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Professor, biblical studies, Université Laval. Enthusiastic scholar/tired dad ;) Companion to my cats.
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Ce vendredi de 10h à 11h, j'ai l'occasion de réfléchir avec vous sur les rapports aux genres et aux sexualités dans les textes bibliques à partir du collectif que j'ai dirigé sur la question. Voir ce lien web pour le lien zoom:

Voici mon dernier livre écrit en collaboration avec d’excellents auteurs. Quelle tristesse que Trump rend important la lutte contre l’oppression basée sur le genre et la sexualité par une meilleure connaissance des textes fondateurs du christianisme.

Humanimal 2.0 online conference is comming up next week. Keynotes by Suzanna Millar, David M. Carr and Brian F. Kolia. My own contribution will be on animals worshiping in Revelation 4-5. Time to register!

JSNT has a new issu that focuses on creation edited by Vicky Balabanski and Hilary Marlow. Check it out:

Free online conference on Animal Studies and the Bible. The CFP is up in five days (Jan 15). You can propose a 15 min. paper or a 5 min. "pitch a theorist". The first edition was outstanding, can't wait for this one.

"Le religieux s’est désinstitutionnalisé, en même temps que les institutions religieuses se sont reconfigurées de diverses manières et souvent par un resserrement fondamentaliste hostile à la réflexion théologique."

I'm now on the Biblical Interpretation's editorial board with such great scholars as C. Conway, D. Carr, M. Kotrosits, J. Koosed, J. Marchal, C. Moss, E. Runions, S. Millar, R. Graybill... All clear for imposture syndrome ;) It's a great time to submit an article. Fast evaluation and publication.

Chronique de François Doyon qui présente Noël dans son rapport à la violence. The dark side of Christmas.

Found my book at Lexington and they put it on their banner because it has a beautifull cover… and not its inspiring content ;) #sblaar2024

Bible and Critical Theory new issue is out. And it's the Birthday issue to celebrate the past and look toward the future. Check out Graybill and Seesengood's manifesto! And 25 “micro-essays” on the future of the Bible and critical theory, A vision, adream, a nightmare...

Personnal achievement of the day: catching a falling leaf during my noon run. Not as easy as it sounds, I have been trying all automn.

Exciting news. Humanimal 2.0 is happening March 6-7 2025. If you want to present a 15 min. paper on Animal studies and biblical texts or participate in Pitch a theorist in 5 min. please respond to the CFP.

Exciting new! I am editing a new book series with Emily Colgan for Routledge: The Bible and Ecology. It's part of an exciting shift in eco-hermeneutics seeking to include interdisciplinary insights. Go check it out. Do you want to be one of the authors?

My book is at press! If you want a 30% rebate, use this code when ordering: LXFANDF30. So cool that Stephen Moore presents it this way: "Sébastien Doane’s theoretically erudite and exegetically incisive book is the most ambitious product to date of the transdisciplinary turn in biblical ecotheology"

Proofs are in! Waiting until may for the real book will be a challenge. Exciting stuff coming soon.

What I learned at the SBL • Men don’t wear ties anymore • The artic has more vegetable options than Texas • If you can find fruit, you can’t afford it. But it’s always fun to connect and talk Bible!

OnScript podcast on Animal Studies and the Bible with Suzanna Millar. Cool conversation to prepare for the SBL’s new unit on this topic.

Great conversation with Beth Berkowitz and Suzanna Millar on a hot topic in biblical studies.

Feminist scholar Donna Haraway reacts to inclusion in Pope Francis' climate letter

Here is a link to my review of Sarah Emanuel's Trauma Theory, Trauma Story. Happy to contribute to the very cool Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian Studies.

To hear Daniel Marguerat (in French) present his new book on Paul.

Here is the link to read the pope's text on the climate crisis. "Let us stop thinking, then, of human beings as autonomous, omnipotent and limitless, and begin to think of ourselves differently, in a humbler but more fruitful way." What do you think of this text?

First post. Happy to be here :) Thanks, for the code So do you guys double your Twitter posts or have you stopped using that media?