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Cleveland birder. Love tubenoses and birds of prey. Local patch Sleddale
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Nice day on the moors included male Brambling & 15 Whooper Swans at Lockwood Beck, plus adult Peregrine, female Hen Harrier, female Merlin and 2 Barn Owls elsewhere

Water Pipit still around the muck heap at Cowbar today along with Rock Pipits, Meadow Pipits and Pied Wagtails. So much food in this little eco-system!

Despite the overcast coldish conditions this morning Goshawks were displaying in the Rosedale / Cropton area. Also Red Kite, Barn Owl & Green Woodpecker

At least 20 Russian White-fronts in field opposite BP Garage at Scaling Dam with Grey-lags.

A grey day on the NYoors brightened up by a distant "cronking". A quick scan located a Raven sitting on a post c1.5 miles away across the valley! It was soon joined by it's mate (they are never far apart) and after a bit of mucking about on the ground flew off together.

A great day for raptors and a lovely walk in the northern North York Moors today produced Ringtail Hen Harrier, Red Kite & Peregrine

6 Whooper Swans (originally 5) still 0.5 miles south of Liverton on east side of road

Damian's very smart Water Pipit still at Cowbar with about half a dozen Rock Pipits. Also Barn Owl

A group of 13 Crossbills in Kildale Woods this morning in murky conditions

Merlin hunting coastal fields at Marske this am

Plenty to see on North Tees Marshes today despite the frozen water bodies. Highlights Common & Green Sandpiper, Greenshank, Spoonbill, 2 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 2 Egyptian Geese, Twite, 2 Short-eared Owls, Kingfisher and 6+ Water Pipits

Adult Peregrine hunting Marske coastal fields today. Also adult Med Gull.

Red-necked Grebe and two Great Northern Divers at South Gare this am

Nice to watch a pair of Ravens beginning to display on the North York Moors this morning

At least 2 Velvet Scoter in Common Scoter flock off Marske Stray. Also Red-necked Grebe showed really well on Bran Sands with Long-tailed Duck flying out of the river mouth. Very few divers around! #nebirding

Don't see them very often around Great Ayton so it was nice to watch a group of six Grey Partridges feeding quietly in the field just behind my house #teesbirds

It's a funny old game. You spend much of the day driving around the North York Moors looking for birds of prey and see virtually nothing. Then see a ringtail Hen Harrier late afternoon just a few miles from home! #teesbirds

Ringtail Hen Harrier showed really well at back of Holme Fleet, Cowpen Marsh late morning. Also single Great Egret and juv Marsh Harrier #Teesbirds

Pair of Ravens on the moors just outside the Cleveland boundary today. This impressive "cronking" corvid is a great addition to the local avifauna. #NEbirding #Teesbirds

River Leven Great Ayton to Stokesley - 2 Little Egrets, singing Dipper, Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail & 34 Golden Plover

Cold morning watching Little Auks moving north at Hartlepool Headland, with a surprise adult Pomarine Skua north mid-morning and a Long-tailed Duck in a small flock of Teal. A group of nine Pintail moved south into the estuary at the end of the session.

2 Great Northern Divers past Hartlepool Headland early morning, one in full summer plumage going north. Also 2 Velvet Scoter north, an adult Med Gull, single Little Auk and rather surprisingly c200 Kittiwakes moving north in small groups #NEbirding

3 Velvet Scoter off Redcar cinema and male Merlin hunting coastal fields at Marske late afternoon #NEbirding