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I really don't see how anarcho-capitalism survives when or if this authoritarian moment subsides. it already had scant legitimacy as a claimed anarchist position but when the smoke clears I don't even think it will survive as a libertarian position. It's too connected to oligarch authoritarianism

Lisa Loeb was working as a temp at Ernst & Young when her friend Ethan Hawke brought her song “Stay (I Missed You)” to — who used it in “Reality Bites.” It remains the only #1 hit by an artist who was not already signed to a label. Born today in 1968.

Bob Black and James Carse represent THE best answers to the problem of work and game theory. Instead of work we engage in productive play, instead of finite game structures(with an end) we engage in infinite game structures.

‘The true philosopher differs from the theologian in this, that the former seeks the infinite Being, not outside the world, but within it.’ – Giordano Bruno

Once again guys, democracy is simply not the answer to a global authoritarian geopolitical current. If anything it's played a role in its facilitation. Democracy is linked to all kinds of unfree human affairs, patriarchy and slavery to name a few.

When it comes to Catwoman I'm a big fan of what the character COULD be. For me the Pfiefferian Catwoman will always be the definitive launch point for how good that character could be. It's the only iteration with a good origin story and character pathos.

There's no such thing as late stage capitalism folks. History is non-linear and capitalism has ancient forms. It's happened before. Feudalism is back right now.

When are these resistance liberals 2.0 going to realize that democracy is not the key factor to defend and restore? This global authoritarian structure and its figureheads(Trump, Orban, Modhi ect) MAKES USE of democracy. There is no agenda to end it. Democracy is a useful tool of authority.

Go outside.

Perhaps a time will come when civilization is put in reserves and not wildlife.

Roger Griffin is one of few to get it right when it comes to what fascism and Donald Trump actually is. If you're a pro-anarchism/anarchy democracy debunker he makes for very good adjacent/supporting theory. He argues that liberalism is the bigger factor to freedom then democracy.

The Sanctity of Light by Luigi Russolo, c. 1910

Part of the story of the 20th century left was transitioning from Stalinism to Maoism. If the left is going to still be a thing in the 21st century I'd like to see a complete transition out of Marxism entirely.

Venus Visits Vulcan by Sigismund Christian Hubert Goetze, 1909

I here this talk about the need for a new civic democratic culture against this encroaching authoritarianism but the obvious answer to authoritarianism is anti-authoritarianism. A new philosophy of anarchy is needed at the cultural upstream. That's how this authoritarianism got going after all.

If we really are now in a cyberfeudal context that has succeeded capitalism as argues does it really make sense to continue 'anti-capitalist' discourse. It would seem to me that anti-statism is more important going forward as the state is the recurring power structure.

Anti-capitalism and anti-statism need to be conjoined terms. It's how you keep that authoritarians at bay.

I've heard the term 'revolutionary conservative' used to describe right wing populist Trumpism. I don't think that's correct. They're not RCs, they're secessionary conservatives. Secession is to conservatism what revolution is to liberalism. It's the position point of exhaustion.

If you entertain the Strauss-Howe generational theory then we are pretty much at the climax point of the 4th turning. The right wing reactionary oligarchs are the bad guys to be defeated joining the Royal Brits, Confederates, and Nazi/Fascists before them.

If big title video game prices go up to $80 or even $100 I will never buy one unless it's on sale. There are so many indie games out there for a fraction of the price that are just as much fun, if not more.

Prediction Time. Transhumanism will eventually become, this century, what eugenics became in the greater 20th century. Rejected by respectable intellectuals. Like THism Eugenics had a right and a left flank but the fascistic former made the latter untenable.

It's funny to see the right and the left continue to commit the sins that Walter Benjamin pointed out all those years ago. The right infects politics with aesthetics(and I would add mythology) and the left infects aesthetics/mythology with politics.

The Seinfeld and Shoshana thing was so easily forgotten precisely because it's hard to stay mad when there is exactly zero evidence of harm. If you can't show any damages, how exactly was there a heinous crime? #StopTheHysteria #RespectYoungAdults

For those who still visit does anyone think they should consider doing registered account comments only?

I'm somewhat understanding of the knowledge controlling(and forbidding)tendencies of Abrahamic mythologies/religion. They were responding to pagan knowledge obsession which, at worst, can lead to capture and control of the living. Knowledge concentration co-factors in state formation after all.

Sex-Phobic Neo-Puritanism is strongest among Americans to be sure, but the trend is influencing other countries as well. It's not healthy. #StopTheHysteria

Liberals are in the same position that conservatives were in after the collapse of Fordist era media. FM was very propagandistically socially conservative for the most part. The media that began with cable and later the internet leaned liberal and conservatives turned back to radio.

Sin is contingent not original. Immanent not transcendent.

There are certain USA aesthetic/artistic figures that make the entire USA memetic structure worth it Leviathan and all. David Lynch is one of those figures.

The alternative left is even worse then the official legacy left. The LL has it's problems, but at least it's not pipelined towards reactionary thinking. The altleft isn't really a leading edge movement and it will not be what replaces the current recuperated legacy left.

What really needs to be said about the intersectionalist leftist edifice is that it really isn't countercultural or bohemian in any way at all. It lacks creative radical irreverence and it defines most of the current left. It's a symptom of radical recuperation.

To all the liberals/leftists complaining about meta and X and what they allow. Why not just adjust to the times and develop your own hatecract and counterinfo to counter the right. Stop relying on top down control schemes that assume an objective reality that simply doesn't exist.

Sex-phobic cultures like Anglo-Puritan or Irish Catholic refuse to let 14 and 15 year olds control their own bodies. Not so in Portugal, Germany, Hungary, just to name a few. Stop infantilizing young adults. Quit pretending that Puritan sex-phobia is normal or good. #StopTheHysteria