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Power to Be Innovative, solutions-oriented development practitioner. Truth and universal equal rights and justice advocate. Maladjusted to the unjust.
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BELIEVE ur lying eyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH #ÞRUTHMatters Live-streamed  DYSTOPIARAMA FLOODING THE ZONE w/ ever-increasing OUTRAGE PORN THROWING SMORGASBURD of stuff at the wall 2 c what sticks WATCH WHATTHEY DO FOCUS LESS on what they say #blitzpocalypseonsteroids 1 CONSTANT ROBpoor+dispossessed

Wake up JAMAICANS Wi deserve betta Not everything that is faced can b changed but NOTHING CAN B CHANGED UNTIL IT IS FACED Wi mus duh betta dan dis fi futuregenerations Mi nuh cya bout political isms I care bout LIVED MATERIAL REALITIES of JAMAICANS #zerobullshitbandwidth #abetterjamaicaispossible

Wake up JAMAICANS Wi deserve betta Not everything that is faced can b changed but NOTHING CAN B CHANGED UNTIL IT IS FACED Wi mus duh betta dan dis fi futuregenerations Mi nuh cya bout political isms I care bout LIVED MATERIAL REALITIES of JAMAICANS #zerobullshitbandwidth #abetterjamaicaispossible

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESSthem STEALland+resources ENRICHrich@xpense of poor+dispossessed HOWi s this ACCEPTABLE? StatePERPETRATED INTERNATIONALLY ENABLED MASS MURDERactively TERRORIZINGmillions of theGLOBAL MAJORITY inAfrica+Asia

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH ANNIHILATEIndigenous people DISPOSSESSthem STEALland+resources ENRICH rich@xpense of poor+dispossessed GT12AIntro 2 International Relations Day 1 States dont have friends they only have interests EUROPE learns the hard way Take note world #TekSleepMarkDeath

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH ANNIHILATEIndigenous people DISPOSSESSthem STEAL LAND+RESOURCES ENRICH rich@xpense of poor+dispossessed What to do when you see empire digging its own grave? Let it #seeempireselfdestruct #doublingdownonimperialism #thecentercannothold

StatePERPETRATED INTERNATIONALLY ENABLED MASS MURDER TERRORIZINGmillions of theGLOBAL MAJORITY in Africa+Asia ItsNOT just acceptableNORsustainable #ABetterWorldIsPossible #RevolutionaryZeitgeist Vast swath of humanityPROPAGANDIZED+CONDITIONED 2ACCEPT+INTERNALIZE PERVERSEstatus quo #justsoweareclear

FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESSthem STEALland+resources ENRICH rich@xpense of poor+dispossessed Not everything that is faced can b changed but nothing can b changed until it is faced JBaldwin Vast swath of humanity propagandized 2 ACCEPT+ INTERNALIZE RACIST status-quo

FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESSthem STEALland+resources ENRICH rich@xpense of poor+dispossessed Not everything that is faced can b changed but nothing can b changed until it is faced JBaldwin Vast swath of humanity propagandized 2 ACCEPT+ INTERNALIZE RACIST status-quo

FOCUS ANNIHILATEIndigenous people DISPOSSESSthem STEALlAND+RESOURCES ENRICHrich@xpense of poor+dispossessed How long will we have 2 suffer jus 2 learn these things that we must b united BobMarley Not everything that is faced can b changed but nothing can b changed until it is faced JamesBaldwin

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESSthem STEAL LAND+RESOURCES ENRICH rich@xpense of poor+dispossessed U think u own whatever land u land on The Earth is just a dead thing u can claim U think the only people who r people R the people who look+think like u

Tariffing world deporting immigrants2solve US deindustrialized economy deficit w/polycrisises financialized speculative predatory parasitic corps crumbling infrastructure 4eign goods addiction workerrestivieness low wages in globally interdependent systm? #SeeEmpireDigItsOwnGrave #WorldMustClapBack

