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Professor in Comparative Politics @leuphana, party competition, European politics, CEE, democracy, corruption, radical right, former @IPZ_ch | PhD @IPWunibern #FirstGen
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enraging. the US destroyed in a matter of days decades of work that went into building networks, capacity, strategic partnerships and scientific inquiry in the developing world. A small investment yearly into generating massive goodwill, gone, overnight.

How should we study party polarization in Europe? Happy to share that our paper on *multidimensional* polarization is now out! (more 👇)

Dsytopisch. Man muss es immer und immer und immer wieder wiederholen: Die ganze angebliche Sorge um Meinungsfreiheit ist vorgeschoben, die "Cancel Culture / Free Speech"-Erzählung war von Anfang an auf autoritären Regime Change gerichtet. Belege: Wirklich nahezu alles, was diese Leute tun.

Im Rahmen meiner ersten live Gesprächsrunde durfte ich für den Aspekte der Bundestagswahl einordnen, z.B. die Normalisierung von rechtsradikaler Politik und das Wahlverhalten junger Wähler*innen.

Free speech latest from across the pond.

Given the dominant narrative out there, this story should be shared wide far and wide. The Spanish city of Coruña has given the status of "adopted sons" to two migrants who were the only people to intervene when a homophobic mob brutally attacked a gay man in 2021.

Some thoughts on how Europe is doing. "In a remarkable feat, Trump has united US allies - against the US."

With many lazy takes on the Linke around, this is a very good comparison. The new Linke is much more like a progressive left party than traditional populist left. I would add to the list an emphasis on keeping movement ties rather than relying primarily on professionalized party infrastructure.

I’m hearing a lot of people repeating the line that social democrats are not losing votes to the far right, so that invalidates the thesis that social democrats have lost touch with the working class and should address issues like migration. But this is missing the point

if need a break from #BTW25, here's a 📄 on 🇭🇺 TISZA, a new challenger to #Orbán! A genuinely new party, led by a #Fidesz defector is currently leading the polls in #Hungary & has a 🇪🇺 pro-European, knowledgeable, and low trusting electorate. Voters are more pro #Ukraine🇺🇦 + culturally liberal. #Polisky

Wir haben gestern lange darüber gesprochen was wir tun würden wenn Autoritäre und Faschisten die Macht übernehmen. Behält man Stellen in Bürokratie und Wissenschaft, wandert man aus, wie würde man Widerstand organisieren? Als Deutscher kennt man diese Fragen. Man hat sie häufig rückblickend ... 1/

For all the media hype about Sarah Wagenknecht, we will probably read little about the fact that Die Linke has profited massively from her leaving the party. As a clearly left-wing party, now without strong reactionary tendencies, it scored almost twice as much as the left-conservative BSW! #BTW25

It's interesting to see how prominent political scientists who have studied democracies, autocracies and transitions from one to another are analysing what's happening in the US now. Challenging time for comparative politics. Here is Larry Diamond's analysis:

No reason this can't happen everywhere

Academia is censoring itself to avoid visa issues - I guess we should reconsider having conferences in countries where such actions seem to be necessary.

Check out this awesome postdoc opportunity with my friend at Lund: So much great work to be done in this area and working with Jon would be fantastic!

Just published on APSR First View: "Vox Populi: Popular Support for the Popular Initiative" by Lucas Leemann (@LucasLeemann), Patrick Emmenegger, and André Walter.

Wikipedia ist vielen Autokraten ein Dorn im Auge. Der Tagesspiegel berichtet nun über geplante Angriffe aus den USA - dazu auch eine Einschätzung von mir zum gefährlichen Trend des "Doxing" und anderer Formen der digitalen Repression:

Transatlantic Relationship waxes & wanes, but this week was a low point Since 2016 🇪🇺 had time to prepare, but perhaps because it didn’t want divorce to be final, did too little What do Europeans think? found out In 2017 just 25 % wanted 🇪🇺 to go its own way; 2024 > 60 % 🧵

Come work with us at the! We are recruiting a Lecturer (equivalent of tenure-track Assistant Professor) in US Politics, particularly elections, electoral behaviour, or Latino politics. 📆 Deadline: 28 March

🇺🇸🇵🇱🇭🇺 I'm afraid that all the expert output about the rule of law crisis in Hungary/Poland being a consequence of these countries being "young, not yet fully developed democracies without a long history of developing trust in institutions" is about to age very badly.

