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Cosplayer/crossplayer, maker, streamer. Jack of many trades, master of some. Touhou Project, Castlevania, DOOM, Metroid, Halo are top faves. Suffering Fallout and YGO brain right now. Also on Twitch, TW, etc. Linktree:
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Calling this stopgap Bolter done. It’ll likely get a wash or two later. Shouldn’t be wasting time on it, armor needs to get done ASAP. I had it black at first, but it just didnt sit right with me for some reason. 1/2 #Warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #WarhammerCosplay #Warhammer40kCosplay

My Battle Sister needs a holy weapon, fast, since the shoot I want to wear her to is at the end of March. So a quick ‘Hollywood’ nerf mod it is. Proportions are all off, I know, but it will do. 1/2 #Warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #WarhammerCosplay #Warhammer40kCosplay #AdeptaSororitas

Needed to take a break from painting Warhammer minis, so I decided to bring one to life. Helmet still needs a bit of work before painting. Pattern by mellowmindcosplay on Etsy. #Warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #WarhammerCosplay #Warhammer40kCosplay #AdeptaSororitas

Back in my natural element! #DarkSouls #DarkSoulsCosplay #cosplayer #SolaireCosplay

Went 1-2 at the Warhammer 40K tourney. One loss was I had the guy dead to rights, but time ran out, the other was a good clean loss. Had a great time, tho. Felt like I knew my shit well, but need to improve here and there. Sisters did good, but was really feeling the lack of Miracle Dice.

At Mythicos Studios for my first Warhammer tournament! They don’t have an Adepta Sororitas flag, but my Guard folks are the close second. #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

High stakes Warhammer. #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

The Dialogus is done! Packed with as much religious preaching I was able to write in. Texts like ‘Papa John’s is Sin’ and ‘No ranch!’ Not the most thin text, but the holy war against the heretical pies must be waged. #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

Still working on the last one here… what? Like night 3 on my Dialogus. End is in sight. At least I can stay up tomorrow night to finish her and other things I need to prep for this weekend. #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

Cutting it close to the wire. Sans a top coat, the Paragon Warsuits are done, base and all. Now just have to finish this Dialogus, and whew laaaaaad, she is taking a long while to paint. 1/2 #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

Got all three of these Warsuits done, with new and proper washes, with bases done up tomorrow. Also, owning up the Lord Zedd mistake, hahaha. After that, just a Dialogus remains to be tournament ready! #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

Got a second of three Lord Zedd Paragon Warsuits done. First time using Nuln Oil instead of my normal washes… Not really feeling it. I’ll have to go over these with a proper wash. But hey, 2 models left to go! 1/2 #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

Fellas, think I figured out the paint scheme was off originally… I accidentally made a Lord Zedd Paragon Warsuit! 🤣🤣🤣 Gonna roll with it, though. #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

Looks like I’m avoiding both literal and figurative shit storms by skipping Katsucon this year. Whew lad.

🧵 Finished up Morvenn Vahl AND a Palatine. Vahl was a trip to paint and holy hell does she look great. Only 4 more models to go to have the tourney army all painted. 1/2 #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

Second nights’ progress on Vahl here. She just needs basing and a bit more weathering fx and she’ll be ready for top coat! Ngl, she’s been an intense paint job. Not as much as my church tanks, but a close second. #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

First night’s progress on Morvenn Vahl here. Even though I’m on a time limit and still wanting to do a great job on her, she’s painting up faster than I expected. Which is bueno af. #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

May be the last of these Sole Survivor shots. Still want to make a few more props, especially the laser musket. Photo by @ jmbumala (insta) and taken at a @dccosplayphoto event. Combat armor pattern by @sksprops . Rest by me. #Fallout4 #FalloutTV #Fallout #cosplay #FalloutCosplay

Decided I won’t be able to paint 47 Guard minis in a week and a half time… I’m going back to my Sisters (and faith) for the tourney. I don’t have to paint all of this, but Vahl, Warsuits, and chars are doable in time #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

Spent today relaxing and building a good portion of the Ordo Hereticus box. Really enjoying Inquisitor Greyfax and the Judge Dredd fellas. #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

Everyone say hello to Greg.

Got a lot done today. Finished a Sentinel, a field gun, and a Tech Priest. Still feeling behind on schedule... But hey, with these done, only basic infantry to paint. Painting AdMech is Hard Mode Sisters painting 1/2 #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

In the streets of Boston. Photo by @ jmbumala (insta) and taken at a event. Pipboy 3d files by YTec3d, combat armor pattern by @sksprops . Rest by me. #Fallout4 #FalloutTV #Fallout #cosplay #FalloutCosplay

Guard Painting Stream! Road to Glory! Back and in the trenches. On a journey to paint 1k+ points of Imperial Guard for a tournament in a few weeks! #twitch #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

Some more Sole Survivor photos by (insta) Taken at a event. Pipboy 3d files by YTec3d, combat armor pattern by @sksprops . Rest by me. #Fallout4 #FalloutTV #Fallout #cosplay #FalloutCosplay #3dprinting

Some real nice close ups here. Photos by (insta) and taken at a event. Pipboy 3d files by YTec3d, combat armor pattern by . Rest by me. #Fallout4 #FalloutTV #Fallout #cosplay #FalloutCosplay #3dprinting

Well, today was supposed to be a working on my Guard day, buuut got an amazing deal on second hand Sisters. I had some bits on order to kitbash a Retributor squad, but instead used them to fix up this 1/3 #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

You know what? With all ship girls and gacha trash I’ve cosplayed over the years, I can absolutely throw together a female Commissar cosplay. And there has been times when I have been mistaken for one when cosplaying GFL’s STG44. Big think.