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Thanks to Discritionary Love for pubbing my first creative non-fiction piece (CNF), FRUIT SNACK RETROSPECTIVE. πŸπŸ‡πŸ‰ #shaunanthonymcmichael #creativenonfiction #writer #published #grateful #fruit #fatherhood #marriage #author

The American experiment as we knew it is over.

Proud to be co-hosting Shadow Work Writers '25 with Eli Hastings Come hear him read for free at The High Low Bar, March 29th from 4-7pm. 3000 Los Feliz Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90039 #elihastings #shadowworkwriters25 #thehighlowbar #awp25

Ophelia's Books πŸ“–is the first bookstore to carry my debut poetry collection Jack of All... (New Meridian Arts Press), so next time you're in Fremont, Seattle, stop by, pet a cat 🐱, and pick up your copy! β™ β™₯♦♣ #jackofall #shaunanthonymcmichael

Social Darwinism reigns in the U.S.A. today.

Join us at The High Low Bar and hear poet, non-profit executive, and poetry community leader Katerina Canyon read her work, including poems from Surviving Home. Check out her work here:

Get your copies of my books today! Just got new stock in! I'm back in business. Skip Amazon. 'Nuff tech. bros in our face lately. I'll get it to you faster and cheaper. Links below! #shaunanthonymcmichael #thewildfamiliar

Come hear Lynda V. E. Crawford read for FREE at The High Low Bar during the Association of Writers & Writing Programs conference, March 29th, 4-7pm in Los Angeles! Get your copy of her work here: #washingwater #lyndavecrawford #worldstagepress

Come hear πŸ‘‚ Benjamin Drevlow read at Shadow Work Writers '25, LA--an off-AWP event at The High Low Bar, Saturday, March 29th from 4-7pm FREE! πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Can't wait? Check out Ben's latest effort: Honky ( #benjamindrevlow #shadowworkwriters25 #awpla25

Up for a prickly one? 🌡 Here’s my flash fiction piece THE PORCUPINE, published today in Revolution John! Inspired by my work with youth who were houseless (2010-2013) #shaunanthonymcmichael #flashfiction #fictionwriter #revolutionjohn

πŸ“’A truly astounding line-up of literary talent will be reading πŸ““ for free at The High Low Bar during @awpwriter 's conference in Los Angeles! Save the date, mark your calendars, stake out the venue, prepare your souls for the brilliance! #shadowworkwriters #awp25

Thinking about coming to AWP Writer '25 LA? Here's a reason! March 29th from 4-7pm at The High Low Bar, Eli Hastings and I will be co-hosting Shadow Work Writers, an off-AWP event featuring @thedrevlow and 5 other amazing writers! Stay tuned for more! #shadowworkwriters #awp

25's startin' off with a bang! πŸ’₯An acceptance in a fav journal of mine, Revolution John, edited by the fantastic Anthony Neil Smith. #shaunanthonymcmichael #revolutionjohn #anthonyneilsmith #fiction #acceptance #fictionwriter #2025fiction

Huge thank you to Samantha Terrell for featuring me in her international poetry series SHINE. Click here to get your copy of JACK OF ALL... #grateful #shaunanthonymcmichael #samanthaterrell

2024 featured many disappointments in my political and literary lives. But who wants to hear about that? So here I am, shining a spotlight πŸ”¦on the sunny side β›… . #shaunanthonymcmichael #thewildfamiliar #jackofall

Of my literary life in 2024, a highlight was being featured by Creative Colloquy for their monthly open mic 🎀 in Tacoma! #creativecolloquy #newfrontierlounge #shaunanthonymcmichael #tacomaopenmic #tacomaliteraryevents #thewildfamiliar #cowboyjamboree

Read my full review of 's Askew (published by ) here: #robertvaughan #askew #bendinggenres #poetry #creativenonfiction #flash #cowboyjamboree #poets #poetrycommunity #shaunanthonymcmichael

DELTA FUNCTION by Samantha Terrell published by Alien Buddha Press is a gentle, moving dialogue with theology, the sciences, and the poet’s biography. Read my full review here: #deltafunction #alienbuddhapress #samanthaterrell #shaunanthonymcmichael

Ecstatic to end the year with a reading with Creative Colloquy at The New Frontier Lounge (Tacoma) this Monday (12/16) at 6:30pm. Join us! #shaunanthonymcmichael #openmic #openmictacoma #tacomaliteraryscene #tacomaliteraryevents

On the eve of returning to teaching post-Thanksgiving break πŸ¦ƒ, grateful to pose with my ever-expanding shelfie, including my 2 books: #grateful #shaunanthonymcmichael #writer #seattleliteraryscene #fictionwriter #storyteller

Here's my first post. Happy to be here in a media platform not run by Musk, our new shadow president apparently. I'm a writer (short stories, poems, and a novel) and educator (high school ELL/MLL). Would be happy to connect. #fucktrump #fuckelonmusk #shaunanthonymcmichael #newtoblueskysocial