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Dyb indsigt fra en insider. "What does Trump see in Putin" -og husk at nyde Fiona Hills smukke Yorkshire-dialekt.

Absolutely amazing past 24 hours for Tesla stock

Military aid to 🇺🇦: 🇺🇸: $64.13 billion 🇩🇰: $7.54 billion Pop: 🇺🇸: 347 million 🇩🇰: 6 million Aid per person: 🇺🇸: $184 🇩🇰: $1256 The U.S. was paying the equivalent of 3 large pizzas per person per year to destroy the Russian military & someone convinced them it was a bad deal

ProPublica looked into science grants that Ted Cruz's team flagged as "radical" and "neo-Marxist" and, uh. This would be good comedy if it didn't matter so much

If Trump was President in 1940👇 Heard on Heed the Call that you're having your third. As a dad to 3 girls, I can describe is best as going from man coverage to zone. Best of luck to you and yours.

Here is a 2018 conversation between Jeff Bezos and German publisher Matthias Döpfner at a Business Insider event. Presumably, he is as crimson as a Washington State cherry today:

Puha, heldigt det hverken var det ekstremt stressende samfund eller 20+ års fejlslagen folkeskolepolitik fra #dkpol der var skyld i børns mistrivsel.

Aaron Rodgers is gonna retire and immediately be named second-in-command at HHS, isn’t he? thank you for your point about Greenlanders feeling that they are treated as objects. The US discourse feels very disrespectful from over here in DK. a few notes on Mark Liebovich and Greenland. PM is Egede [EY-EH-THE] and not Eggy-D Population of Nuuk is 15K and not 50k US troops are already in GL Pittuffik Space Base, formerly Thule Airbase. US has full access to Greenland per agreement from -51, updated in 2004

Normalizing spelling out what people actually mean when they cite DEI rather than letting them hide behind the safe cover of a euphemism that's been sapped of meaning

incredibly funny that a member of the Danish People's Party (which is right-wing populist too!) is the one saying this nationalism vs nationalism Yes, all the kids on their bikes running late for school will definitely stay on the path..

“Does anyone have access to private lifeboats in the North Atlantic? All other passengers drowning. Will pay any amount!”

Word of the day is a favourite for this time of year. To be ‘crambazzled’, in old Yorkshire dialect, is to be prematurely aged by excess drinking or partying.

Elon Musk and Pete Hesgeth are the kind of tough alpha males that America needs, according to their mommies

Mrs Lincoln: "The play was great"

What an odd thing to feel the need to announce. Countries doing well usually don’t need to announce in the media that there they have food.

I remember reading this when the book came out and thinking "Nah, way too pessimistic". Now the incoming US Health Secretary doesn't think HIV causes AIDS.

Der gik år, før familien endeligt kastede håndklædet i ringen og meldte Gabriel ud af folkeskolen i 6. klasse. Hans historie er ikke enestående: Knap halvdelen af autistiske børn har ufrivilligt skolefravær. Hver femte angiver, at de ikke været i skole i mere end et år. Flere end nogensinde før.

@AaronNagler Oh boy, Bill Schmidt was SPOT ON. ".. They have enough of Aaron Nagler in them to enjoy the hell out of frustrating dad". This explains a lot of behavior from my own 3 girls 😂.

Even Grok's "fun" mode hates X.

Vågn til kamp af jer dvale any way to set up my 'following' feed so it doesn't jump to the most recent post when I open the app? I like to scroll forward to kind of catch up..

There it is
