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Inspired by the life, martyrdom, and legacy of Saint Oscar Romero.
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Christ's greatest concern is that we Christians be truly a living word, a light for the world, and salt for the earth (Matt 5.13) —St Oscar Romero, 1st Sunday of Lent (C), 1980

We must know how to judge these political realities and criticise them by Gospel standards —St Oscar Romero, 1st Sunday of Lent (C), 1980

Social justice is an interior attitude, like that of Christ who, being rich, became poor in order to be able to share his love with the poor (2 Cor 8.9) —St Oscar Romero, 1st Sunday of Lent (C),1980

On 6 March 1983, Pope John Paul II made a pastoral visit to El Salvador. Although it had not been included in the prepared schedule, he demanded to be taken to pray at Romero’s tomb in San Salvador Cathedral. St Oscar Romero, pray for us. St John Paul II, pray for us. #StOscarRomero

Let Lent be a season for love and charity and participation. Let us use our Lent especially to seek reconciliation with our enemies. Let us learn how to forgive and how to prepare ourselves to be raised up in love with Christ when Easter comes —St Oscar Romero, Lent 1980

We are living in a dark night, but Christians can discern beyond the night the glow of dawn, and they carry in their hearts the hope that never fails. Christ walks by our side! Let us not fear! —St Oscar Romero #StOscarRomero

Hope encourages us to create here earthly reflections of the beauty, the justice, and the love of God’s kingdom —St Oscar Romero #StOscarRomero

We are a community of hope —St Oscar Romero #StOscarRomero

On the Feast of St David, Patron of Wales. Aspire not to have more, but to be more. —Saint Oscar Romero #StOscarRomero

Hope is what keeps alive our desire to collaborate with God. Hope is what gives us the assurance that if we do our part, God will do his part —St Oscar Romero, November 1979 #StOscarRomero #Hope #Jubilee

Hope encourages us to create here earthly reflections of the beauty, the justice, and the love of God’s kingdom —St Oscar Romero, November 1979 #StOscarRomero #Hope #Jubilee

Hope is not a passive attitude... human beings were meant to be shapers of history... to collaborate with the Father, waiting on him, and committing themselves wholeheartedly to his timing and to his will —St Oscar Romero, November 1979 #StOscarRomero #Hope #Jubilee

Next month marks the 45th anniversary of the martyrdom of Archbishop Romero. Services are taking place across England. More details at

The Church has made a preferential option for the poor and she can be the true Church only if she is converted and commits herself to the poor and suffering people —St Oscar Romero, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980

Our power comes from prayer and from conversion to God —St Oscar Romero, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980. Read/listen #StOscarRomero

Beloved youth, you are clear signs of God’s presence, just like the poor! —St Oscar Romero, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C). Read/listen #StOscarRomero

The poor are constantly crying out, denouncing not only social injustice but also the scant generosity of our own Church —St Oscar Romero, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C). Read/listen

On today’s feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, an image of a young St Oscar Romero, praying the rosary at Lourdes. Archbishop John Wilson has created the Romero Mysteries which focus on the subjects of charity, compassion and mercy, and Justice and Peace. Find out more:

How extraordinary it is to think that at any time we want, we can have an audience with God! How wonderful it is to think that whenever I recollect myself in prayer, God is waiting for me and listening to me! —St Oscar Romero, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980 #StOscarRomero

In order to be authentic, faith must be involved in the realities of the world, but it must always remain faith in Jesus Christ —St Oscar Romero, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980 #StOscarRomero

Blessed are those who encounter God... in simple prayer, quiet petition, and personal reflection —St Oscar Romero, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980. Read/listen #StOscarRomero

My great desire, dear sisters and brothers, is that, as the fruit of this preaching today, each of us will have a true encounter with God and will experience the joy of our majesty and our smallness! —St Oscar Romero, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980

There is no homily from Saint Oscar Romero this weekend. At this time in 1980, Archbishop Romero travelled to Rome and then onto Louvain, Belgium, to receive an honorary doctorate on 2 February.

As President Donald Trump moves to expel migrants unauthorized to be in the U.S., a group of Catholic Salvadoran mothers warn that deportees could suffer the same fate as their sons and daughters: sent to prison for months or years after being returned to the country.

