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Microbiology | Cell Signaling | Structural Biology | Institute of Phototrophic Microbiology Central Metabolism Coordination by #PII & #cdiAMP & #cdiGMP & #Ca2+ signaling #Cyanobacteria
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It was a great pleasure having Ferran from in our seminar series He showed us how #cyano can attract friends in desert 🏜️ and how ugly friends can eat them from inside #Cyanoraptor

Nice to see how this project developed through the years & published in by Saheli Saha et al from group 👏 Mass lysis of predatory bacteria drives the enrichment of antibiotic resistance in soil microbial communities

Base-modified nucleotides mediate immune signaling in bacteria #jcampubs

Can a phage defence system interfere with antibiotic action? 💊 Yes, it can! CBASS is triggered by antifolates and turns these mostly bacteriostatic drugs into bactericidal ones in bugs like V. cholerae. 🦠 Read full here:

Very interesting! Metabolic enzymes of TCA cycle are sequestered to the membrane

🥹 Guten Morgen, #HHU! 🏆 Top-Rankings für die HHU in Medizin & Lebenswissenschaften! Unsere Universität kann im aktuellen Times Higher Education Ranking (THE 2025) glänzen: Im Bereich Life Sciences & Medical & Health gehören wir nun zu den besten 17 % weltweit (zuvor 24 %). 1/2 #THEranking

An atlas of metabolites driving chemotaxis in prokaryotes -in from Jean-Baptiste Raina 60 years & 341 publications ➡️ comprehensive database of prokaryotic chemoeffectors: 926 chemicals previously tested; chemotactic behaviour of 394 strains

Science needs democracy! Democracy needs science!

Hello, Bluesky!👋 We are excited to connect with you!🌟 Europe PMC is an open database of global life science research - discover articles, preprints, theses, grants, and more. We talk about scholarly communication, open science, bioinformatics, and meta research. Follow us and join the conversation!

We found that many bacterial species use exogenous peptidoglycan fragments - released by lysis of neighboring cells - as a general danger signal, triggering a danger response that protects bacteria against many dangers: biofilm formation. Details here 👇

Big News (a bit late 🙃): my group is moving to Düsseldorf Looking for next adventure w awesome colleagues Plz RT, positions available for #PhD & #postdoc w focus #CryoEM & #cdiAMP

Please be my colleague!

In Nature Chemical Biology today, we reveal how microbes clean our atmospheres by consuming carbon monoxide (CO) gas. A methodological tour de force from Ashleigh Kropp, Rhys Grinter, and David Gillett with broad implications for the atmosphere and bioenergetics.

We have an exciting opportunity for a new independent group leader with an interest in structural/molecular biology and machine learning to join our Division of Structural Studies at the! 🥳 Re-posts appreciated.

A collection of amazing Rubisco papers and preprints this week. Here's another!

A ubiquitin-like protein controls assembly of a bacterial Type VIIb secretion system

Nucleotide Second Messenger Signaling in Bacteria, from #microLife Learn about key molecular information processing networks that allow #bacteria and #archaea to adapt to an ever changing external world. #MicroSky

Multicellularity is a key feature of complex life, but how to study multicellularity in bacteria and at the single cell level? Use advanced microscopy, MS imaging, flow cytometry, spatial and single-cell transcriptomics, advanced microfluidics and more. See here:

The last research article of PhD thesis was just published, supported by wonderful collaboration with the it's part of a special collection for #flavins and #flavoproteins, and we report on a #flavin #oxidase

What limits rubisco function? Is it the chemical mechanism? Evolution? In this paper, et. al explore this question by assaying >99% of single amino acid mutants in Form II rubisco (1/7)

Highly multiplexed spatial transcriptomics in bacteria | Science

A large group of leading international microbiologists headed by Ken Timmis has just published a report/manifesto on how microorganism can be our best allies for building a better human future—a ray of hope precisely these days 👏

Congrats A map of the Rubisco biochemical landscape.

#Neujahrsempfang Zur Bedeutung der Bildung und Investition: "Wer Zukunft haben will, sollte in Bildung investieren! [...] Die Zahl der Erstsemester steigt im dritten Jahr in Folge wieder leicht an. Prognosen sagen auch für die Zukunft einen weiteren Anstieg voraus. [...] 1/2

Neujahrsempfang | #HHU Rektorin Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbeck zum Ausstieg von X, der Rolle der Wissenschaft und der Bürgeruniversität: „In einer Zeit, in der schlichte Unwahrheiten zu ‚alternativen Fakten' erklärt und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse als ‚Fake News' herabgewürdigt werden, [...] 1/2

6️⃣0️⃣🥳 Neujahrsempfang: Rektorin Prof. Dr. Anja Steinbeck verkündet den Start des Jubiläumsjahres Die HHU wird 60. Feiert mit uns! In über 60 Programmpunkten blicken wir auf die Geschichte der Universität und ihre Zukunft. 1/2

Paulinella is such a cool organism. If we wait a few hundred million years, will its descendents be the next terrestrial plants?

A year ago, we welcomed #MercatorFellow Daniel Ducat from #MSU, a leader in #SyntheticBiology of #Cyanobacteria. His collaboration with #MibiNet PIs A. Matuszyńska, O. Ebenhöh, M. Zurbriggen, & I. Axmann peaked in a joint publication. Exciting collaborations ahead!