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Phd-student in ecology at Aarhus University
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USA har aldrig været en moralsk supermagt. Europa burde have fundet sine egne ben for længe siden. Trump er horribel, men for de mange Europæiske politikere, der har troet på en slags særligt værdifællesskab med USA er det meget godt at få revet plasteret af.

Nå, men ligger alle jeres naboer også og pøser gylle ud på frossen jord de her dage?

On #moose/(Eurasian) #elk in Europe: "the retreat of A. alces in large areas of Europe was likely caused by anthropogenic landscape change (e.g., deforestation) and overhunting by humans during the late #Holocene rather than by climate warming" #defaunation

Blinded by short memories, our dreams reach no further than pleasant farmland and carefully managed woodland. The awesome large mammals, wiped out by human exploitation, also vanished from our minds. Time is up for science-based restoration targets. Thnx

“The question is one of teleology, of final ends: the fundamental goal of all rewilding … is the restoration of self-willed ecology, while the fundamental goal of all agriculture is the production and sale of food.“ 1/

Konsekvenserne er useriøs reservering af plads og beskyttelse af natur. Mon Klelund-modellen + store græsserer kunne redde sommerfuglene?

Hvordan tager vi fuldt ansvar for dyrenes ve og vel?, Fløjgaard og jeg hævder i denne kronik, at der mangler vigtige overvejelser, når Dyreetisk Råd udtaler sig om store dyr i indhegnede rewildingprojekter.

At the end of the year we can look back at the butterfly year 2024 in NL. What went up, what went down, and what species things did we notice? A threat in English. /1

Trophic #rewilding with horses & cattle at the Mols Laboratory, Denmark, inspiring many other projects in the country. A summary of 2024 😍 #dkpol #dknatur #biodiversitet

Danish National Parks are paper parks - nothing but words on a page or an advertisement in the supermarket. As you can tell from the add, we proudly reserve our NP’s for intensive agriculture… #dkpol

I modsætning til nærmest alle andre modtager Molslab IKKE landbrugsstøtte. #Rewilding Mols er derfor helt afhængig af brugerbetaling og frivillige bidrag. Hvis du er fan, vil vi derfor blive vildsomt glade for en donation på MobilePay til 600412. Kh alle os på Molslab. OG glædelig jul 😍 #dknatur

May your favorite ecosystem have its natural processes restored and strictly protected! Merry Christmas!

Check your baseline! It’s reasonable to assume that hippos in Colombia is a problem but studies don’t find the expected eco-catastrophe (doi: 10.1002/ECY.2991) Is it due to previous degradation from agriculture or a yet-small population?

Reminds me of Rhys Lemoine's great piece on magpies. Intelligent birds that favor grazed vegetation and disturbance dependent foraging, i.e. associated with megafauna. Exciting to see if magpies return to the wild as trophic rewilding reintroduces large mammals to European landscapes!

The Mols Laboratory, Denmark, in 2024. This is what trophic #rewilding with horses and cattle can do to #grassland vegetation. Not only does winter grazing promote flowers, the structural variation due to dung, trampling, grazing, browsing is huge! #biodiversity

We report today on the paradigm shift from Nature as a machine needing frequent tending to Nature as wild ecosystems with natural processes. From a rewilding perspective it is time to consider rewilding cattle and horses in Europe. Traditional management has failed.

🎅 GLÆDELIG 1. DECEMBER 🎅 De store planteædere er vel den bedste julegave #dknatur kan få 🐴 Med #rewilding får naturen variation og struktur. Lort, bideskjul, slid og græsning - de store dyr former landskabet og det pynter noget så fint. Det er så meningsfuldt. ✨️

Fantastisk og super formidlende billedliggørelse af problemstillingen som‬ lægger op i skyen. Tak Jens for at gøres det klart for os alle #dkpol #dkmedier #dkgreen #dksamfund

Can we have our biodiversity, and eat beef too? Possibly, but we aren’t there yet! Check out our new study, led by and, investigating opportunities and barriers for incentivizing near-natural grazing through a nature-positive beef production scheme.

Så må det vist være tid til min første post herinde. Og så er det jo fedt at kunne skyde den her afsted, som jeg har arbejdet på i månedsvis med fremragende kolleger:

At “plante urørt skov” er tæt på absurd udsagn. Selvgroet natur er nu en gang mere naturlig

Ud med får, ind med større græssere