This is the mission of Christ: to bring good news to the poor, to those who receive only bad news, to those who receive only abuse from the powerful, to those who can only watch the riches that delight others pass them by. It is for these that the Lord comes —St Oscar Romero

The best microphone of God is Christ, and the best microphone of Christ is the Church, and the Church is all of you! —St Oscar Romero, 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980 #StOscarRomero

Since the Church is born of the Gospel, the Church becomes the messenger of the Gospel. The Church is evangelised in order to evangelise —St Oscar Romero, 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980 #StOscarRomero

Reading the Gospel is not like reading an ordinary book. Rather it fills us with faith and makes Jesus Christ come alive as the revelation of the Father —St Oscar Romero, 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980 #StOscarRomero

The word of God is not about times past but is a living word and spirit that is being fulfilled here and now. That is why we must try to apply God's eternal message to the concrete circumstances of the people —St Oscar Romero, 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980 #StOscarRomero

Jesus Christ and the Gospel are not two different things. The Gospel is not a biography of Christ. For Saint Paul, ‘the Gospel is the living power of God’ (Romans 1:16) —St Oscar Romero, 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980 #StOscarRomero

Let everyone be an expression of the love that God has for us as Father for he wants us all to be like sisters and brothers —St Oscar Romero, 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980 #StOscarRomero

Mary is the most marvellous combination of faith and action, and that is what every Catholic should be as well: a marvellous combination both of human values and of faith that trusts completely in God —St Oscar Romero, 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980 #StOscarRomero

Like Mary at the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee, let us have faith that Christ is present in the midst of our problems… Christ will work that miracle for us if we collaborate with him —St Oscar Romero, 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980 #StOscarRomero

Our coming together for Sunday Mass should be characterised by the joy of finding ourselves in the company of this God who loves us. We should be singing and participating joyfully —St Oscar Romero, 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980. Read/listen…

Our God is not a sad God. He is a God of joyful fiestas and festivals. In the hearts of those who have faith there is no room for pessimism —St Oscar Romero, 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980

We must all be willing to share with one another what we are and what we have —St Oscar Romero, 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), 1980. Read/listen

‘Let us not tire of preaching love, for this is the force that will overcome the world.’ Today’s Daily Meditation focuses on St Oscar Romero, preacher of love and justice. Read the reflection, and sign up to their daily meditations, at:

It’s not a question of asking for bread and then remaining passive; we must work, but we must also pray —St Oscar Romero, Baptism of the Lord (C), 1980. Read/listen #StOscarRomero #Prayer #Action

Violence is a retreat from civilization; it is an expression of the primitive instinct of those who are unable or unwilling to follow the paths of reasonable dialogue —St Oscar Romero, Baptism of the Lord (C), 1980 #StOscarRomero

Our mission now is to carry Christ to all parts of the world and to be his epiphany and his revelation —St Oscar Romero, Baptism of the Lord (C), 1979. Read/listen #StOscarRomero

If I am truly just, I must condemn injustices, even those of my friends —Baptism of the Lord (C), 1980. Read/listen to the whole homily

We have much to give because God is in each one of us —St Oscar Romero, Epiphany 1980. Read/listen #StOscarRomero #Epiphany

We all have a place in history, and we realise our own personalities by recognising that place and developing ourselves there. Let us seek our happiness by always asking what God desires of us —St Oscar Romero, Epiphany 1980

The Feast of the Epiphany illuminates the whole world with the brightness of the sun —St Oscar Romero, Epiphany 1980. Read/listen

Let us descend today, as the Magi did, to our inner selves, and there we will find Christ, in our hearts —St Oscar Romero, Epiphany (C), 1980. Read/listen

Like the Magi, ask yourselves: “Is this my star? Where is the full realisation of my life? Where does the Lord want me?” —St Oscar Romero, Epiphany (C), 1980. Read/listen

God does not want us to be unhappy. God does not want weeping that is the fruit of injustice and assaults on human dignity —St Oscar Romero, 31 December 1979. Read/listen #StOscarRomero

Let us look with serenity toward God despite the instability of our times. God exists. God will not abandon us. God walks with us. God has come —St Oscar Romero, 31 December 1979. Read/listen…