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a wandering soul
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I would doubt my existence in the future.

From mild to wild. Thanks to your mother

No matter how hard you push my boundaries, my line wont move. Cause i dont cross yours 🐶

Maybe the point of all the mourning, cying and swearing is just: i need a fckn vacation

I miss mrs. Weasley 😁

The most sad part is, life still goes on, no matter how hard your crying last night 🫠

I even worried abt how society sees me. I loose my identity, i become mrs. someone, mom of someone, and i cant even recognize my self anymore 🤣

Harry Potter remind me of how happy i was as a teen 😂 now that i am in my motherhood phase, i cant even worry abt myself lol.

Its never too late to be Potterhead

If i hate someone, i would hate their children too. How can you love the tiny version of someone you hate the most?

I passed that romantic phase, gurl. Am in survival mode now.

Cant we just burried her naw?

June feels like weekend in the beginning of month. Fast.

Turn out it was you 🫠 i even doubt our destiny. My this desease rinse your sin, bitch.

Tuwek brengsek. Semoga hdupmu penuh kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan. Selalu sehat dan banyak uang

Loro koyok ngono jek nggateli ae cuk. Astaghfirulloh

Cancer do not give you a lesson, right?

Makasi lho ya mba bantuannya. Taek

Jokowi is not gemini. Lol. Sukarno and Suharto is. Imagine how 2 geminis fighting to each other 🖕

Im a big fan of Bly Manor, if you do so you'd know how horrible this lady is. Imagine this lady is the real person in your life 💀 you would wish could drown her head in the lake.

I hope i could lock my post, i want swering that lady in the lake

Mba, ibukmu sarap.

Iyo nek koen cok

Tumbang ye kan? Terus? Gw lg yg salah? Bahkan pas gw ga ngapa2in, gw lagi?

Fuck you 🫵😊

At first, i thought its all me. I even think i am npd 🥲

Am only mad cause even in the moment when i supposed to be relieved, you still have thought to ruin my mood, my happiness

I never pray that 🫠 sorry but you gotta taste how i feel most of the time.

Old lady you think i care? Nope. I been spying for years, naw you reap what you sow.

Bluesky is quiet, i love the vibe

Man, gw ga minta anak gw bales budi nantinya. Tapi tahu ga kalo being parents tuh suuuusaahnya mnta ampun apalagi in this economy. Lo putting efforts buat mikir anak lo bakal sekolah dimana sambil menimbang2 duit lo ckup ga, sambil memprediksi kalo kerjaan lo ada ga mulusnya lo masi bisa biayain ga,

Ya gimana sih, namanya jg hidup. Kalo lo ga direpotin dengan masalah duit, ya lo bakal direpotin dengan masalah yang lain. Kaya tetangga gw, duitnya banyak, tp anaknya ga dpet kasih sayang yg baik. Pas uda tua, mau nebus kesalahn buat jagain cucunya, eh malah kena penyakit dan harus op. See?

Ga pernah ngerasain jd sandwich gen krn ortu gw pnya pensiun. Ortu jg ga menuntut gw buat ngasi. Paling ngode2 buat beli hal2 kecil atau makan di resto. Eh, dlu pernah dikode suruu bayar listrik sih, hahahhha. Itupun yg blg nyokap. Bokap cm psang muka bete gara2 ga setuju nyokap nuntut kek gt ke gw

Iya juga ya cong, disebelah lg rame bahas being sndwich gen. Gw ga nyalahin pihak ortu ato anaknya. Kdang ortunya uda prepare dgn baik, unpredictable things happened.Trs tb2 gatau mnta bantuan ke siapa selain anaknya. Being sandwich gen gapapa sih, asal memang ada kemauan dri anaknya sdr. G dpaksain

Sad, cuk. Dasar sekolah biadap


I feel sorry for my future follower already cause their timeline would be full of my life bs updates

Anyone trying to ruin my daughter performance should be praying for days cause i wouldnt let it slide 💀am not a weak mama istg