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■Just an office worker who loves piano. ■Kanagawa Japan
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日向さんは4着回避率のタイトルのためには最低あと2戦出る必要がある。 そこを1ラスに抑えれば95%でタイトル獲得。 2ラスだと90%、太🐽と仲林🥔が91%前後で並ぶけど、そうなると出場数が少ない(=分母が少ない)日向さんは不利。 今後の予定見てて気づいたけど、アベマズの残り10戦は全部ドリブンズと同卓。一方でパイレーツとは3/10(月)で最後。パイレーツvsドリブンズもその10日で最後。だいぶ偏ってる。 …けどそんなことはどうでもいい、100%達成して伝説を作ってほしい🥺

昔ヤマト運輸で働いていた頃の話。エリアマネージャーという、支店長に経営方針などを指導、助言する役職が新設されたんだけど、すでに課長という似た立場の人がいて支店長を監督していたし、現場の営業所の経営責任は支店長にあるので、権限も責任も無いけどなんとなく気を遣わなければいけない、エリアマネージャーと呼ばれる人が偉いただ増えた、というややこしい状況になっていた。 今のイーロンマスクが同じ状況だなーと、見ていて昔の事を思い出した。本人は改革の旗振り役のつもりなのかもしれないけど、権限はない。本当にただ旗を振っているだけ。

今宵のD介はビーストだった🐺🐾 すごい昔だけど彼の本を買ったことがある。それも麻雀じゃなくて将棋の三間飛車の本で、他にも何冊か振り飛車の本を買って、美濃囲い、開戦のタイミング、”捌き”という発想、四間飛車穴熊も面白そう、そこらへんだけ覚えて、人生で初めて親父に勝った記憶がある…。なのでD介めっちゃ応援してる👍Mリーグ参戦当初より明らかにうまくなってるし。




明日のMリーグ好ゲーム待ったなしなんだけど、不幸にも会社にPC置きっぱなしだから出社なんだよなー。帰宅して風呂って9時前とか🥲まあ第一試合は終わってるよね。 打牌が遅い白鳳や堀ぽよが第一試合出たらワンチャン南3くらいから見れるかもしれない。寿人だったら終わってる💥 てか特定のチームじゃなくてみんな応援したい場合はどうすればいいんだ。

European leaders have reiterated their support for Ukraine🇺🇦 On the other hand the 🇯🇵 PM said that "It was a bit unexpected turn of events, and seemed to be rather emotional. We need empathy and endurance on diplomacy for the peace". Huh, OK I agree. But I...uh, everybody knows such a thing😂🌷🌼

Trump's goal should not have been to get Zelensky to thank the US. So the incident was probably either a performance to discredit Ukraine or he simply couldn't control his emotions. In any case it seems there is no much difference between a summit meeting and a reality show for him😂

堀ぽよが日に日に暗くなっていて悲しい。勝利への執念、それもただ勝つんじゃなくてあのチームで勝つんだっていう意識を凄い感じる。しかしチームは日に日に沈んでいってまもなくゲームセットという。 これからは徐々に条件戦になっていくので、下のチームは無理を承知で押さなきゃいけなくなるし、勝ってるチームは落ち着いて戦っていれば下位チームが勝手に放銃してくれる、そんな展開になりがち🥺

Many people is starting to play Monster Hunter Wilds all at once in Japan, but I passed. I enjoyed Iceborne for what it was, but I don't feel like collecting ingredients again and fighting deja vu wyverns. Well, I have other reason though. Anyway it's enough to watch someone playing on YouTube.


The U.S. had a duty as a firewall to protect the world from some crazy countries, and that's why it was relied upon by so many people and kept being the world's greatest power🦸‍♂️ But now, not only has it abandoned that, it has turned to the side of the crazies🙄

Have there been too many airplane accidents lately? My brother and his family are coming to Japan next month and I'm worried😣




I thought Donald Trump was a president of the US but apparently he is just a messenger of Putin📣 I have never seen such a pathetic president ever. Well, our PM is not better though🙄

I can't get the fixed comment on YouTube to show up correctly lately. Is anyone else having the same situation?😥






Apparently my father bought a Yaris SUV🚙 He previously said he did not like its design and also said he would look for a new car with my brother. Actually my brother lives in 🇨🇦 with his family and will come to Japan next month. But the delivery date is May. He will have gone back home before that🙄


Harland is really a fun player to watch. It looks like a bulldozer with a Ferrari engine. I'd love to see him win the championship again while De-brine is his teammate, but it looks like they're not going to make it this year...?🥺

I can't wait to see through that how the guy elected president will necrotic the world and that people has tried to protect💣🎊😂 That said, everything he does will maybe end as mere performances though🥱

I always see people killing time while swiping through short videos on the train, restaurant, anywhere. But few people look having fun🥱 We should realize it does not provide us pleasant time at least. Nothing but wasting of time. I doubt whether TikTok really threatens the national security though😒

Lately I have the urge to play contrabass for some reason🎻

Can anyone teach me how to correctly pronounce "yield"?😂

最近Mリーグを見ていて、全然強くないうちが見ても明らかに変と思う打牌がある。実際、厳しい意見も増えてるように感じる。 既存のプロ団体が、業界とプロ達の地位向上にどこまで真剣に取り組んできたのかは知らない。でも数十年間、プロになってもなかなか食えない世界だったのを、全部ひっくり返して人気コンテンツにしたのはMリーグな訳で、そのMがもし100%実力主義で各団体のA1の男達を集めて開幕していても、今ほどの人気は出なかったに違いない。 その上で、そろそろ実力面でのハードルが必要だと思う。別にいいじゃん契約満了しても。また努力して勝ちあがって別チームで復帰、とか全然いいと思う。むしろ見てみたい。

On New Year's Day, I drew a fortune named "Omikuzi" for the first time in my life as my English teacher wanted to know it. It's Chu-kichi, the second best result. Says that it is good for me to live with someone but do not move out. Isn't it difficult?

I'm going home to my parents from today until Jan 2. Yesterday I was fed up with my father who tried to get involved in a pyramid scheme, but now that I don't care no longer. Now I just want to play the piano until I'm exhausted. So anyway have a good new year.

My father shared with me an advertisement and said that it was a seminar of ChatGPT, but I panicked and stopped him because I was certain that it was a pyramid scheme. Is he really qualified to be interested in AI? I am sure he must learn about the Internet literacy first of all.


I changed my company PC to Win 11, but 10 was much better😑 The inability to move the taskbar sucks and the top and bottom margins of the Explorer font are too wide that it reduces the amount of information, making things very stressful. This is defective. If it were a car, it would be recalled💢💢