of 2023. Hope you enjoy #books #reading #SFF

Right, time to go fetch the sprogling. Have a great rest-of-day, all you lovelies. Catch up with you soon x

Afternoon all. Just the briefest of canters in the #Editorium today before I have to go liberate Exhibit A. Nearly finished the first pass of this manuscript, then it's the big 'pulling the editorial letter together' job #editing

Afternoon all. Just polishing off lunch, then it's a solid few hours #editing for me. How are you getting on?