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS SEEK+SPEAKtruth ANNIHILATE+SUBJUGATE Congolese DISPOSSESSthem STEAL land+resources Western-Backed+Armed M23Mercenaries MASSMURDERING RAPING TERRORIZINGCongolese in service2west+corporations inclAPPLE #ImperialistSuperpredatorsOnSteroids🇺🇸🇷🇼🇬🇧🇫🇷+Allies #MoralDepravityOnSteroids

Find out just what any people will quietly submit2+u have found out the exact measure of injustice+wrong which will b imposed upon them+these will continue till they r resisted w/ either words/blows w/both The limits of tyrants r prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress FredrckDouglass

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESSthem STEAL LAND+RESOURCES ENRICH rich@xpense of poor+dispossessed U think u own whatever land u land on The Earth is just a dead thing u can claim U think the only people who r people R the people who look+think like u

BELIEVE your lying eyes FOCUS SEEK+SPEAKtruth #TRUTHMatters We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. JKRowling How long will we have to suffer jus to learn these things that we must be united. Bob Marley #RevolutionaryZeitgeist

BELIEVE your lying eyes FOCUS SEEK+SPEAKtruth #TRUTHMatters The more desperate that imperialism gets the more it comes up w/ the most vulgar+hostile measures 2 try 2 keep the poor oppressed people of the world who r trying 2 win their national liberation+2 build their own future down MauriceBishop

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS SEEK+SPEAKtruth #TRUTHMatters GrotesquelyDYSTOPIAN daily LIVE-STREAMED trainwreck of roving toxic flaming-hot dumpster fire sh*tshow circus onSTEROIDS complete w/ clapping seals+lying narcissistic ignorant racist man-baby bloviatng buffoon of a clown Ucant script this sh*t!

Find out just what any people will quietly submit2+u have found out the exact measure of injustice+wrong which will b imposed upon them+these will continue till they r resisted w/ either words/blows w/both The limits of tyrants r prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress FredrckDouglass

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS Seek+Speak TRUTH ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESS them STEAL LAND+RESOURCES ENRICH rich@xpense of poor+dispossessed Under-development was not the accidental by-product of colonialism but its very purpose Walter Rodney #InternationalPoliticalKabukiTheatreOfTheMacabre

Asthe international capitalist crisis intensifies it generates increased imperialist aggression spearheaded by the most reactionary circles of imperialism's militaryindustrialcomplexes who feel the solution2this crisis in buildup of ARMS provocation ofWAR+creation of tension spots around the worldMB

BELIEVE ur lying eyes FOCUS SEEK + SPEAKTRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATEPalestinians DISPOSSESSthem STEAL land+resources ENRICH rich@xpense of poor+disposessed The limits of tyrants r prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress FrederickDouglass #CallItWhatItIs #MoralDepravityOnSteroids

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS Seek+Speak TRUTH ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESS them STEAL LAND+RESOURCES ENRICH rich@xpense of poor+dispossessed Under-development was not the accidental by-product of colonialism but its very purpose Walter Rodney #InternationalPoliticalKabukiTheatreOfTheMacabre

BELIEVE your lying eyes FOCUS SEEK + SPEAK TRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATE Palestinians DISPOSSESS them STEAL land+resources ENRICH rich @ expense of poor + dispossed The conqueror writes history, they came, they conquered and they write Miriam Makeba DECOLONIZE the language REDEFINE the mindset

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS SEEK+SPEAKTRUTH Nauseating Grotesquely DYSTOPIAN Daily LIVE-STREAMED trainwreck of roving toxic flaming-hot dumpster fire sh*tshow circus onSTEROIDS complete w/ clapping seals+lying narcissistic ignorant racist man-baby bloviatng buffoon of a clown U cant script this sh*t!

