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Talking about books, food, and workout routine. Pardon my Eeyore’s energy.
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Pengen gw geruduk rumah orang yg punya ide develop Photos di iOs yg sekarang.

Hidup di dunia jangan polos2 amat lah.

Di iklim politik dan ekonomi kek skrg, gw rasa nga bijak ya flexing di sosmed kl lo kenal secara personal dgn org yg diangkat masuk pemerintahan. Org jahat ngumpulnya sm org jahat. Dan kl lo tau pemerintahan yg skrg jahat, ya org yg lo kenal yg lo pamerin masuk pemerintahan, juga jahat.

In this economy, I think this is the most realistic retirement plan:

Starry night!

Microblogging platform never cease to amaze me. Jadi bisa tau bagaimana org beropini secara impulsif. Bisa tau “oh orang dengan persona berprestasi dan relijius yang suka ngasi motivasi tuh ternyata suka merendahkan orang ya.”

Baca Superbloom. Di salah satu bab membahas bahwa org berpendidikan tinggi cenderung bias membuat keputusan politik. Buku-buku lain yg gw baca jg blg gitu. Trus gw penasaran knp pas pemilu org berpendidikan di Indonesia PD banget pilihannya tepat. Googling, ternyata egonya dikasi makan sm media.

Coffee of the day.

Starting my health and fitness journey in europe means i cannot relate with: - tripod in gym - a lot of merchandise in running events. These 2 things I encounter a lot when I talked with people where I come from and US.

Helsinki has a lot of cute options for notebooks and stickers but my obsession to Hobonichi remains because of my explore tab in Instagram.

Dessert of the week. Banana bread with cream cheese and ice cream.

Don’t dismiss other people’s suffering. Not only it is deeply unempathetic, but life is full of surprises, you never know when suffering might come your way.

The snippets of threads make me even less interested in opening a Threads account. The vibe felt like a mix of Instagram and LinkedIn flexing. The worst aspects of both platforms combined.

Most commonly used phrases this year: "I told you so" "I tried to warn you"

What a beauty.

Latest purchase of tableware: Iittala’s bowls.

I guess I have an eye for Marimekko’s Unikko design. Coincidentally, all my Marimekko belongings are in the Unikko pattern.

“We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist” James Baldwin

If you’re afraid that books might change someone’s thinking, you’re not afraid of books, you’re afraid of thinking.

Disappointed there’s no black friday in local bookstore 😩.

Met a fox this morning and it was pure magic. 🦊✨ What a way to start the day! 📍Viikki, Helsinki.

How do you all deal with DNS propagation? Waiting for it feels like an eternity, and my patience is running thin!

My (after) advent calendar is here! And it is coffee!!

Take a break for a while by seeing the beauty of this pic taken last Sunday in Helsinki.

If you really want to encounter a lot of views different from your own, go read some books. You don’t need right wing assholes screaming at you on social media for that. This can just be a place where you chill.

Well, I guess last night a hare just crossed the street in front of my house.

A beautiful Sunday morning deserves the first post in this platform.