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Writer (Clear Green in Dade County & Dog Days of Summer), hiker, Granddad (Capo), movie extra (Captain Fantastic- Oscar winner), student guitarist, FIU - BBA year '81
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The bell above the door tinkled as he opened it. The emporium was as vast as it was unusual. It blossomed out into a five pronged star shape with small cubicles at its points. A susurruss drew him to one of the specialized spaces. Entranced, he walked in & became a part of the susurruss. #vss365

A mannequin Displayed in an #emporium I float suspended Life rolls on by Pretty little pieces of magic Swirl ahead around me & I’m not there I need you to pull me out But you’re elsewhere Not needing to shop For a cheap doll like me #vss365 #satsplat #unrequitedLove

Bob and Nora strolled through the bustling market. "Every #emporium has so many interesting things to look at," Bob said, holding an antique clock. It made him think of his father who sadly passed away. He had an extensive collection of old photographs and clocks. #vss365

Write. Create. Be inspired. The #2WordPrompt for 01-MAR-25 is: Speed & Ready #Prompt

It was a station known only as The #Emporium. A place where merchants from around the five systems could gather and trade goods they could find rarely anywhere else, both legal and illicit. Dylan traded here, sometimes, but today, he had other bargains to find. Star charts for a big job. #vss365

At the football game, Bob noticed Nora was an #outlier among the crowd with her handmade banner with red letters. She wished it would attract the camera's focus, allowing them to be featured on the TV broadcast. Bob would be so excited if his coworkers saw him. #vss365

Often I ponder You an #outlier being Just out of reach Real Or a Figment of my imagination But then I know with my own eyes There is night there is day, yeah Angels walk on earth, such awe & wonder #vss365

#vss365 on uncommon ground narcoleptic farmer out- lying in his field #outlier

For the past 6 mos, the inhabitants of Earth had observed the sun transition from yellow to a deep hue of red. That red was now becoming black.The clouds above began to shape into a circle & ascend higher in the sky. Their eyes traced the contours of the round clouds. A panic fell upon them. #vss365

Bob and Nora sat on the sofa during a commercial break on TV. Bob traced the #contours of Nora's face with his hand. "Every line is beautiful," he said, regretting his choice of words instantly. Nora wanted to roll her eyes, but the sincerity in his eyes stopped her. #vss365

The pull of gravity Lost its hold on me I’m rising up To the aether Clearly I’ve Lost my mind Hope is shining Me a ladder Made from Connecting stars To the #contour Of your body of light #vss365

Write. Create. Be inspired. The #2WordPrompt for 27-FEB-25 is: Fruit & Sharp #Prompt

Rory followed the #contour of the mountain, circling above the horde of goblins that seemed to mass at the bottom. He tried to avoid them as best he could because these goblins weren’t bothering anyone, they were just in the way. A secret temple lay within their lands, ready to plunder. #vss365

This was a new type of ship, one Dylan had never seen before and he had fallen in love with it. It was no Magpie, but then, nothing was. But this ship was beautiful. Every sleek line, every #contour designed to evoke a technological lust for it. It probably flew like a pig, though. #vss365

She was gentle, soft even, but the #contours of her body disguised jagged edges within; damage created by years of harshness; the only world she had known. The padding on her bones a subconscious protection that now she finally was starting to feel safe she realised she wanted to release. #vss365

“Lord of Chaos” Art by me for March’s upcoming #SciFanSat issue and its theme of CHAOS! Writers, 21 days remain until submissions are due on March 20th. Full details on our landing page at! #SFF #AmWritingScifi #AmWritingFantasy #WritingPrompts

That #contour is unmistakable, sleek, powerful, terrifying. If she sees you first, which is always the case, this pint-sized demon will nuzzle her cold wet nose against your neck. Beware. #vss365

you pull the chain & collapse. the dark room is interrupted by the overhead gently swinging. you compose your thoughts in ink so thick it casts a walking shadow over each kerning. the letters #contour into words, the words into substance; & you lose your mind on a page no one will ever read #vss365

The #contour Of pure evil Woven into His-Story You label us “Subhuman” Yet your acts Lack empathy Your own folks Loathe and fear you Yet they’re scared, So let you be… But it’s time All True Humans End your hateful Tenantry #vss365

As we age the #contours of our bodies change. I’m reminded of the Riddle of the Sphinx: What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening? It’s man: baby crawling, adult, old age. I’m now in the evening phase because I walk with a cane. #vss365

I speak in shapes A geometry of words, Yet your #contours I can’t define. An image in my mind That I can’t describe, You are the essence of a being Undefined by rules. You are the shape I live by You are the thing I can’t describe. #vss365 #prompt #writing #writingcommunity #poem #writer #amwriting

His last meal had been eaten, or at least partially. His appetite for his bacon cheeseburger & fries had diminished as the ticking clock counted down to the "event". He sat on the edge of the bed anxiously waiting during the interim of the prayer by the pastor & his walk to the chair. #vss365

