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Political science prof. researching ⚖️law as political strategy @ Departement of Government & LawTransform, 🚩Lawfare, autocratisation & resistance, human rights 🌈sexual & reproductive rights, child rights, climate, indigenous rights
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Hva er samfunnsvitenskapelig kunnskap godt for? Det skal vi snakke om på #AkademiskMorgenkaffe i morgen. Da kommer Håvard Haarstad som leder Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, og bl.a satr 8 år i Teknologirådet Mer her:

Anne Appelbaum sums up the rationale behind the Trump's threat to universities

Here we go: the rewriting of history has formally begun "Oklahoma proposes teaching standards suggesting 2020 election ‘discrepancies’"

"It’s possible that future generations will look back on this scourge and see something else — not just what was destroyed but also what was born." All should read Robert Reich for insights and inspiration i these dark times.

"War with Canada is what Trump seems to have in mind. Fentanyl is not the only the big lie. That Canada does not really exist is the other. ...The imperialist rhetoric has to be seen for what it is, which is preparation not just for trade war but for war itself."

Greit forklart.

Pandemien av frykt og selvsensur kjenner sprer seg raskt over landegrensene

Betimelig og viktig innlegg i rektordebatten på fra Ida Elise Seppola Adkelund.

Anbefaler denne gode oppsummeringen av Trump/Musk angrepene på advokater, dommere og opposisjonelle fra

Trump: "These newspapers are really no different than a highly paid political operative. And it has to stop. It has to be illegal ... it just cannot be legal."

Vi er ein gjeng tilsette og studentar på som neste torsdag utfordrar rektorlaga som stiller til val: Kva har situasjonen i Palestina å seie for norsk UH-sektor? Kva kan eller må UiB gjere, eventuelt ikkje gjere? Ope for alle interesserte! ⏲️20.03 kl. 18, Litthus #palestine

Fox News anchor, Jesse Watters finds it “personally offensive” that Canadians refuse to be annexed by the US: “That’s what everyone in the world wants—American citizenship.” American Imperialism is on full show.

The 2025 Holberg Prize is awarded to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, of Columbia University, for her groundbreaking research in comparative literature, postcolonial studies, philosophy, and feminist theory.

Kari Jegerstedt skriver om årets mottager av Holbergprisen, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, i Morgenbladet i dag. (Betalingsmur).

Look forward to this seminar with Livia Buzyolin on #Sexual&ReproductiveRights in #Brazil after Bolzonaro. Thursday 13 March 14:15 at 📌 #SkeivForsk-UiB

Africa is close to average in terms of female parliamentary representation. Yet, this does not necessarily indicate a high level of gender equality. Irene Afriyie, Carmeliza Rosario (CMI), Ragnhild Muriaas (UiB) and Tehetena Woldermariam (Norec) will discuss why ➡️ Tue 11 March 🕦 8:30 📍 here/zoom ☕🥐

Lívia Buzolin explores Brazil’s anti-gender and anti-sexuality movements and how they evolved to persist after Bolsonaro left office in 2022 ➡️ Thur 13 March 🕦 2:15 pm 🇳🇴 📍 here/zoom

Til deg som skriv BA- eller MA-opg m/kjønnsperspektiv & deg som rettleier slike studentar: Sjekk ut vår BA-stafett 21.03 og MA-stafett 24.03. Lenker under, frist 16.03. Del gjerne!

A sober analysis from

Velkommen til #AkademiskMorgenkaffe på onsdag! Kristine Holmelid fra Senter for undersøkende journalistikk er gjest og vi skal snakke om journalistene og journalistutdanningens betydning for demokratiet. Kaffe & te i vrimlearealet på SV-bygget fra kl 9. Samtalen starter 9:15.

“Once you decide that a single vulnerable minority can be sacrificed, you’re operating within a fascist logic,” they said. “That means there might be a second one you’re willing to sacrifice and a third, a fourth. Then what happens?”

As Trump tries to dismantle the Department of Education, remember that his plan to cut the corporate tax rate to 15% would give the 100 largest corporations a tax cut larger than the entire department's K-12 budget. Really think about how twisted this all is.

