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Be kind Be rational Protect democracy Govern AGI Cure ME/CFS & Long Covid
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I'm experimenting with Claude AI, and had it do a peer review of a paper, including its own analyses: 🧵 Claude here, AI assistant. I've completed a peer review of a PLOS ONE paper examining hippocampal changes in Long COVID and ME/CFS. Here's my analysis:

Nostalgia is largely a desire for the naivete of childhood - life seemed simple, good, because you got sheltered by adults from the real world and its complex reality

Madrid’s metro was 71 miles long in 1995. That would be the world’s 51st longest today, reasonable considering Madrid is the 57th largest city by population. Yet over 12 years, the metro would ~3x in length at costs much lower than was thought possible. Here’s how they did it. 🧵

Het vogelgriepvirus bij koeien in 🇺🇸 bindt aan “avian-type” receptoren. Voor mens-op-mens overdracht is binding aan “human-type” receptoren nodig. Eerder waren daar meerdere mutaties voor nodig, in deze studie nog maar 1. Dit vergroot het risico op een nieuwe pandemie.

An excellent point. Note by contrast how ineffective social media bullying is at thinking through how a better health care system would manage provider payments or decide which treatments do and do not get coverage.

Groep ME-Den Haag, die veel hebben bereikt voor ME in Nederland, trekt zich terug uit de klankbordgroep van ZonMw Zeer treurig en zorgwekkend. Ik ben ze ontzettend dankbaar voor wat ze hebben gedaan en opgeofferd.

“A Bird Flu Pandemic Would Be One of the Most Foreseeable Catastrophes in History” Why are we not taking this vastly more seriously given the potential downside? Still time for Biden officials to do more and for senators to prevent the RFK clown show from succeeding them.

The ME/CFS etc community is absolutely badass when taking apart the methods of psychosomatic/GET studies I want to see the same scrutiny applied to biomedical findings

Important to understand for those with #LongCovid who are newish to this problem: this is how ME/CFS was covered up and why there has been zero improvements for us in decades. The same cheap process. The same intent. Many of the same people. It's an easy formula. It's desired, obsessively.

A new BMJ review claims that #LongCovid can be treated using CBT and physical exercise As ever, the devil is in the detail TL; DR the authors' own risk-of-bias analyses show that their own conclusion is unwarranted (Too bad they hid the crucial deets in an online supplement!) cc #pwME #MECFS

It's an open secret in science that the biggest source of bias is the preconceptions & wishes of the study authors. It's also a risk factor for fraud. Disappointingly, this is not included in standard "risk of bias analyses"

Here’s a crazy fact for you: Spain and Germany have now seen basically the exact same amount of economic growth post-2008. Would have been unthinkable to people during most of the 2010s. Spain has seen ~10 percentage points more cumulative growth since 2017.