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fragments from Anne Carson’s translation. run by, pfp by, banner by Cy Twombly
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that man seems to himself

she summons her son

my darling one

with what eyes?

guard her     bridegrooms        kings of cities

these things now for my companions            I shall sing beautifully

both you and my servant Eros

with anger spreading in the chest to guard against a vainly barking tongue

lady Dawn

     far more sweetsounding than a lyre golder than gold

a very long farewell to the child of Polyanaktides

full appeared the moon and when they around the altar took their places

girl sweetvoiced

mingled with all kinds of colors

and on the eyes        black sleep of night

for it is not right in a house of the Muses    that there be lament    this would not become us

when all night long        it pulls them down

wealth without virtue is no harmless neighbor but a mixture of both attains the height of happiness

someone will remember us           I say           even in another time

neither for me honey nor the honey bee

do not move stones

to those who have quite had their fill of Gorgo

and gold chickpeas were growing on the banks

Leto and Niobe were beloved friends

but there a bowl of ambrosia     had been mixed         and Hermes taking the jug poured wine for the gods and then they all     held cups         and poured libation and prayed every good thing for the bridegroom

delicate Adonis is dying         Kythereia           what should we do?                     strike yourselves               maidens      and tear your garments

stand to face me beloved and open out the grace of your eyes

I want to say something but shame prevents me yet if you had a desire for good or beautiful things and your tongue were not concocting some evil to say, shame would not hold down your eyes but rather you would speak about what is just

messenger of spring        nightingale with a voice of longing

why does Pandion’s daughter            O Eirana               the swallow

I conversed with you in a dream              Kyprogeneia

Andromeda has a fine exchange Sappho, why?        Aphrodite giver of blessings

I have a beautiful child who is like golden flowers in form, darling Kleis in exchange for whom I would not                all Lydia or lovely

Atthis, to you it has become hateful to think of me and you fly to Andromeda

Eros the melter of limbs (now again) stirs me— sweetbitter unmanageable creature who steals in

or you love some man more than me

but me you have forgotten

here now      tender Graces             and Muses with beautiful hair

here (once again)         Muses           leaving the gold

may you sleep on the breast of your delicate friend

I used to weave crowns

and you yourself Kalliope

just now goldsandaled Dawn

gathering flowers so very delicate a girl

but if you love us     choose a younger bed     for I cannot bear        to live with you when I am the older one

    but I am not someone who likes to wound rather I have a quiet mind

cloth dripping

yes! radiant lyre speak to me become a voice

evening, sing Hymenaios O the song of Adonis

of polished doors