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Every problem has a root cause. What is the root cause of wars, terrorism, racism, sexism, scams and family breakdown? It is the disobedience of God's Golden Rule - "Treat others the same way you want them to treat you." The Golden Rule is golden for a reason. It makes sense to any human being.

in the USA, every State controls their lives and resources. In Africa, the fat cats complain about colonialism and imperialism while they control the lives and resources of numerous small tribes under tribal colonialism.

The small tribes will not be free until their men in the army unite and demand to be the Masters of their own house. And be willing to die on their feet rather than live on their knees. Otherwise tribal colonialism will not end.

In politics, empirical evidence shows that you can fool enough people to win elections again and again. To elect those politicians who have a proven record on compassion is the only guarantee for good governance. "A good tree cannot bear bad fruit," Jesus said, "nor can a bad tree bear good fruit."

The USA is said to be divided. Will it be united in the next few years? No leader but the church that divided the nation can unite it. No nation can fix their politics without fixing their religion. If their religion does not teach compliance to the Golden Rule, they cannot fix their politics.

The International Women's Day is on Saturday. They will notice that the root cause of wars and social anomie is the disobedience of God's Golden Rule. If men and their religions do not teach compliance, the women, including those in State Houses, must do so for their own good.

In this 21st century the war in Ukraine may not be the last war in Europe. The church went astray. Those who sincerely want to stop World War 111 must restore the original church of Arabs, Jews and Gentiles. They lived by the Golden Rule- "Treat others the same way you want them to treat you."

Please reserve your copy of "Churches For Sale. Where Have The Christians Gone? A Choir Boy's Perspective" from It's a must read before leaving this world.

I welcome me to Blue Sky where the Gospel Truth is allowed.

The International Women's Day is coming. Women will notice that the root cause of wars and social anomie is the disobedience of God's Golden Rule -"Treat others the same way that you want them to treat you." If men and their religions do not teach compliance, the women must do so for their own good.

On this last day of Black History Month, let this be clear: The existential problem the world has to solve is to restore the original Church of Arabs, Jews and Gentiles. They lived by the Golden Rule - "Treat others the same way that you want them to treat you."