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Nerd. Writer. Anime Enthusiast. Crafter. Candy Maker. Photographer. Artist. Aspiring Voice Actor. Aunt. Pet Sitter. Kara. Wren. Belegarth. Creator of Dragon Ball Beyond, Key of Z, Into the Unknown, etc. Fighting for Rights✌️❣️
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Today was an interesting day. He reached out to me 100% all on his own. Conversation went on for a while. I got called into work early, which halted the convo for a while. I actually got 7 orders done at work tonight. That's the most for weeks! Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

I forgot to reshare this yesterday. Yesterday, I realized that with not pet sitting in the fall like I was supposed to and apparently not doing either of my usual spring gigs, I've lost $500-$700. That's a huge hit. That would have paid off one of my cards and then some.

Sleep is a wonderful thing.

Today was actually a pretty good day. He actually reached out and started talking with me on his own. He even added different topics to keep conversation going. I had a nice night with friends too & got some much needed new jeans. Yay thift store! Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

All these annoying thing to try to push me into leaving is really annoying. I never wanted to move back here in the first place. I live here because I can't afford to live anywhere. I'm living paycheck to paycheck, trying to get stuff paid off so I can move out. Why I that so hard to understand?!

Work absolutely sucked again tonight. They really need to get us more help. I should not be having a panic attack at work, let alone 2. Charley horses kicking in like mad tonight too. Partly why I'm posting so late. Napped on couch longer than usual. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

I'm not sure what to say this morning, so I'm just going to say good morning and happy Saint Patrick's Day.

Kind of an all over the place kind of day. A lot got majorly delayed. I did my laundry, sorted a few boxes, put laundry away, made a nice dinner, washed dishes, and finished the WPO photos. He and I talked for a while. It was nice. Back in weird mood though. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

Things are really bad financially. I need to move in order to get a job a pays enough to live off of, but I can't afford to move. I also can't afford to move until I get my debts paid off. And I can't pay them and groceries right now. Please help if able. It'll change my life.

Didn't fall asleep until around 4am. Got woken up around d 7am by my phone. Then again around 830am. The usual time I've been randomly waking up. Then I always in way too late. Of course, on a day that my father is home. Get actually sleep but probably will get yelled at for it. I just can't win.

Today was really rough. High anxiety before work. Bad head space, too. Work was terrible. If I already had another job, I would have walked out and quit on the spot tonight. Today was a bad day. I want to reach out so badly, but is there a point? Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

Yeah, I didn't fall asleep until well after 4am. again. Woke up earlier than I needed to, again. So maybe 5-6 hours of sleep since I ended up falling back asleep and then overslept. And so far, today isn't going very well. Thrown off my routine, which typically throws off the day.

I hope everyone had a good Pi Day! I celebrated as usual: a potpie for lunch. Pizza for dinner. And a piece of pie. Definitely having trouble falling asleep yet again tonight. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

I have a bunch of Teenbeat and those style of magazines featuring Backstreet Boys, N'SYNC, and other boy bands of the time. They're about 25 years old. How could I find how much they're worth and see about selling them for a pretty penny?

Things are really bad financially. I need to move in order to get a job a pays enough to live off of, but I can't afford to move. I also can't afford to move until I get my debts paid off. And I can't pay them and groceries right now. Please help if able. It'll change my life.

Had troubles falling asleep again last night. Then I just randomly woke up early. No reason. No noise. So I guess this is the new normal yet again. 5 hours of sleep maybe last night. Laying in bed for a while after waking up helps make me feel more rested. Did that for too long though. Oops.

Not sure if overcast or if the total eclipse time is the worst time to check out an eclipse. But the sky still looked pretty cool. Super restless legs tonight & in kind of a weird mood. We talked a bit today. More him with me replying okay. Now, missing him. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

I'm not sure if they're going road work or working in the field next to the house, but I got woken up by very noises over an hour before I needed to be up. I could have actually gotten a full 7-8 hours of sleep, but not, I only got 6. After getting little sleep the night before. I am not happy.

Long day on little sleep. So tired. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

I slept like crap absolute crap last night. I couldn't fall asleep, even on the couch. When I finally did, I slept for like maybe 30 minutes. Then I moved to my room, where it took hours for me to fall asleep. Finally did, after 530am. So maybe 5 hours of sleep or just over. No reply yet either.

I sorted through some more boxes today. And then the night was shit. Among other things,it appears the mouse went out on my laptop. We talked a bit. He wanted to call but anxiety took over so I avoided it. I may be asking if we can finish the big talk soon. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

When sleeping in late really isn't sleeping in but just gives you a good amount of actual sleep. I went to bed with a nasty headache and woke up several times early this morning, still with the nasty headache. So far, no headache.

