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It's a bizarre hybrid based on picolove project. Pico8 palette and api but with all the memory and cpu cycles available for love2d. All this bacause I've got huge levels with sth like 200k objects
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thx. these are p8scii control codes \^1 is wait 1 frame so basically a flip() call, \^c0 is cls(), finally \^!5f11 sets palette with green gradient. here's docs and here's a great palette tool
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maybe this year... maybe not
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h-=1 if(h>0)g=a-0.6 a-=(((a-g+.5)%1)-.5)/20 add(p,{x,y,h,u,v}) if(h<=-30and pget(x+u*4,y+v*4)>0)h=30 end goto _
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p={} x=64 y=64 a=0 g=0 h=0 ::_:: ?"\^1\^c0\^!5f11▒⬇️3⬅️;⌂:♥" for k in all(p)do pset(k[1],k[2],min(pget(k[1],k[2])+1+max(k[3]),8)) k[3]-=1 k[1]-=k[5] k[2]+=k[4] end for i=1,80do if(#p>128*8)deli(p,1) u=cos(a)/2 v=sin(a)/2 x=(x+u)%127 y=(y+v)%127 if(rnd()<.1)g=rnd()
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fillp(▒\1)r=rnd::_::?"\^1\^c0\^!5f11█✽●?" for a=0,1,.0033do y=64+cos(a)\.03+sin(t()/4)\.5srand(t()\.1+y)x=48+8*sin(a+a)+r(2)k=min(4,2+sin(a)^2*6)/(2-a\.5)if(y~=l)line(x,y,x+32,y,k+(k+.5)\1*16)l=y x+=6if(r()<.1)for i=0,32do x+=r()pset(x,y-6+r(6),max(pget(x,y)-1))end end goto _
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for me that was The Control by Coma, a 1996 demo that had strong message with simple effects based on just video loops and some postprocessing. however, that was not a postcart but full demo.
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r=rnd::_::srand()?"\^1\^c0\^!5f11⬇️3;0█░4" for i=0,720do x=20+i/8if(i%8<1)z=r(8)d=abs(64-x)?"|",x,59,4+r(3)*(1-d/99) circ(x+r(4),56-z+r(6),1,3-d/16+r(2))pset(59+x/48,64-z-(t()+i)%7,r(4)+7)x+=r(8)q=64+i%16k=pget(x,128-q)f=sin(t()/2+i/99)*3line(x-f,q,x+f,q,k-min(k%4,1))end goto _
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'w' was z's brother, lazy and always avoiding work. it stuck around just for the family photo
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local u,v,x,y,z,c,w,d ::_:: ?"\^1\^c0\^!5f11☉⬅️♥😐><" h=t() for o=0,2do poke(24414,(1<<o)+0xf0) for a=0,1,.001 do d=sin(h/8+o/25) u=cos(a+h/6+d/8)v=sin(a) w=cos(d+2*a)z=sin(d+2*a+h/8) x=64+u*(48+d*8)y=64+z*(16+d*16) if((a<<8)&8>0)z=-z u=-u line(x,y,x-z*8,y+u*8,7) end end goto _
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function g(x,y,a,b,d,p,q)p=x+d*cos(a-b)q=y+d*sin(a-b)for i=-d,d,16do line(x+i/24,y,p+i/32,q)if(rnd()<d/16)g(p,q,a+i/rnd{-1,1}*.004,b*(1.2+d/64),d*.7)end m+=3poke4(m,$m%256+rnd(6)+2)?".",$m,m/3%99 end::_::m=0?"\^1\^c0" srand()g(50,99,.2,sin(t()/2)*(1+sin(.1-t()/3)/2)/64,30)goto _
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b=7c=0d=0 ::r:: a,b,c,d={},c,b,d+.25 cls(b) ::_:: if(rnd(32)<#a+4)add(a,{rnd(128),rnd(128),rnd(),2}) if(#a>128)goto r for l in all(a)do l[1]+=cos(d)/4 l[2]+=sin(d)/4 l[3]+=.0003 l[4]*=1.1 x=l[1] y=l[2] u=cos(l[3])*l[4] v=sin(l[3])*l[4] line(x+u,y+v,x-u,y-v,c) end flip() goto _
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::_::d=-44*sin(t()/8)?"\^1\^c0\^!5f11🐱░49" srand(1)for x=64,2,-1do pset(x,rnd(48)+31,rnd{2,8})for y=-1,63do k=y-x&x+y c=(x<7or x>119)and y&1or(x<16or x>110or y<8or y>54)and(k&1)+2+max(x&7,y&7)\7or(k&6)+2>>1u=x pset(126-u,y+32,c)if(u+y<d)u,y=d-y,d-u pset(u,y+32,c)end end goto _
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oh, now I see why my father never took me to greggs. it must have been avoiding the temptation of the drunken violence.
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Don't know Greggs
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0x5f10 is a palette address but i have a habit to optimize and skip the first byte which is often zero. yeah, you could change it at runtime but probably not in postcarts
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::_:: ?"\^1\^c0\^!5f11██🐱░49:♥7" for y=0,127,2do for f=-1,1,2do line(64,y,64,y,0) k=64 for x=0,127,16do u=x/512*f+t()/8v=y>>8g=v e=0for i=1,3do g*=2e+=.7^i*(sin(g*u/v/2+sin(g/2)/2)+sin(g))end d=abs(e)*2 line(k,y,k+d*f-f-f,y,d+d) k+=d*f end end end goto _
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wonderful game!
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it's similar to zx spectrum 8x8 font
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very nice blood footprints
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owl my god!
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arrow keys layout is even weirder that QAOP control scheme in zx spectrum games
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r,o,s=rnd,line,sin::_::?"\^1\^c7" f=t()srand()for i=0,20do x=r(24)+48y=r(16)+86a=r()d=.3+s(a+f+s(a*.7-f/6)^2/3)/19o(x,y,x,y,0)l=r{0,0,15}for j=0,l do u=cos(d)v=s(d)x+=u*3y+=v*3d*=.94o(x,y)end for j=7-l\2,7do u*=.9v*=.9x+=u*2y+=v*2e=j%2*2-1o(x+(u-v*e)*2,y+(v+u*e)*2)end end goto _
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s=sin::_::w=t()cls()srand()for y=4,128,4do x=rnd(120) for j=-3,3,3do f=x+y/7+w+j*2h=.5-abs(j)/16m=.2 for k=1,2do a=s(w/4*k+f/32)/8m+=s(a)/cos(a)/12end e=x+j f=y for k=1,3,.1do m*=.96e+=h*cos(m)f+=h*s(m)pset(e,f)end ?"+",e+99*j,f-2 end x+=99pset(w*x%128,y*3+s(w)*2)end flip()goto _