SKOK represented at the #standupforscience2025 demo at Head of Centre Kari Jegerstedt flanked by Chair of our board (right) and research advisor (left)

#StandUpForScience På Universitetet i Bergen vil mange av oss vise støtte til amerkanske kolleger med en kort markering på Muséplassen i dag kl 12 - bli gjerne med!

Gratulerer til og med seier i EFTA-domstolen - og ikke minst gratulerer til #Førdefjorden! Godt jobbet!

It is hard to avoid the thought that environmental destruction is not just a means by which Trump serves his corporate backers, but an end in itself.

Important from #JudithButler

While we’ve had our eyes on the wrecking ball, we’ve hardly taken notice of what is being constructed

Onsdag kommer Katharina Sass til #AkademiskMorgenkaffe for å snakke om det nye prosjektet sitt 🐋🐋 The Salmon Elite: Its politics, self-understanding, networks, and wealth. 🐋🐋 I Vrimlearealet, SV-bygget onsdag 5 mars. Kaffe, te og noe søtt fra kl 9. samtalen starter 9:15.

Tirsdag er en stor dag for UiB . Vi markerer at vi har fått ny #Sakprosaprofessor Institutt for informasjons- medievitenskap inviterer til #Tiltredelsesforelesning og mottakelse

1/ In May 2022,the European Committee of #SocialRights issued a statement on the crisis caused by Russia’s military aggression against #Ukraine. It made clear that military aggression against another State Party is per se inconsistent with the spirit & purposes of the #EuropeanSocialCharter

1/ Today the Euro Committee of #SocialRights publishes a groundbreaking decision on the #socialrights impacts of #poweroutages in the Madrid #CañadaReal informal settlement.The ruling is notable for its in-depth focus on the relationship between #energy and #humanrights - an area that has..

Ruben Mathisen kommer til #AkademiskMorgenkaffe onsdag for å snakke om dramatisk økning i #ideologisk_polarisering mellom unge gutter og jenter i Norge og hva som forklarer dette. Kaffe i Vrimlearealet på SV-fakultetet fra kl 9.

Not my work and I don't know who to credit.

Read Sean Jacobs & Sakiko Fukuda-Parr on developing curricula and pedagogy engaging students in topics about international affairs and the #politics_of_decolonization

The question is not why is the US withdrawing from the Human Rigths Council and treaties, but why is the European Union silent

#Competitive_authoritarianism will transform political life in the USA. This article by Levitsky & Way excellently sums up dynamics all to familiar to those of us studying #democratic_backsliding and #autcratic_lawfare in other parts of the world

«Judicial bricolage» - published today looks super interesting. Congratulations! Look forward to reading.

Gratulerer med ny viktig bok om #Kjønn&Politikk og! Stas med dyktige, blide kolleger - og med Institutt for politikk og forvaltning og i skjønn forening 😍

"You Europeans are over-sensitive to the threat of fascism" says a US vice president who has called for disregarding court orders restricting the unlawful actions of his boss.

📌 Why are so few women and non-western authors on our reading lists at Social Sciences Why should we care?📌Join #AcademicMorningCoffee Wednesday ⏰ 9:15 with🌻Lise Rakner 🌻 Ianira Vieira🌻Jana Belschner

Det er lett å bli passivisert, men det skjer altså en hel del i USA nå for å stoppe president Trumps ulovlige fremferd. Les: Tim’s latest substack is well worth a read—it puts the last few days of foreign affairs into historical perspective.

Don’t laugh at people saying we live in a simulation ;)

2-day #PhD_course /conference on #Autocratization & #Climate_Politics in contemporary society 🔥 Check it out here: ⏰ Apply by 20 Feb to join us in Bergen 25-26 March! (📸 Rasmus Berg)

This spring, we will host several open lectures as part of a combined seminar series, PhD&MA course with & SkeivForsk: Sex and politics in a global perspective. The first lecture is by ⏰ 18 Feb, 14:15-16:00 🌈🎓🧪#gendersky