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Very good guide to the legal issues in Peggie v NHS Fife. #Peggie #NHSFife

There's a simple thing the International Olympic Committee, international sport governance & US sports orgs. could do to take the teeth out of this & reinstate fairness for female athletes. Introduce rules pdq that ensure male athletes with trans identities are ineligible for female sport.

Wonder and powerful film called 'Behind The Looking Glass’ about the women & children whose lives are devastated by men transitioning. Watch the film on youtube @vaishax

Good news! R (Castellucci) v Gender Recognition Panel [2025] EWCA Civ 167 Appeal on whether Gender Recognition Certificate should record "non binary" when appellant has status recognised in another jurisdiction and on Art 14/8 ECHR. Appeal dismissed.…

"according to recent figures, 70 per cent of trans-identified prisoners are incarcerated for sexual assault or violent crime, compared with about 19 per cent of the male prison population generally." (Kathleen Stock)

If a man wants to believe he’s a woman, that’s up to him. If he wants me to believe he’s a woman, that’s up to me.

Many ‘transwomen’ are actually straight men who are sexually aroused when people use she/her to describe them. It’s called Autogynephilia. #sexmatters #factsmatter #datamatters #biologymatters #WomenWontWheesht

​'A top UK human rights body has written to “remind” an NHS board at the centre of a single-sex spaces row that changing rooms must include separate facilities for men and women.'

"Feminist groups warned the Scottish Government in a letter on Tuesday that the NHS Scotland guidance misrepresented the Equality Act and was legally wrong." Now the EHRC has stepped in

The GMC 'erases the public disciplinary history of doctors who change their gender identities.' 'Medics seeking to hide a chequered disciplinary history could exploit the system by choosing to change their gender identity in order to erase their past.

FRONT PAGE: Wes Streeting condemns wiping of trans doctors’ records

Very grateful for the strong show of support for my work as special rapporteur: Thank you very much to the 514 organizations and 5,655 individuals that have signed this letter. 🙏

“Any remaining doubts of the barbarity that underpins Hamas were dispelled by the events of 20 February.” Me on the horror of Hamas’s parade of hostage coffins for

Come and join UCL Women's Liberation to celebrate International women's Day! #IWD2025 Joan Smith will be talking about her new book 'Unfortunately she was a nymphomaniac' Sign up!

Wrote for UnHerd about the impact agenda and funding nonsense research in universities. Yes, #notallresearch but there is quite a lot of it about - and instead of defensiveness, academics would do well to stop encouraging it, before enemies sweep the whole lot away

A while ago, @EHRC issued guidance saying even with a Gender Recognition Certificate, it is reasonable to exclude trans identified males from single sex spaces where women are undressing or sleeping. Rape Crisis & hospital wards were examples. Men remain men.

It's a bit late for people such as Anas Sarwar to say they wouldn't have supported Nicola Sturgeon's gender recognition reforms if they "knew then" what they "know now". They made the active choice to know nothing at all.

'The Liberal Democrats have been forced to allow women’s rights campaigners who believe in biological sex to have equal footing with other groups after claims that they had been “vilified and censured” for their beliefs.' What next? Women who believe in evolution? 🤣

Remarkable article by a Commissioner of the Scottish Human Rights Commission (albeit written in a personal capacity):

'Requiring women expose their naked bodies before ...the opposite sex as a condition of accessing employment, education, other public or private commercial services is without shadow of a doubt a breach of privacy, dignity, decency and human rights.'

'This week in #Scotland there are many people, most of them women, who feel a strong urge to shout “I Told You So, You F***ing Fools” from every available rooftop.' #GRRBill #NoToSelfID #ScottishLabour #AnasSarwar #GenderRecognitionReform #WomenWontWheesht 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

The law mandating single sex toilet, changing & washing facilities *in workplaces* is in Regs 20, 21 & 24 of the Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992. Not the Equality Act 2010.…

Health need telling that they are bound by the Workplace Health, Safety & Welfare Regs 1992; & that as far the Equality Act 2010 also applies, it's been settled law since February 2022 that sex under the EA is *not* based on self-ID.

Have UK citizenship? Sign the petition! 👇

“For me, this is not a victory,” Wydrzyńska told AFP after the ruling. “The only outcome I would consider a victory today would have been if this court had said: ‘Yes, you are innocent.’” #Poland #PiekloKobiet #AborcjaBezGranic #WyrokNaKobiety #AbortionRights

'Shiroposuto – white post boxes – first appeared in the city of #Amagasaki in 1963, following a campaign by local mothers’ groups determined to tackle the corrupting influence of the postwar explosion in pornographic books and magazines.' #Japan #Shiroposuto

Just reposting this because of the reference to Sasquatch hunting which made me smile. Is it like a yeti?

I see the predictable guys on here congratulating each other for their moral superiority which means that male-bodied people can play in women's sports and female nurses have to get changed in front of male doctors. Well done guys you are making our case for us.

If you don't know the difference between male and female you are risking (amongst other things), the misdiagnosis of heart attacks, anaemia, renal disease, and cardiovascular risk.