Massive headache. Starting to turn migraine as my stomach doesn't feel great either. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

Troubles sleeping last night. Not anxiety or bad. But because I miss him. I miss us. I miss being friends. I cried twice, but I was good and didn't reach out. At least, I think that was good. I really don't know. I hate this whole mess. I just want things to go back to good again.

Productive day. I got a lot more stuff sorted & put away. Totally clueless on what to do with some though. Did some other chores, stuff for job apps, made meals & edited photos. Tonight turned a whirl or emotions. I miss my friend & being more than friends. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

I'm started to get used to getting actual sleep again, and I kind of don't like that. It's like I know that there's still going to be those rough nights on occasion, and I don't like that either. I am absolutely loving blanket cocoon again. I forgot how nice those are.

Long, busy day. I'm exhausted. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

Sleep is such an amazing thing. Good sleep is even better. 😊

Holy crap! I crashed out on the couch for nearly 5 hours tonight! Also, he randomly messaged me today. Only one thing and then no reply to my reply but, hey, he broke the silence. Not so sure on how the interview went. Time will tell. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

Slept surprisingly well for 1. Stuff that kept popping into my head right before bed, 2. Having to go to bed early, 3. Knowing that I had to be up early today. I did wake up earlier than needed, though. And it is snowing. Could be an interesting day.

Productive day but not as productive has I had planned thanks to feeling productive again. I had to keep along breaks and stop earlier than I had planned. But I am happy and proud of what I got done. Still silence. Deafening silence. Is it weird to miss him? Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

Good morning. I hope everyone has a good day today.

Tonight was another one of those shifts on which it's nonstop walkins for hours and then like 30 minutes of production time for all the other orders. It's honestly kind of amazed how much I can get done in little time. I also hate the little I complete. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

Looks like we're back to the troubles sleeping again. It took forever for me to fall asleep again once I moved to my room. Then I got woken up a few times. So with room and couch, maybe 5-6 hours of non-continous sleep. I'm still quite tired. I wish he would talk. Maybe things would get better.

A bit of progress done at the storage unit, ran some errands before practice, and got through nearly another 100 photos at practice tonight. Back to the paying gig tomorrow. Yay. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

Another night of not being able to sleep. I finally fell asleep sometime after 530am. The only reason I got an actual good amount of sleep is the 2 hour nap on the couch again. I really wish we could finish the talk. It's been about 4 months now. It might make things but it could make things better.

The list songs that I can't listen to anymore because they make me sad or hurt keeps growing, but today I was able to listen and sing along to Pink's "Try" again. The first time I heard it after the break, I broke down. So, small victory? Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

🌷trash🌷 (2020)

It seems that I went from always being tired because I wasn't getting enough sleep to being tired because I'm getting maybe too much sleep? Granted, 7-8 hours of sleep doesn't seem like to much and it's still not happening ing every night. I just don't know anymore.

Today was my first day "home" in two weeks. My next day not having to go anywhere is next Sunday. I vacuumed the entire house, cleaned the bathroom, sorted a box, did 2 loads of laundry, put 2 weeks of laundry away, cooked, edited 200 photos, etc. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

Oh man, I forgot how nice it is to just be to lay in bed. How it is to have a lazy morning & just enjoy being all curled up, all snuggled up in blankets. Not getting woken up a bazillion times by noises. And doing this is my own bed. I can't remember the last time this happened. Peaceful.

I miss my friend. *sigh* (It wouldn't post with a GIF again.) Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

See, Luna isn't old. She still got hops. #SailorMoon #Toonami


Last night was bad. I haven't cried that much in a while. My chest actually started to hurt again. I reached out, almost ended things, but instead I said that I wish things would get better & that I miss talking like we used to. No reply. Not surprised. 4 hours of sleep. Major headache again.

At this point, I don't know what to even do anymore. Other than walk. Friends don't hurt each other like this and not care that they hurt their friend, right? It's been over 3 months. Nothing has changed. We haven't even finished the talk. So I keep hurting. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

I wish more of my friends on here would post on. Especially the ones from Twitter. And that more of the Twitter group would move to here and actually use it. I actually wouldn't mind leaving Twitter behind but I can't because of the friends still there.

Today was rough. I felt really down all day. We finally talked, a teeny tiny bit. That actually made me feel worse. I was hoping he'd reach out again but nope. I really don't know anymore. Even the friendship might be over. I wish we could talk-talk again. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.

I haven't seen any birds in the backyard the last few days. Not many in the front of the house either. Seems odd that they would disappear with the snow and colder temperatures, but that seems to be the case. And that makes me kind of sad.

Today was kind of rough. I just felt really sad and down all day and felt like crying (and almost did a few times) while driving to and again from work. Work wasn't too bad though. Kept me busy & kept my mind off things. I'm not doing well with things. Good night everyone. Sweet Saiyan dreams.