BELIEVE your lying eyes FOCUS Seek+Speak TRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESS them STEAL LAND+RESOURCES ENRICH rich @ expense of poor + dispossessed The more things change the more thy remain the same #DoNotDoToOthersWhatYouDontWantDoneToYou

BELIEVE your lying eyes FOCUS Seek+Speak TRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESS them STEAL LAND+RESOURCES ENRICH rich @ expense of poor + dispossessed It isn't what we say or think that defines us but what we do Jane Austen #DoNotDoToOthersWhatYouDontWantDoneToYou

BELIEVE ur lying eyes FOCUS SEEK+SPEAKtruth #TRUTHMatters PlanANNIHILATEIndigenouspeople DISPOSSESSthem STEALland+resources ENRICHrich@xpense of poor+dispossed The US appear 2 b destined by providence 2 plague America w/ misery in the name of liberty SimonBolivar #ImperialWARmongeringOnSteroids

The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress FrederickDouglass NO JUSTICE NO PEACE 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇬🇧 r existential threats2humanity They have made it clear they r prepared 2 blow up the entire world2maintain WHITE WESTERN HEGEMONY They r clear about that #ManifestEvilOnSteroids

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS SEEK+SPEAKtruth ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESS them STEAL LAND+RESOURCES ENRICHrich@xpense of poor+dispossessed The conqueror writes history they came they conquered + they write U don't expect the people who came 2 invade us 2 tell the truth about us MiriamMakeba

BELIEVE your lying eyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESS them STEAL LAND+RESOURCES ENRICH rich @ expense of poor + dispossessed wHAT hAPPENS wHEN yOU fEED tHE tROLL... Playing checkers thinking your playing chess How to self-destruct an empire

BELIEVE your lying Eyes FOCUS SEEK + SPEAK TRUTH #TRUTHMatters Morals r NON-NEGOTIABLE They can't b bought by or sold 2 whoever offers best deal MORALS R NOT 4 SALE This is a hill i am willing 2 die on HUMANITY trumps EVERYTHING Politics Economics Religion Race Nationality #ABetterWorldIsPossible

BELIEVE your lying Eyes FOCUS SEEK + SPEAK TRUTH #TRUTHMatters Morals r NON-NEGOTIABLE They can't b bought by or sold 2 whoever offers best deal MORALS R NOT 4 SALE This is a hill i am willing 2 die on HUMANITY trumps EVERYTHING Politics Economics Religion Race Nationality #ABetterWorldIsPossible

BELIEVE ur lying eyes FOCUS SEEĶ+SPEAKtruth West is not what it pretends 2 b LIE it stands 4 PEACE + STABILITY TRUTH it stands 4 WAR + DOMINATION LIE it stands 4 DEMOCRACY + HUMAN RIGHTS TRUTH it stands 4 TYRANNY + TERRORISM LIE it stands 4 TRUTH + JUSTICE TRUTH it stands 4 LIES + PROPAGANDA

BELIEVE ur lying eyes FOCUS SEEĶ+SPEAKtruth West is not what it pretends 2 b LIE it stands 4 PEACE + STABILITY TRUTH it stands 4 WAR + DOMINATION LIE it stands 4 DEMOCRACY + HUMAN RIGHTS TRUTH it stands 4 TYRANNY + TERRORISM LIE it stands 4 TRUTH + JUSTICE TRUTH it stands 4 LIES + PROPAGANDA

SEEK Truth SPEAK Truth #TRUTHMatters Meta has been shadow banning content in support of Palestine since israels most current onngoing ethnic cleansing + genocide in Palestine Any chance bluesky can develop app 2 rival Meta*s ìnsta? The world needs INTEROPERABLE alternatives 2 insta + other popular apps

FOCUS US encircles Earth w/ military bases threatening nations which disobey US dictates + ruling via violence proxy conflicts coups starvation sanctions+economic coercion #NotSoFunFact Millions of people suffer+die under>15k ILLEGALUSsanctions meant 2 bring abt hunger desperation+overthrow of govs

