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Fringe player in main character's story. No aspirations. No bona fides.
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pass late-afternoon sun pries eerily between blinds dusty, rewinding spent time etched on edges of the eyes forgetting the years long gone passing clouds flow by and go off to smart assignations real and imagined past prairie dug, posies planted, but not disturbing endless promises #poetry

Alone again, naturally she left me stranded like a Mercury Capri on a darkened road wishing now, in retrograde, we never took that on-ramp #poetry #vss365 #prompt #mercury

it was you it’s funny how the best get no notice and the worst gather reams of praise but it was you who made the recipe and followed it like a farmer ant caring for those treasured aphids before swiping all the honey #poetry #vss365 #vsspoem #recipe #prompt

Like a roaring wind bellowing across prairies temptation disarmed any hope of resistance -- a sly wink and a shrewd smile #poetry #tanka #vss365 #disarmed #prompt

cyclone the crime of the storm littered across the meadow waiting for the sun #poetry #vss365 #cyclone #haiku #prompt

poet’s repine tears amid turmoil cyclone of amphigory words scrawled off the page #poetry #senryu #vss365 #cyclone #prompt

rejuvenate step back from the #thoroughfare to watch the afternoon sun splice clouds while harried thoughts collapse the distance between now and innocence #poetry #prompt #vss365

the meeting names are different sonder-shaded soggy eyes spark satisfaction #poetry #haiku #vss365 #vssdaily #different #sonder #prompt

oh, the indignity wheezing lungs rounded belly balding head not you, too, teeth with this you’d think it difficult to #conjure a reason to proceed — but no, it’s not. #poetry #vss365

Expectation oh jangled flower prodded poked tousled alone no longer useful chipped vase won’t keep you erect even if it wanted to #poetry #poem #tanka

mirthy mergansers duck briefly under water the pond’s ice concedes #poetry #haiku #dailyhaikuprompt

it must mean something this climb to obscurity from ignominy #poetry #senryu

bewildering no time to read anymore no time for anything but talking trying to make it sound like you read a lot but somehow missed the point of everything that was written #poetry #freeverse #vss

sad little grunion twisting and squirming alone drawing lines in sand — oh the time is right #poetry #haiku

Tangled Emotions Mangled Perspective Emanating Rage #LuaViEr #prompt #Acrostic

Moving on grapes soft going bad not many as we once had — horizons beckon #poetry #haiku

Incitatus Satyr, satyress dancing on a pin angels wondering why it’s such a sin to mask all delight whist the table spins on just one mere whim. Currying fools should know so much better history repeats despite denials while smirking lackeys won’t admit folly but the horse neighs, knows. #poetry

Recluse The camera twirls as the sky swirls and the #silence curls at the edge of broken dreams. Lean back, you say, move out, move in forget the past as if that could be so easily undone. #poetry #vss365 #vsspoem

measuring up infuriating little marks so hard to read cut fast, curse at will #poetry #senryu

sweet cinnamon rolls stale on the kitchen table dunk them in coffee #poetry #senryu

days gone by like melting snow memories fade leaving a dripping nebulous mess never reforming into what they once were nor what they could never have been #poetry

in the moment blame the media but really it is yourselves who did the damage #poetry #vss365 #vsspoem #haiku

Unwritten letter Keeping in touch is important but without knowing how you are faring, well enough to absorb suffering, too poorly to hear of successes, it’s merely an #esoteric musing. #poetry #vss365 #vsspoem

when it works counting syllables on the fingers as the toes curl in pure #delight #poetry #vss365 #haiku

At the trough Cracked pumpkin lost its seeds long, long ago, but tail-twitchers jealously #guard it from flittering fliers looking for a break from the suet. When they all are away at night rats slip in to scratch out a morsel or two before #turning into the bleakness. #poetry #vsspoem #vss365

after party the year may be new but the chips are no longer #fresh and the dip has gone as wayward as your stale intentions to change for better, or worse yet is the reason we sit nibbling on our foibles instead of opening a new bag of gumption and get this place cleaned up. #poetry #vss365

Dear … Why am I constantly composing letters in my head that never will be written nor sent to those who don't want them, won't get them? What is the #prompt? that makes me want to come out on top of every fray, every slight, real or imagined, no matter how teensy or old. #poetry, #vss365

What happened? Who the hell wasn’t looking, or not paying attention to anything but details, while merrily the world passed by as gray hairs, dark wrinkles overshadowed disbelief, revealing tacit #tidings impossible to ignore. #poetry #vsspoem #tidings

sweet release adrift in the crowd pregnant with perceived purpose — splendid #solitude #poetry #vss365 #haiku

the purge there are more of them as each year passes those who are deleted from the contact list but not from memory to never again be called but sometimes recalled. #poetry

Poets’ day off Description delayed language #downcast reduced to grunting puns formed, forgiven, forgotten as a TV blares endless repetitive pleadings, forgotten as quickly as yesterday’s #idyllic breakfast. #poetry #vsspoem #vss365

Methodology poetry grains #glisten in a #shore of reflection then gnaw and gnash their way through a path of recognition worthy of consideration to construct into a nuance of significance. #poetry #vss365 #vsspoem

Fair enough it didn’t take long to figure #azure prizes went not to winners but to poseurs who learned to crowd the #wicket without complaint but were not above crowing afterward about the consequence #poetry #vss365 #vsspoem

willful naïveté never saw lava flow never knew guilt would grow never minded queues or p’s never thought there’d be days like these #poetry

silent night a #monochrome mood sneakily signaled the last of the holidaze #poetry #vss365 #vsspoem

the canker returns glistening, aching, spinning mistrust like warped #vinyl, digging a fresh crater, filling it in while waves of regret roll, roll, roll. #poetry #vss365 #vsspoetry

follow the crowd something to sell something to yell or just want to tell something to someone? refresh your verve like an #axolotl and press on against rigorous mathematics go where you can’t be crushed by the neglect of passing poets whose guidance can’t be ignored #poetry #vss365

Push the button It takes time to decide to push that button to post dreams. But not nearly as long as it takes to #overfit words, seeking a knowing #flurry of recognition that #mushrooms, momentarily, into satisfaction. Then, push that button and run, run like hell. #poetry #vssdaily #vss365

Uncomplicated Words, emotions are linchpins of an electronic tower of Babel that only poetry can deconstruct. #poetry

rooted I’d love to travel but fear going anywhere — I may not come back. #poetry

Commemoration When the past was raised, they glanced at each other risking an encouraging smile. But even in the deckled edge of memory, they knew it never could have been that simple, that serene. #poetry