Bob was already a bit late for work. He quickly ate a bowl of cereal and had to skip reading the newspaper. "I expected this #interim before I head out to be a bit more peaceful," he mumbled. Nora got Bob his work boots and told him that the clock was ticking. #vss365

On a river named #interim Doubt sails, that’s me Swimming just to fail maybe Need to start fast walking To stop all of doubts talking In this cold dark meantime Of tingling numb #vss365

Much had happened in the #interim since Dylan had last visited the colony and it seemed things had not gone well for the people scraping a meagre living on the desolate planet. Raiders. They struck with irregular impunity and the colonists had little defence against them. But Dylan did. #vss365

Write. Create. Be inspired. The #2WordPrompt for 26-FEB-25 is: Soap & Solve #Prompt

ebullient life trusting the brief interim butterfly drifts by #haikuchallenge #ebullient #vss365 #interim #haiku 🖼️ Pinterest

#inkMine #soft I memorised them— soft lines of your hand trails that lead to you #senryu #poetry #poem

Love how my brain now has a feature where I see something online that makes furious, formulating responses, memes, dopamine rush and then the brain goes: “Meh. Let’s go read about how much people love Discworld instead.” 😅 #Superpower

#BraveWrite #vss365 #Poetry #Writing & All: I’m Sick~BBS~ In the #interim👇 “I hope there are days when your coffee tastes like magic, your playlist makes you dance, strangers make you smile, and the night sky touches your soul. I hope you fall in love with being alive again.” ~author unknown L, A

We upload our consciousness when we are dying. As our clones reach maturity, the consciousness is downloaded and we live on, our greatest achievement: immortality. The Box, the #interim mind that manages the transfer, has now collected enough fragments that it believes it, too, has a soul. #vss365

middle ages the interim between bathroom visits #vss365 #senryu

Our #interim home was warm & dry.The tempest outside was muted & distant. "Let's form a plan,"Apep said."What do we need to gather?" "Integrated circuits, diodes, transistors, transformers & Plutonium-238,"I said. "Where in Bermuda can we find Plutonium?"Kevin thought. #vss365

In the interim, just breathe. #7syllablesentence #vss365 #interim

DISCWORLD X HITCH HIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY X CARRY ON MOVIES When a mysterious book suddenly appears, bringing chaos in its wake, it falls to a terrifyingly polite witch, an almost potty-mouthed druid and a ninety-year old teenaged mage to stop some vaguely apocalyptic … thing. #WSPit #F #Hu

I this #interim an endless stream of thoughts searching for a switch to shut it off nothing holds it back the futility brings endless nights oh, cursed endless thoughts when will you grant me grace the peace in my mind my sacred sleep. *R🖤 #vss365 #poetry #writingcommunity #bravewriting

looks like wrinkles feels like ripening #DailyHaikuPrompt (ripen) #prompt

#Forsooth There is #Frith When we step forth Arms wide open from our youth We fly on the wings of love fearless #Redame Knowing really the world … Never mattered In our bubble, we are whole #Return2Writing #OldEnglish #poetry

The realization came to him on his 49th birthday. All his life, he had aspired to be a part of the cool crowd, to be popular & loved. It seemed that while he had been close to the inner circle, he was really just past the fringe of acceptance. The revelation was that it had been his choice. #vss365

Courageous as she was with trimming small pieces of her hair, Nora's attempt at cutting her #fringe this time led to a choppy, jagged result. "Are you going for an abstract look?" Bob casually commented as he saw her walk by. #vss365

Ok Silly rhyme time Coz that’s how I roll With a dash of truth serum As a Brit we cut our #fringe To look cool But I never do So I don’t Just keep my hair long long This is me on Tuesday Thinking damn Shoulda written Something romantic Meh, later baby later #vss365

Write. Create. Be inspired. The #2WordPrompt for 25-FEB-25 is: Let & Toy #Prompt

Out here, at the very #fringe of the system, things could get weird. Strange sightings. No chance of rescue. N9 planets within sight. Only the endless, deep, impenetrable black of space and the almost empty void beyond. Here, even TechDrones rarely came. A perfect place for secret meetings. #vss365

On the #fringe, the overhanging edge, the hidden behind some long ago pledge, out beyond, far beyond, the middle, from where you call my name, but I'm too busy clinging to be waving, calling, asking for saving, down below, up above, time is stretching, falling, flying away from us. #vss365

Why seek closure, darling? Let us remain an open song That stirs on morning breeze And glints on moon’s playful brow On the #fringe of dream and waking. Let us remain a wayward wish That murmurs at eventide And hides in scent of summer rain—warm and free. #vss365 #poem #poetry 📷 Pixabay

'OMG, Gabe!' Snort-laugh. 'That's a... bold choice. I mean, mullets are dead, but you carry it off... sort of. Umm... is the left hand side meant to be longer than the right? And as for that #fringe...' 'Oh, shut up, Pixie. I didn't have a choice. My mother cut it.' #vss365

what exactly is this fringe of madness from lover's touch to fire in howl where reason shrugs and blood consumes #vss365 Fringe