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See DUMBšŸ›Žļø ainā€™t šŸ’©ā€¦this is WHAT U brought THIS BEIGE TAYLOR back 4ā€¦2 tell #STEFFY 2RUNNNN!Send BEIGE #TAYLOR back from where she came fromā€¦OG TAYLOR WAS MY GIRLā€¦by the time DUMBšŸ›Žļøfinished with her she was nearly UNRECOGNIZABLEā€¦KRISTA MADE ME BELIEVE AGAINā€¦now we STUCK with this šŸ’© #B&B #finn #sinn

#boldandthebeautiful #finn #sinn #steffy Her goes šŸ›Žļø DUMB WRITING REHASHā€¦another prison visit(like SHEDEMON) and another DAMN HUG (just like SHEDEMON) JUST WAITING ON LIAM to VIDEOTAPE THE HUG& Show STEFFYā€¦šŸ›Žļø

#taylor #boldandthebeautiful Is Taylor ALLERGIC to VIBRANT COLORSā€¦black white&gray DAMN

Lord Shelia and her I'm forbidden to have a relationship w/Finn who I shot and left for dead! #boldandbeautiful

I think she would have but SHE GROWN NOW.. it is what it isā€¦sad but reality #sinn #finn #boldandthebeautiful #steffy

Just stay away from those pills Steffy and all will be well #Boldandbeautiful

Steffy girl Finn is the next generation and heā€™s BETTER MORALLY than EVERYONE on B&Bā€¦ ever heard of NATURE V/S NURTURE besides didnā€™t TAYLOR&BILL TRY TO KILL FOLKSā€¦ didnā€™t Liam actually KILL SOME1ā€¦.GUHHHHHHH STOP IT #finn #steffy #sinn #boldandthebeautiful

Then Finn saying to Judge she keeps saying OUR SON HAS EVIL GENESā€¦Steffy gonna FAFO if she keeps REPEATING this and that child OVERHEARS herā€¦all this NAMING AND CLAIMING sheā€™s doin #finn #steffy #boldandthebeautiful #sinn STEFFY, GIRL

Steffy if you donā€™t want Finn Iā€™ll take him off your hands #BoldAndBeautiful

Liams "Steffy upset" senses should be tingling & he should be stopping by to return a toy Kelly forgot in 5,4,3,2,1 šŸ˜‚! #boldandbeautiful

This was so INSULTING& CRUEL to say about her own Baby Hayes& Finn has SHEDEMONā€™s genes and heā€™s the most MORAL KINDEST PERSON on B&B (nature v/s nurture) but Steffy needs to STOP talking this way be4 her son overhears her #sinn #steffy #finn #boldandthebeautiful

Not if heā€™s raised in a STABLE HOME with 2parents that LOVE HIM&ONE ANOTHERā€¦but HAYES definitely doesnā€™t need to OVERHEAR HIS MOMMA talking about HIS EVIL GENES DA FUQšŸ™„ #steffy #finn #boldandthebeautiful #sinn

STEFFY NEEDS TO STOP BEING RECKLESS with her mouth about EVIL GENESā€¦one day HAYES THEIR CHILD will OVERHEAR HER #steffy #finn #sinn #boldandthebeautiful

Another DUMBšŸ›Žļø REHASH of SHEDEMON PLOT #sinn #finn #steffy #boldandthebeautiful But Iā€™m so HAPPY Steffy chose TO STAND BY HER HUSBAND FINN as he has for her MANY MANY TIMES including STANDING IN FRONT OF STEFFY&TAKING A BULLET

Finally found the jeans! #BeyondTheGates #BTG

Yes SHEDEMON SHOT #FINN when he jumped in front of the gun 2save U #Steffy cause U chose 2go DEFEND BROOKEā€™s SOBRIETY(not ya business)ā€¦be4 that he was curious about his BIRTH MOTHER(not counting OOC after shooting behavior šŸ›Žļø)LAMEA$$ LIAM has done errrthing but shoot U&U canā€™t SHAKE yo BESTIE #sinn

#Steffy After ALL THE BEAUTY JOY LOVE ACCEPTANCE & HAPPINESS Finn brought into your lifeā€¦what did U do???? U chose to BETRAY him with THAT LOSER LAMEA$$ LIAMā€¦without protection&Finn HAD YOUR BACK&prayed Baby Hayes was his #FINN 4GAVE U&never threw it in your faceā€¦Iā€™m GONNA NEED RECIPROCATION #sinn

#Steffy itā€™s INSULTING 2talk about SHEDEMONā€™S EVIL BLOOD in the veins of YOUR CHILD HAYES&YOUR HUSBAND FINNā€¦just plain CRUELā€¦REAL TALK&U MY GIRL but Iā€™ve seen more EVIL UGLY WAYS in U in the past then I EVER SAW IN #FINN SO STOP IT #sinn #boldandthebeautiful Youre MOUTH is being RECKLESS!!!!

#Steffy U really gonna throw in that manā€™s face that he wishes he would have been there 4 LUNAtic as a BABYā€¦4GIVE HIMā€¦heā€™s not like your LAMEA$$ BESTIE EXHUSBAND LIAM that THREW U&KELLY AWAY so easily when she was an UNBORN BABY&BIRTHED BABYā€¦we know youā€™re not used to GOOD MEN #finn #B&B #sinn

##boldandthebeautiful #sinn #finn #STEFFY YOUR FORRESTER FAMILY brought SHEDEMON into FINNā€™S LIFEā€¦That man lived his ENTIRE LIFE without SHEDEMON worried about him until he married into YOUR FORRESTER FAMILY SO GIRLā€¦

#BeyondTheGates violence is not the answer, but sometimes it is the solution

No words needed. #Dani #KarlaMosley #BeyondTheGates #BTG

Ms. Tunie as Mrs. Dupree entering the room as only she can. #TamaraTunie #BeyondTheGates #BTG

Beyond The Gates Recap: Anita & Vernon Agree to Protect Martin, and Nicole Throws Hayley Out of her Office Before Dani Goes Ballistic on Bill #BTG #BeyondTheGates

Ummm what was that look?! šŸ‘€ #BeyondTheGates #BTG #SoapSky

Betty, cheerer of little kids #willtrent

New #BeyondTheGates outfit: Eva's brown leather coat with sherpa trims #AmbyrMichelle

This scene had me hollering. The way they all exited in a line after each staring down Hayley. šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ» #BeyondTheGates #BTG

I know itā€™s only been 2 episodes but Iā€™m already loving #BeyondTheGates. It gives me old school soap drama while also having fun energy and a contemporary look. This is exactly what we need on daytime TV. Iā€™m so excited! #BTG #SoapSky

My baby wearing that outfit! SHEEEESH! šŸ˜#BTG

Haley is the black Brook Logan and i cant unsee it lol Delulu on šŸ’Æ!!! #BTG #BeyondTheGates

It's time to head to Fairmont Crest! I am so glad P&G is back in the soap game! Licensed music. Opulent sets. We gone be full as ticks on a deer's ass! #BeyondTheGates

I know poppy didnā€™t just say ā€œheā€™s my sister sonā€ girl WHAT! #Boldandbeautiful

Poor Finn you can see how broken he is. Poppy needs her a s s whooped #BoldAndBeautiful