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2025 Year of the Wood Snake Feng Shui, BaZi, Yi Jing Online classes All of my services are based on Wu Xing, yin/yang
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Wednesday March 5th Water Rooster 癸酉 Star: 7 Lunar Mansion: Carriage Day Officer: Danger Solar Fortnight 驚蟄 Jing Zhe (Startled Insects) 16:07 Solar Month 己卯 Earth Rabbit If you’re driving today, inspect the car before you get going. Pay attention to service lights etc.It could be nothing, but…

Sneetches with stars

The Solar Month of the Earth Rabbit begins on March 5th. The Solar Month is the one we observe for Ba Zi & Feng Shui. I've been learning about Polestar Astrology & the Lunar Month is running things in that method The Lunar Month of the Earth Rabbit began with the New Moon of February 27 of course.

Tuesday March 4th Water Monkey 壬申 Star: 6 Lunar Mansion: Wings Day Officer: Destruction Not for travel. Possible emotional explosions or other water related mishaps. There’s a lot of motion – could feel too dynamic for safety and comfort.

Public Health – Seattle & King County has identified a new case of #measles in an infant in King County. People who were at certain locations in King County may have been exposed. People who are vaccinated are very well protected. See their blog for a list of exposure locations:

You’re invited to an informal group discussion of the Earth Rabbit Month Hosted by Stephanie Stewart of Serious Feng Shui Saturday March 8th 2025 at 9am PST Admission: $27.00 My Monthly Guide will be the jumping off point for our discussion. This is a free event for subscribers. All are welcome

Monday March 3rd Metal Sheep 辛未 Star: 5 Lunar Mansion: Bow Day Officer: Initiate Before you get jealous of people who make things look easy, get to know them. Is that ease or confidence in their commitment? That can move things forward very well.

Sunday March 2nd Metal Horse 庚午 Star: 4 Lunar Mansion: Star Day Officer: Stable Finally, someone with some intelligence has entered the chat. They may be a self-sacrificer who wants to save, and they can. If you care, prevent the sacrifice part. All it takes is communication.

Saturday March 1st Earth Snake 己巳 Star: 3 Lunar Mansion: Willow Day Officer: Balance The restorative power of emotional expression teams up with the Earth Snake’s hopes that wealth can be shared equally among all. If you think that can’t happen, maybe that’s where it ends. Go against the flow.

A high and a low lol

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Born in a Fire Snake year. Telling the truth to power wow

It’s almost the 己卯 Earth Rabbit solar month

Friday February 28th Earth Dragon 戊辰 Star: 2 Lunar Mansion: Ghost Day Officer: Tail In a month of dark days, the Earth Dragon is both a high point and a low point. Take it one day at a time. It’s probably safer if you don’t isolate yourself, though that may be your impulse.

Thursday February 27th Fire Rabbit 丁卯 Star: 1 Lunar Mansion: Well Day Officer: Remove New Moon 16:45 GMT-8 Lunar Month 己卯 Earth Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit. Yin Wood takes over for yang Wood as we move toward peak Wood. All this movement…could be a ReMovement. Let’s try to take advantage of this timing.

Wednesday February 26th Fire Tiger 丙寅 Star: 9 Lunar Mansion: Orion Day Officer: Establish A day to find a new torch to carry. Bring your ideas about revolution out of the past to where we are now. Hold hands with the rosy fingered dawn.

Tuesday February 25th Wood Ox 乙丑 Star: 8 Lunar Mansion: Beak Day Officer: Closed Familiar warnings and admonishments, a routine of closings and shutdowns. We could solve most problems today by listening and applying common sense.

Monday February 24th Wood Rat 甲子 Star: 7 Lunar Mansion: Net Day Officer: Open It’s safe to come out again now that the yang chi is growing. Those who have good luck today are the inventors, the pioneers, the ones who never give up no matter how slow the progress.

Sunday February 23rd Water Pig 癸亥 Star: 6 Lunar Mansion: Pleiades Day Officer: Receive Ending the Cycle of 60 the qi is low. There are no appropriate actions today other than avoiding threats and violence. Stay home. Be in a safe place. Watch for hungry ghosts.

Well, he is in a time of Harm and Punishment. Poor guy. This might mean having some serious loyalty conflicts. This year's and next year's timing will be hard on his health, right now he probably is experiencing excessive Fire element.

Keep waving that chainsaw above your head please

Saturday February 22nd Water Dog 壬戌 Star: 5 Lunar Mansion: Stomach Day Officer: Success Joy of success dampened. It’s a day to make things safe, store them, hide them, put them away. Turn attention to people’s perception of you and your reputation.

To whom do lions cast their gentle looks? Not to the beast that would usurp their den. The smallest worm will turn being trodden on, And doves will peck in safeguard of their brood. -Wm Shakespeare

Friday February 21st Metal Rooster 辛酉 Star: 4 Lunar Mansion: Mound Day Officer: Danger Take care with metal and sharp objects. Avoid intimate encounters with anyone you don’t already know and trust. Make boundaries clear and heard. It may take more than one try.

Thursday February 20th Metal Monkey 庚申 Star: 3 Lunar Mansion: Astride Day Officer: Destruction Month Breaker and Fire Penalty in play. People may be feeling aggressive, ready to fight or accuse. If you don’t know how to defuse conflict or defend yourself, learn. Take care with driving, avoid travel.

Wednesday February 19th Earth Sheep 己未 Star: 2 Lunar Mansion: Wall Day Officer: Initiate A day for more formal agreements or observing transitions, watch for tempers to flare midday. What you start, finish today - but don’t rush.

Tuesday February 18th Earth Horse 戊午 Star: 1 Lunar Mansion: Room Day Officer: Stable Solar Fortnight 雨水 Yu Shui (Rain Water) 18:06 Make a fresh start on steady ground. Talk your way into where the riches are. Treat people better this time. Keep doing it even after you get what you want.

Unpopular opinion: Steve Bannon might be the guy we need to bring on the breakup

Monday February 17th Fire Snake 丁巳 Star: 9 Lunar Mansion: Danger Day Officer: Balance The things you can’t swallow…It’s a day to focus on the changes that are long overdue. Every Snake day this year is an important day for the revolution.

Sunday February 16th Fire Dragon 丙辰 Star: 8 Lunar Mansion: Void Day Officer: Full When the day doesn’t favor anything, you do nothing. A workaholic’s bad day. What do you do when you’re not accomplishing?

Saturday February 15th Wood Rabbit 乙卯 Star: 7 Lunar Mansion: Maiden Day Officer: Remove Suggests that you need assistance to do a removal but also that you may be alone/on your own. Not the most helpful day but as one of my former teachers says “you can try”.

Friday February 14th Wood Tiger 甲寅 Star: 6 Lunar Mansion: Ox Day Officer: Establish The Tiger month finally establishes, and it appears that lengthy separations are the order of the day. Stay close to your loved ones. Secure doors and windows in the NE . Do not leave them open today.

We're expediting sex designation change requests on birth certificates. People born in WA who want to change the sex designation on their birth certificate can do so by filing a request with us. .

Thursday February 13th Water Ox 癸丑 Star: 5 Lunar Mansion: Dipper Day Officer: Closed A day to cultivate awareness of your personal responsibility. If you haven’t yet tied up the relational/emotional loose ends of the Wood Dragon year, it’s probably time to make some calls or write some letters.