With Macron calling an intergovernmental summit in Paris tomorrow, many wonder what is best institutional venue to discuss Europe's response to biggest security crisis since 1945. Here are 8 reasons why intergovernmental route is crucial now instead of relying on 🇪🇺 & Brussels institutions. 🧵👇 1/10

This is very interesting and more data-driven than you might think from the title. Also comes up with an actual idea what centre-left parties could do to build a new coalition. No idea if this would work, but at least it's something constructive #farright #Germany #btw25

The National Park Service eliminated references to transgender people from its Stonewall National Monument web page, removing the “T” in references to LGBTQ+ on the official site for the Greenwich Village monument, which marks a milestone in the fight for gay rights.

Vance’s speech is a shame. The “most fundamental values of democracy do NOT include endorsing the storming of parliament when losing elections, as his boss organised. Welcome to the 1930s, only worse— at least back then the US was, or rather ended up, on the right side.

Die Rede des US-Vizepräsidenten hat die eigentliche Zeitenwende eingeläutet. Rüstung, Rüstung, Rüstung muss in Europa das Motto der Stunde sein. Alles andere wäre naiv.

BTW: This documentary⏬ also has English subtitles! A ✨must-see✨ for everyone interested in Hungary 🇭🇺 and the economic power grab of the Orbán family. 🎥 📌Plus, you can read more of the amazing work of Direkt36 journalists on their webpage

📢Applications Open for New Director of the V-Dem Institute V-Dem Institute and the Dept. of Political Science, University of Gothenburg is looking for a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Political Science & Director of the V-Dem Institute. To application: 📆 March 27, 2025.

Radio Free Europe’s Hungarian office may be the first 🇭🇺 victim of the US budget purge, and presumably one of the results of Orban and Trump's backroom dealings

I think a lot about this recently. Studying Central & Eastern Europe I am used to large protests in defense of the Rule of Law when governments take their power too far. Apparently people in older democracies have unlearned that democracy is never granted and something we need but also can defend.

I wish this was just a crash test of those checks and balances. Alas, this is not a drill.

Hard to overstate the scale of self sabotage

„Man kann gar nicht überbetonen, wie katastrophal die Folgen für das amerikanische Forschungs- und Bildungssystem, besonders im biomedizinischen Feld, sein werden. … Das Ziel ist, amerikanische Universitäten zu zerstören.“

You wonder how the CDU/CSU playing with the "Brandmauer" to AfD last week has influenced German voters? & I have you covered. We surveyed sample of 2,000 German voters. 🧵with first results 👇. Spoiler: It did not go down as well as CDU/CSU hoped.

For Der Spiegel, I talked to Maria Fiedler about the current political situation in Germany. Among other things, we discussed the crucial role of center-right parties in keeping democratic norms in place or letting them erode. If you’re interested, here is the link:

Got my first one today too 👇👇‬⁩ hat eines der spannendsten Bücher zum Rechtsruck in Europa geschrieben – der aktuellen deutschen Debatte um Brandmauer und AfD stellt er im Interview mit‬⁩ kein gutes Zeugnis aus:

Im Bundestagswahlkampf bröckelt die #Brandmauer, und #Merz rückt die #CDU näher an die #AfD heran. Warum das in der Regel nach hinten losgeht und keine sinnvolle Strategie ist, diskutiere ich im neuen #Politikwissenschaftsblog auf 👇

President Trump has opened the throttle on blowing through apparent legal limits, often with no clear public explanation for how their actions could be consistent with the rule of law. Here are some examples of the administration’s defiance of statutes.

In den deutschen Medien werden wieder zu hauf Trump Zitate unkontextualisiert wiedergegeben. Was Trump für Gaza vorschlägt, ist eine ethnische Säuberung. Wenn man das nicht klar benenennt, spielt man diesen Narrative in die Hände. Wieso können wir das nicht lernen?

Was können Mitte-rechts-Parteien in Deutschland aus den Erfahrungen anderer Länder im Umgang mit der extremen Rechten lernen? LÉONIE DE JONGE ( schickt eine Postkarte aus den Niederlanden.

If there’s one lesson to take from the Polish case, it’s that an executive which is determined to create facts on the ground that create their own path dependencies will do so, and the consequences will be extremely difficult to unwind legally, even if the initial act was illegal.

"...medial werden Umfrageergebnisse als bottom-up Betrachtung sachpolitischer Themen dargestellt. Es wird fast immer ignoriert, dass diese Einstellungen mindestens auch zu einem Teil die Konsequenz politischer und medialer Debatten sind."

Hats off to for this piece. A very rigorous analysis of the response of center-right parties to far-right challengers, based on expert interviews ( and scholarly work. In times like these, this is what journalism should be doing.