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Outreach and research centre devoted to encouraging the widest possible participation in historical study and debate.
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A few places remain! Decolonization’s Discontents: Unfinished Revolutions in the Age of Independence Dr Elisabeth Leake 6/3/2025

Come and hear ‘Decolonization’s Discontents: Unfinished Revolutions in the Age of Independence’, from Dr Elisabeth Leake 6 March 2025, London E1 Book here

Did you know that we're partnered with the Raphael Samuel History Centre? Follow them to keep an eye on their upcoming lectures and reading groups! ✊🗃

Have you read Amitav Ghosh’s 'The Great Derangement'? Or Peter Frankopan’s 'The Earth Transformed'? Discuss with us at RSHC on Tuesday 25 Feb, 6.00 pm, London WC1 Free but registration is essential. Find information here

Decolonization’s Discontents: Unfinished Revolutions in the Age of Independence Elisabeth Leake (Tufts) Thurs 6 March 2025, London E1, followed by a reception

Join us to discuss William Cronin’s Uncommon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in Nature and Caroline Merchant’s Science and Nature: Past, Present and Future 20 Jan Bloomsbury

🗓️Wednesday 22 January at 6.30pm🗓️ In the week of #DonaldTrump's inauguration, join Kim Darroch, and Dr James Ellison from to explore what his presidency might hold for Britain's foreign policy and the ‘Special Relationship’. 🔗

Interested in Dipesh Chakrabarty’s ‘The Climate of History in a Planetary Age’ or Katheryn Yusoff’s ‘A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None’ ? Environment and History reading group Starts 6 Dec, London Free & open to all

Have you read Katheryn Yusoff’s 'A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None'? Or Dipesh Chakrabarty’s 'The Climate of History in a Planetary Age'? Come and discuss with us. Friday 6 Dec 3pm Birkbeck, London

Have you read Katheryn Yusoff’s A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None? Or Dipesh Chakrabarty’s The Climate of History in a Planetary Age? Come and discuss with us. Friday 6 Dec 3pm Birkbeck, London

CANCELLED: The Coal in Violence: How One Swedish Working-Class Writer Predicted Global Warming in 1928 (Andreas Malm), 7 November. We hope that this event will be rescheduled. Join our mailing list to get the latest information.

Only two weeks to go! The Coal in Violence: How One Swedish Working-Class Writer Predicted Global Warming in 1928 with Andreas Malm (author of ‘How to Blow Up A Pipeline’) 7 November, London Followed by a reception Book here Raphael Samuel Memorial Lecture 2024

Raphael Samuel Memorial Lecture Andreas Malm traces intersecting paths of subaltern wilderness politics & early climate science in the Swedish movement of working-class literature The Coal in Violence 7 Nov, London

Newsflash, 1928! Swedish working-class novelist warns about climatic effects of large-scale coal combustion! Join us for the Raphael Samuel Memorial Lecture 2024 'The Coal in Violence', a lecture by Andreas Malm 7 November, Birkbeck, London. Book here

The Coal in Violence: How One Swedish Working-Class Writer Predicted Global Warming in 1928 Come to Andreas Malm's public lecture 7 Nov, London. Followed by a reception. In person only Raphael Samuel Memorial Lecture 2024 Free and open to all; booking essential

How did a working-class writer predict global warming in 1928? Andreas Malm (How to Blow Up A Pipeline) discusses British histories of coal intertwined with Swedish working-class literature. 7 November, London, free and open to all

How did a working-class writer predict global warming in 1928? Andreas Malm (How to Blow Up A Pipeline) discusses British histories of coal intertwined with Swedish working-class literature 7 Nov, London, free

Andreas Malm will deliver the 2024 Raphael Samuel Memorial Lecture Thursday 7 November, Birkbeck, University of London More information to follow soon

Call for Papers: British History Today (May 2025) What might a history of Britain and the world which speaks to the problems of our current world look like? What new histories need writing? What could be a renewed history of modern Britain? Cfp deadline 24/1/25 see

What makes waste 'archaeological', and who has the authority to make such a decision? Join the discussion. Ancient and Modern Waste: Archaeological Knowledge Production in Contemporary Jerusalem 15 May, Bloomsbury Book here

Join Gilda Zazzara and Nico Pizzolato for a talk about 1970s Italian education experiments and their resonance with the History Workshops and Ruskin College. 17 April, 5.00pm, at Birkbeck, University of London. In person, followed by a reception. Book here

Join us to celebrate the launch of 'Workshop of the World: Essays in people’s history', Raphael Samuel (ed John Merrick) 12 February 6.00pm, London WC1E 7JL. Followed by a reception. The book will be discussed by Sally Alexander and John Merrick. Register here (

On Direct Action 14-15 Feb London Two days of creative performances, workshops, film screenings and talks bring organisers, activists, scholars and artists together to consider the past, present and possible futures of direct action. Info

Celebrate with Úna Gan a Gúna at the Irish Cultural Centre in London on 1 Feb 2024. Talk with us about Irish women's stories & oral histories. Just don't expect us to know anything about the 5th century!

This Was Forever and In Our Hands: film screening and roundtable discussion, 19/1, 6.00pm Birkbeck Cinema, WC1H 0PD Free. Book here Two short films about collective farming projects, urban development, and the consequences of the modern economy.

The Radical 1970s Saturday 9 December from 9.00am London WC1E Free, no need to book. Information here

The Radical 1970s: race, class and resistance; music, counterculture, radical consciousness and more. This Saturday 9 December, Bloomsbury, London Free. Information here

Screening this Friday: film Entroterra reconstructs the recent processes of depopulation in distinct locations, exploring the abandonment and emptying of mountain regions in Italy. 8th December, 6.00pm Free film screening. Birkbeck, London WC1H Booking

Join us on 8 Dec: free screening of Entroterra, a film that explores the abandonment and emptying of mountain regions in Italy. Entroterra: memorie e desideri delle montagne minori/ Hinterlands: memories and desires for the minor mountains. Book here

What were the connections between cultural and political radicalisms in the 1970s? The Radical 1970s, Saturday 9 December, Bloomsbury, London. Free, all welcome. More information here

Subversion and sexuality, feminism and women’s liberation, race, class, Punk: the Radical 1970s Join us on 9 December. More information here

Join the Rent Cultures Network to explore landlord/tenant relation as a structuring force in everyday life. Launch event ‘Writing Rent Now’, 24 November 6.15pm, London E1

Call for Proposals. On Direct Action: or, how (not) to blow up an observatory Closing date for proposals Friday 1 December 2023. More info here Queen Mary, University of London and Royal Observatory, Royal Museums Greenwich with the Raphael Samuel History Centre

Interested in histories of disability? Join us for 'Touching the Past: questions, methods and approaches to the history of blindness'. 20 November, 6.00pm, Bloomsbury More information here

Re-sounding the East End 16 November 6.30pm London E1. Free Curators and historians discuss their sound art installation in the context of the East End's social and public history. Info and booking here

Join poets, nurses and researchers to explore young people's experiences of nursing care, past and present. 17 November, online and in person. More information and booking here