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I'm here to participate in the annual #FThisMovieFest
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Mind if I do a J? #FThisMovieFest #LetsTakeThatHill

Elijah Would. #FThisMovieFest #TheFaculty

Casey: I'm seeing two of everything! #FThisMovieFest #TheFaculty

Boss fight. #FThisMovieFest #TheFaculty

Coach Willis's drills were bizarre, but effective. The Herrington Hornets went on to crush Valley 28-3. #TheFaculty #FThisMovieFest

Where's Kurt Russell with a flamethrower when you need him? #FThisMovieFest #TheFaculty

"You want to talk slightly odd?" #FThisMovieFest #TheFaculty

Don't worry Casey. You can always download a 256-color 30kb bitmap image on your dial-up Power Mac 5200 to "flog the bishop." Come back in 37 hours when it's halfway downloaded. #FThisMovieFest #TheFaculty

Careful there, Jon Stewart! Make sure those Body Snatchers didn't replace your microscope with the one from The Phantom! #FThisMovieFest #TheFaculty

"Being chased... I like that." We know. #FThisMovieFest #TheFaculty

I thought Jon Stewart was supposed to be in this movie. All I see is this fresh-faced toddler with a goatee. #FThisMovieFest #TheFaculty

This movie should come with a side of dramamine. #FThisMovieFest #TheFaculty #NonStopCamera

Offspring and emotionally abusive coaches degrading athletes with offensive language... 1998 confirmed. #FThisMovieFest #TheFaculty

T-Minus 5 minutes until the Twin Peaks references start flying. #TheFaculty #PiperLaurie #FThisMovieFest

😔 #FThisMovieFest #SmallSoldiers

We're off to a great start, #FThisMovieFest! I enjoyed watching SMALL SOLDIERS with you all! Next up from 1998: THE FACULTY at 1:15PM EST! Stay tuned.

This is exactly how Michael Bay got Anthony Hopkins to co-star in a Transformers movie. #FThisMovieFest #SmallSoldiers

The Commando Elite are not so much "dehumanizing" the Gorgonites as they are "de-industrial-military-complex-technology-infused-hasbo-toy-izing" them. #FThisMovieFest

Ann Magnuson, QUEEN of the Court. #FThisMovieFest

This happens every #FThisMovieFest — I start off posting strong and end up getting sucked into the movie. #SmallSoldiers #StayTuned

Proto-Drones #FThisMovieFest

Dawson's Shriek #FThisMovieFest

It's not so much "baby-sitting" as it is "baby-hog-tying." #FThisMovieFest #SmallSoldiers

Are Robert Picardo and David Cross about to merge into one person? #SmallSoldiers #FThisMovieFest

WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME— Didn't realize I needed a Jerry Goldsmith #SmallSoldiers soundtrack mashup with Michael Kamen's #DieHardWithAVengeance #FThisMovieFest

Come on Dad, model good behavior. #FThisMovieFest

"Here's your problem right here." #FThisMovieFest

For our younger viewers, small American towns in the 1990s used to have these small businesses called "retail shops," such as toy stores. #FThisMovieFest #FirstCameTheBigBoxChains #ThenCameAmazon

"Branded for Life" sounds like a 1998 sitcom. #FThisMovieFest #SmallSoldiers

Jerry Goldsmith self-reference. #SmallSoldiers #FThisMovieFest

Butch Meathook... Brick Bazooka... Kip Killigan... Nick Nitro... Link Static... Commando Elite or Cabinet Member? #FThisMovieFest

"THE MACHINE IS STILL ON, MOIRA!" #FThisMovieFest #AnnMagnuson

Phil Hartman! I didn't expect to get the feels from Small Soldiers, yet here we are. #FThisMovieFest

I trust everyone has simultaneously jumped off the couch to do the shoulder shimmy. #FThisMovieFest #LoveIsABattleField #PatBenatar

Dick Miller! Alright, we can all go home now. Wait... we're all already at home? I love this Fest. #FThisMovieFest

The surest way to defeat Chip Hazard is to slow down and chew properly. #FThisMovieFest

Was this Dennis Leary role originally intended for Bill Hicks? #FThisMovieFest

Not 2 minutes in and a Book of Isaiah reference. #FThisMovieFest #SwordsIntoPloughshares

The maestro steps up to the podium, raises the baton, and... T-MINUS 2 minutes to #FThisMovieFest! #JerryGoldsmith #SmallSoldiers

We are T-Minus 10 minutes until another classic Jerry Goldsmith/Joe Dante team up—SMALL SOLDIERS! Pump up the volume. #FThisMovieFest #GoldJerryGold

"I asked Michael [Bay] why it would be easier to train oil drillers to become astronauts than it was astronauts to become oil drillers, and he told me to "Shut... shut... shut the f*** up." —Ben Affleck T-Minus 30 minutes until #FThisMovieFest!

T-Minus 60 minutes until #FThisMovieFest travels back in time to 1998! Somebody wake up Ned!