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60+ three-time immigrant, whose life in Africa, Australia, and America, work with industrial and medical quality & safety, and obsession with mortality data […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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How many booksellers do you know that will publish independent writers?

#WritersCoffeeClub Mar 7: What’s the first thing you do when you sit down with a new project? I sit down and take a breath

I wrote a short story, and then fed it into Google's NoteBook LLM, which generated an audio "panel discussion" It is fascinating as the author of the story to hear two "people" enthusiastically discussing your story, and I'm not yet sure what to think of this. The LLM got a few things in the […]

#WritersCoffeeClub 6 March: How do you feel you can further develop as a writer? *sigh* Attend the LightHouse writing courses and workshops that I keep pretending I am going to sign up for

Hey @Catawu are you up for a plot question?

#ScribesAndMakers 3/5 If you have family living with you, what do they think about your creative work? Equal measures of puzzlement, amazement, and frustration

#WritersCoffeeClub Mar 5 - What writing-related tools or resources have you found most effective? 1. OneNote is very useful bc it's almost instantly available across all devices 2. Word is useful as an editing tool 3. Mastodon and BlueSky are useful to connect me to experts and beta readers […]

Hey @autolycos if My Dude was supine subsequent to being stabbed in both inner thighs by an 11yr old girl with a broken beer bottle, where would she need to stab next to stop him interfering with her picking his jeans pocket? Shoulder to get at rotator, bicep, somewhere else? Asking for a […]

Do you want to hear from readers? For me it is maybe, but actually no #writingcommunity

I am told that JD Vance puts his used underwear and socks in the dishwasher

I wrote a thing It has a miracle, a jackass, and a murder. You can read it for free.

#ScribesAndMakers Mar 3: Are you more productive during long stretches of free time, or when you have to squeeze creativity into your busy life? Long periods of free time are really good, but I have become pretty effective at doing short sprints in available time. What I can't do is maintain […]

#WritersCoffeeClub 3: How can your current writing routine be improved? Good question Dunno

#WritersCoffeeClub Day 2: How accurately does the first line represent your style and voice "Miriam was an expert in pumps. Peristaltic mud pumps, to be specific, and if anything, Miriam was a very specific person. " Style, yes, voice, dunno

If my #wip talked about two irritable and dimwitted sons of a hotel owner and mayor, and that one of the sons was an avid hunter, and the two were known about town as "Dumb and Dumber", would you draw a parallel to any family you know? What if I also told you that their names were Ron and Rick?

I have this plot element in mind where some group of corporate jackasses go around sucking up data from different departments in order for to identify projects and people they want to terminate. But then some sneaky person infects the jackass thumbdrive with a virus that locks everything on […]

He: People who are neurodivergent have special gifts and should be treated with respect She: Totally agree! He: Neurodivergent people add texture to society, and deserve equal treatment. Stigma sucks! She: Agree! He: We are really on the same page here! What kind of neurodiversity do you live […]

#ScribesAndMakers Feb 28: Shameless self-promotion day. Let's boost away. Eh. Here's a free short story for you to read.

#WritersCoffeeClub 28 Feb: Has a Writer’s Club prompt / prompt response affected how you write or inspired you?' I attend almost all weekly sessions of the "Hard Times" writer's group, and about 50% of my published short stories started their life as a three-paragraph flash piece done during a […]

#ScribesAndMakers Feb 27: Have you ever written to a writer/creator to tell them you liked their work? Did they respond? Once Noam Chomsky was very gracious and replied

#WritersCoffeeClub Feb 26: Did your childhood affect the way you write / what you write? Sure I had a very weird childhood, including growing up on the site of a concentration camp and plying in graveyards. So, sure, my writing is dark, weird, and a little twisted and gives you a world in […]

This week's free short story

#WritersCoffeeClub February 24: Do you avoid specific genres or styles? Reading: I mostly read non-fiction - so avoid anything that isn't research methods, quality improvement, psychology, etc. Writing: I don't do a ton of genres - erotica, romance, westerns, politics, etc. I mostly just do […]

@mcnado @autolycos I'm looking for a neurology/ emergency medicine person who would like to be part of a story about a fictionalization of a case of internal decapitation. They would need to help with clinical details and can be a character in the story if they like. I have medical records Any […]

#WritersCoffeeClub Feb 20 —How commercially minded are you? Would you object to selling a hundred thousand books? LOL Get real I would be very pleased, but also know that my tax filing was going to be a real bear next season, and I was also likely to get audited. It would also attract a ton of […]

One frustrating aspect of trying to write about all the incredibly reckless and risky actions taken by this administration with govt data is that by the time you're done writing, half the stuff in your story is outdated already, because they've reversed themselves, or they've been reversed. Or […]

#ScribesAndMakers 19 Feb: Do you find creative work therapeutic? If so, do you do it for that reason, or is it more of a side benefit? Yes, and partially. Writing calms me, and gives me focus, as does archery It is part of why I write, but I would not say it is either the reason that I write […]

#PennedPossibilities 591: How do you handle research? With glee If I need to describe an actual place, google maps and street view are amazing tools - I can describe the street corner in a part of Dublin that I have never seen, and any reader will get the benefit. If I need medical details, I […]

#WritersCoffeeClub 19 Do some stories resonate as a call to action, like “do something like this, but in a different way” or “adapt this for the screen”? Most of my stories have some degree of FAFO - and lessons of don't do this, or you will end up dead. They speak to common medical risks, or […]

Hey @alice

#WritersCoffeeClub 16. Is there a writer who surprised you recently? Me I surprise myself on the regular

#WritersCoffeeClub 2/14 Is failing as a writer a worry? Is failure an option? Not a worry My goals in writing vary, but mostly, are 60% my own enjoyment, 30% reader joy, and 10% other, including financial success. I self-publish because I really don't have patience to seduce agents, deal with […]

#WordWeavers 14. Does your world have romantic commitment? Very little. I suck at romance, don't write well to it, and am most likely to include any romance as a clumsy pantomime that leads to a fatal outcome. I did write a sex worker that accidentally sets fire to her john, and a case of […]

#Wordweavers Day 13 - MC POV: Do you believe in romantic love? Why or why not? Sure I just don't write much about it - except for Hildi and Mindy who were definitely in love, and cuddled up over chocolate biscuits and coffee after killing an abusive chef

#WritersCoffeeClub Day 13: How do you organise your writing projects? Poorly All stories start in OneNote, and I try to remember to add a line for each story in a list that is organizeed by the volume the story is going to be in. Sometimes this doesn't […] [Original post on]

#WritersCoffeeClub 12th Feb: Do characters use words not in the language you write in? Italics for this, or not? Occasionally they use slang or a special technical word, yes, italics if I remember

Villanelle is my kind of hero

#WordWeavers Do you belong to any writing organizations? Are they helpful? Not yet. I am trying to figure out which guild or union best fits a short-story writer like me. The NWU seems like a fit, but it is small. WGA is bigger but their admission requirements are complicated and tedious. So […]

#WritersCoffeeClub 11. How do you market your work? Badly

Just sent off my manuscript to beta readers

@alice Hey Alice, I have you in the radiation story. Would you like the draft to see what I did with your character?

#WritersCoffeeClub 10 February. Who is your narrator Sometimes the MC, but in most of my stories, it is some old guy. I think he is a sociopath