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Lawyer, baker, sketch comedian, and homebrew evangelist with Video Game Sage
35 posts 183 followers 71 following
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For Episode 55 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering ZPF for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive by , Mikael Tillander and JGVex #homebrew #zpf #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 54 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Cronela’s Mansion for the NES, SNES, GB/GBC, GBA, PC/Switch/PS5/XBox by Straynus which launched on Kickstarter today! #homebrew #cronelasmansion #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 5 of The Mega Cat Chronicles, I’m covering Super Excidium Event for the SNES by Rob Vinciguerra and Zach Girgenti! #homebrew #superexcidiumevent #themegacatchronicles

For Episode 53 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering SaturdayMan for the NES by Sunday Pistols Studio #homebrew #saturdayman #ahomebrewdrawsnear

The new year has begun, and if you still need a calendar…

For Episode 52 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering The Adventures Panzer 3 by Pixel Craft Games #homebrew #theadventuresofpanzer3 #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 51 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Crater Song for the NES by & #homebrew #cratersong #ahomebrewdrawsnear

It’s Cyber Monday, so while you’re cruising online for holiday gifts for yourself & your loved ones, don’t forget the homebrew tradition of the NES Homebrew Calendar!

For Episode 50 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Jingles Defense, a puzzle game for the NES by Zyzix Games #homebrew #jinglesdefense #ahomebrewdrawsnear

The NES homebrew calendar is a really great tradition in the community. I get one every year and often use them to write down the dates of games I complete. Get them here while the getting's good ⬇️

The 2025 NES Homebrew Calendars are up for sale on my new Etsy store! Featuring 12 incredible homebrew games, with special cover art by Nate Ehlers! Make sure you select the listing based on where you live: US/Canada or the rest of the world when purchasing.

For Episode 49 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Former Dawn for the NES & PC by Something Nerdy Studios and it’s still live on Kickstarter! #homebrew #formerdawn #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 4 of The Mega Cat Chronicles, I’m covering Graveyard Dude, honoring Rani Baker whose game is released today for the NES through Video Game Sage and Mega Cat Studios! #homebrew #graveyarddude #themegacatchronicles

For Episode 48 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Steel Legion for the NES by Aeon & Star Interactive #homebrew #steellegion #aeonandstarinteractive #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 47 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Changeable Guardian Estique for the Famicom & NES by Cat Hui Trading #homebrew #changeableguardianestique #cathuitrading #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 46 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Zed and Zee for the NES by TENGEN GAMES #homebrew #zedandzee #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 3 of The Mega Cat Chronicles, I’m covering Tenebra 1 & 2 by Haplo for the NES, which released today in collaboration with and Video Game Sage! Buy your copy now! #homebrew #tenebra #themegacatchronicles

For Episode 45 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering The Trial of Kharzoid for the NES by Pascale Bélisle and Felix Laflame #homebrew #thetrialofkharzoid #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 44 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Cyber Mission for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive by PSCD Games #homebrew #cybermission #ahomebrewdrawsnear

Two years after my first special post that gathered survey data, I’m sharing another set of survey recents for this latest State of Homebrew for 2024! #homebrew #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 43 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Flap Happy for the NES & Gameboy by Refresh Games #homebrew #flaphappy #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 42 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering the NESdev Compo & Action 53 Series for the NES with interviews with Matt Hughson and M-Tee #homebrew #nesdevcompo #action53 #ahomebrewdrawsnear

It’s time for another round of The Mega Cat Chronicles, dedicated to games published as part of a collaboration between Video Game Sage and , this time highlighting Space Pants Games and their live Kickstarter Rocket Panda!

For Episode 41 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Oratorio for the NES by John Vanderhoef and published by Premium Edition Games homebrew #oratorio #premiumeditiongames #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 40 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering The Meating for the NES by Alexander Tokmakov and #homebrew #themeating #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 39 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Lion Mancala for the NES by Tabytha Stryker #homebrew #lionmancala #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 38 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Kudzu for the Gameboy by & and published by Mega Cat Studios #homebrew #kudzu #ahomebrewdrawsnear

For Episode 37 of A Homebrew Draws Near!, I’m covering Full Quiet for the NES by , Damian Yerrick, Thomas Cippollone, Zachary Curl, Andrew Burger, Oskar Alvarado, and Jim Rugg #homebrew #fullquiet #ahomebrewdrawsnear

Looks like I’m going viral!

For Episode 36 of A Homebrew Draws Near, I’m covering Red Moon Lost Days by Neuromage Studio for the Sega Saturn! #homebrew #redmoonlostdays #ahomebrewdrawsnear