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Developer, Writer, interested in science, tech, philosophy, and music.
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No Robots with a Face Let's dehumanize Robots and rehumanize humans.

Universal Personal Income (UPI) requires no tax dollars, doesn't increase government spending, and avoids the stigma associated with government aid.

A Suit Named Albert Visiting the Center of the Galaxy Dane and Jackie sat comfortably in their expansive home, a sleek yet warmly furnished retreat just outside New York City. The room around them shimmered. The walls, the furniture, even the very air seemed to dissolve...

Future Economy Real Wealth = Health, Prosperity, Pristine Environment, Peace. Radically Astounding Real Wealth is right around the corner. Let’s build a Future for everyone. #RealWealth Servata Solutions - Science-Reality

Universal Personal Income (UPI) Better than Universal Basic Income (UBI)? UPI generates income and doesn’t require taxes. #UniversalPersonalIncome Servata Solutions - Science-Reality

Universal Personal Income (UPI) Better than Universal Basic Income (UBI)? Universal Personal Income (UPI) generates income and doesn’t require taxes. #UniversalPersonalIncome Servata Solutions - Science-Reality

Invisible Fortunes To find hidden treasures, you have to look. And you have to know how to look. #InvisibleFortunes Servata Solutions - Science-Reality

Roadmaps to the Future It takes more than just big dreams to #BuildTheFuture. Start with a complete Roadmap. Servata Solutions - Science-Reality

Indulgence Indulge, splurge, party, binge, OD, orgy. Life is boring without extremes, but extremes can kill. Could we party without consequences? Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

Theory of Thoughts Ever finished a friend’s sentence or heard the phrase “Great minds think alike”? Perhaps just coincidences. What if something else is going on? Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

Surfing in Abnormal Times Walking seems hard when you’re a baby. Riding a skateboard seems hard until you get the hang of it. Living in constant change is unnerving, until you get the hang of it. But there’s no going back. Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

The Present and Future have Merged The Present and Future have merged. What does that mean? And what comes next? Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

The Infinities What happens when you die? Do good deeds bring you to heaven and sins take you to hell? Or is death the complete end of existence? Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

Morbid Viruses aren’t really alive. They are snippets of complex proteins that just happen to be capable of causing tremendous damage to living organisms. Morbid viruses are worse. Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

Dreaming Sometimes dreams are stupendously happy and sometimes they are literally your worst nightmare. And sometimes they’re both. Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

Critical Thinking It’s not magic. There’s a real scientific explanation. Magic is just your way of saying “WTF?”. Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

The Pub A Pub in Florida seems out of place. Or it might be the closest thing to home. Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

Supersonic Flying home in your private Supersonic jet. Every second is pure joy. Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

Ephemeral Art Walk a Sand Art Labyrinth in Newport Beach late in the afternoon. You might see the world in a whole new way. Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

Sunrise Treasures You never know what you might find in a touristy shop in LA. Sometimes you get more than you bargained for. Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

The Future is Now Do you remember the Spaceballs clip ( ) where Dark Helmet said: “What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?” That’s the future now. Here’s the proof: Servata Phoenix Series - Fiction&Science

Reverse Engineering the Future Want a better Future? Join us

The Future is Easier to Change Curious what you think...

The Future is Nearer than Ever Full Story and why it matters:

So cool to watch the Sand Artists do their magic at Newport Beach, CA.

You never know what might happen when you walk into a random gift shop in Newport Beach. Sunrise Treasures