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Agree. The orange Cheeto always tells us what is next, and we should believe him. Nothing is to outrageous!! Take Greenland, the Panama Canal and Canada??

Yes! Go to a rally this weekend

That’s what we get when a draft dodger is made our commander in chief. He would feel unqualified (and he is) if he had to deal with a real leader like General Austin, or General Mikey, or General Sanchez retired. What a joke both are.

Yep. That sums it up. That oath he took - well he doesn’t believe he has to fulfill it just like any other commitment made. Rumor has it he did not pay contractors that built for him. I have no evidence but it sounds like something the orange Cheeto would do.

Bullies only focus their n what they want, not needs or opinion of others. Embarrassing to all Americans!!

But Trump says “things are great, food is down, best economy you have ever seen I tell you”.

Oh crap!!

This is great news. Congress Senators and Representatives see what can happen when a constitution is threatened?

So Elon is not so happy when his own chainsaw cuts his personal wealth? Hmm should have thought about that before you terrorized our nation!!!

So the orange Cheeto says the economy is great? When you fire hard working people because you think you can, place tariffs for no reason other than to be a bully? sacrifice our constitution, try to STEAL our due SS checks, stomp on the less fortunate, and in general be a dictator will do this.

Makes him feel important, but makes him small and weak. What an embarrassment to our country.

Protest legally.

Love it. Very creative.


You cannot argue with Stupid. Get rid of it.

And the code will not hurt the people that paid onto SS their whole adult lives??? Yeah right. I do not trust code from a billionaire that is dismantling our government!!! Hands Off

If I and 72million others do not get our paid into SS check I promise there will be protests. Hands off what we paid into!!!

Don’t forget Panama and Canada

Thank you for saying this. It is so true.

Senators. Wake up, if you support this you are doing the wrong thing. Support our constitution. Trump does not know the constitution, I have read he may know Mein Kampf .

Thank you Aussies.

I condemn them loudly

Read the constitution again everyone. This is perfectly clear in our constitution and the orange dictator is trying to abolish it. He will only succeed if we the people do not step up. Throw out / impeach elected officials that support lawlessness. The can be impeached. Get enough dirt on them

I love the Canadians.

File the suit. Why is not a child protective agency filing a law suit?

Yes they are. Thanks for posting. Don’t forget to go to a rally next Saturday.

Marc have you seen Nathan Taylor’s work on the 2024 election?

Congress, this is the most ridiculous resolution possible! Florida please elect a teacher April 1!!!

Thank you for posting. I work in the automotive industry. I can tell you we are worried!!!! I can assure you the suppliers of the parts assembled on engines, frames bodies, AC / heat units, radiators, etc. do not make 25% margins!!! The prices will go up. We the US people will pay those tariffs

Oh crap!! Japan and South Korea joining China to mitigate Trumps Tarriffs

And many are US citizens, on a legal migrant visa. Look what is happening in Florida!! Children will be able to work in fields the evenings before School, thanks to the Florida Governor


How can you criminalize a personal choice for your own safety. My father in law had cancer, it is in remission. We wore masks to keep him as healthy as possible. You never know why someone may NEED to wear a mask.

OMG. This is scary and may be true!!!

Great news. There will be many more like this against Trump. The danger is he will claim it’s not valid but the data shows he may have stolen the swing states, maybe. That should be investigated by a group of statisticians

True true true. Tell them April 5. Hands off our SS, Vets, judges, Greenland, Canada, Mexico, Panama, schools, law firms you do not like, Europe, all the people you are scared of or dislike, and or students. Use due process. Obey Judges. Don’t try to throw them out when you disagree

Keep the pressure on Elon.

Now that’s really true.

Pure disrespectful vile comments. Greenland is not for sale. Stop trying to make it seem like Greenland wants you or Trump there. That is why you changed your itinerary to only visit our bases. You were scared they would riot against you. Stop trying to steal everything you, your boss and Elon can

Sooo well said. Go to a rally April 5 and voice your opinion.

Because he knows less than my dachshund about security and security, really. How can we have a motivated military if their leader does not follow the rules and regulations demanded of them!!! This is criminal. Foxtrot Delta Tango! And to his co-president. Weak people being bullies.

Even more because se he is a vindictive, weak, follower than a leader. Now he threatens Europe if they do not follow his DEI mandates. What an embarrassment to us all. Such a bad example of what America truly is. Go to a rally on April 5. 50501.

Nepotism!!!! What the hell. He uses Signal to expose nation war secrets, takes his wife to DOD meetings, and hires his brother in place of a general. Where is this going fast!! Retired generals speak up sirs!!!!

This has been my thought since I saw the first Tesla. So he is paying the million dollars to vote Republican and that money is taxpayer money?? This just gets worse. And where are the lowering of taxes from all the fraud and waste? Foxtrot Delta Tango!!! And your co-president!!!

Oh this says so much! My opinion is this administration does not care about ANYONE that is not one of Trumps buddies (ultra wealthy), you are not worth considering. Regardless whether you voted for him or not! 98% of the nation should be scared.

Agree. There are more honest lawyers.

Right on. I delayed taking SS benefits until 69. I started paying in at 17. Now they want to take away the money we paid into. We should be protesting at the white-house daily. We must stop the real STEAL. .

Start a congressional investigation on this today. Due process is for anyone, not just citizens. Anyone held in our country shall have due process. That’s what makes us America. Our leadership is not being American!!! Lying under oath is not American

Really - that’s trump’s motto “your fired”. He changes people out like I change socks. No loyalty to anyone. No one is safe around Trump, maybe that’s a good thing?!?!