#SpotTheTerrorist #WhoAreTheTerrorists I US Western nations allies + proxies master-minding chaos+anarchy in quest 4 full spectrum global domination by any means necessary J Health insurance organizations systematically delay+deny legitimate healthcare claims #WillTheRealTerroristsPleaseStandUp

#SpotTheTerrorist #WhoAreTheTerrorists E Syrian US-backed al-Qaeda affiliated puppet regime F Israel designated terrorists in Syria 2 justify invasion occupation + land grabs G Uyghur militant group ETIM used 2 help carve up Syria H IRGC military of Iran #WillTheRealTerroristsPleaseStandUp

#SpotTheTerrorist #WhoAreTheTerrorists A Man who shot health insurance CEO B Israel systematically slaughtering civilians in WestAsia C Those fighting against Israel slaughter of civilians D Noncombatants labelled terrorists after they've been murdered by Israel #WillTheRealTerroristsPleaseStandUp

BELIEVEurlyingeyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESS them STEAL LAND+RESOURCES ENRICH rich@xpense of poor + dispossessed 🇫🇷Centuries-longColonialExploitative Statecraft Masquerading as ForeignPolicy continues2 play out in the Saheel #MoralDepravityOnSteroids

FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATEPalestinnians DISPOSSESSthem STEAL LAND+RESOURCES ENRICHrich@xpense of poor+dispossessed #ColonialismOnSteroids MorallyDepravedPREDATORY PARASITICmentality ofXPLOITATIONof others resourcesDEHUMANIZING+SUBJUGATINGthem+feeling COMPLETELYentitled

BELIEVE your lying eyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATE Indigenous people DISPOSSESS them STEAL land+resources ENRICH rich@xpense of poor+dispossessed URGENTLY NEEDED Leaders with NON-NEGOTIABLE PRINCIPLES

BELIEVE your lying eyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATE Palestinians DISPOSSESS them STEAL land+resources ENRICH rich@xpense of poor+dispossessed #MoralDepravityOnSteroids

BELIEVEurLyingEyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATE IndigenousPeople DISPOSSESSthem STEALland+resources Centuries-long rapsheet CrimesAgainstHumanity+GrossViolationsofHumanRights NefariousMACHINATIONS 100%ManmadeMURDERS GlobalDOMINATIONbyANY MEANS NECESSARY #MoralDepravityOnSteroids

BELIEVE ur lying eyes FOCUS SEEĶ+SPEAKtruth West is not what it pretends 2 b LIE it stands 4 PEACE + STABILITY TRUTH it stands 4 WAR + DOMINATION LIE it stands 4 DEMOCRACY + HUMAN RIGHTS TRUTH it stands 4 TYRANNY + TERRORISM LIE it stands 4 TRUTH + JUSTICE TRUTH it stands 4 LIES + PROPAGANDA

BELIEVE your lying eyes FOCUS Seek+SpeakTRUTH #TRUTHMatters ANNIHILATEindigenousHUMANS DISPOSSESS them STEALland+resources #MURDERInc 🇮🇱🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺🇮🇹🇫🇷🇩🇰🇩🇪🇬🇧🇪🇺🇷🇺🇦🇱🇬🇷🇦🇿🇧🇷🇬🇦🇰🇿🇳🇬🇨🇬 These r NOT WARS nor HUMANITARIAN events These r 100%MAN-MADE MURDERS IMPERIAL GLOBAL DOMINATION by ANY MEANS NECESSARY #MoralDepravityOnSteroids

FOCUS USGLOBALrapsheet TopplingDEMOCRATICALLYelected govts IllegalĺyINVADING/BOMBING/wagingWARSon states underFALSEpretexts ALIGNINGw/DESPOTS EthnicCleansing+GENOCIDE IllegallySANCTIONING+COUPING2DESTABILIZE+bring abtHUNGERdesperation+overthrow of govts DecimatingCIVILIAN INFRASTRUTUREglobally