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Social science (historie og samfundsfag) teacher. Curious! Likes are mostly 'likes' - but might just be a 'bookmark' as long as the function doesn't exist.
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USA i den nuværende forfatning er en ikke land man skal bygge (dele af) sin forsyningssikkerhed på. Det kræver - igen - nogle investeringer og ofre, men EU har nok behov for øget uafhængighed af både Kina, Rusland og - ja - USA ift. centrale ressourcer og produktion.

Det er nogle interessante - lettere skræmmende tal Nyhan her præsenterer.

The Dallas Fed's Manufacturing Activity Index records comments every month from its respondents (factories in southern NM, TX, and northern LA). These typically run pretty far to the right of the WSJ Editorial page. Anyhow, here's what they're saying this month:

MORE: Russian losses in massive efforts that have failed to break Ukrainian lines or even drive them back very far are exacerbating challenges that Russia will face in sustaining the war effort through 2025 and 2026. (1/3)

A fascinating chart of how German voters who voted for a different party in 2021 (or didn’t vote) voted in 2025.

A slightly positive 🧵 in a dark time. Research on dictatorships and democratic backsliding suggests that the American experiment with authoritarianism could be brief. There are five reasons for this:

CiTIzeN jOurnaLIsm!

Thomas har nogle interessante overvejelse om "nyhedsindustrien". Herunder nogle overvejelser om relevans (har ikke adgang til at forstå modellen for at beregne relevansen). Men disse to figurer illustrere en uligevægt i hvad medierne præsenterer og hvad borgerne har "brug" for.

– USA imploderer. Mer enn et kupp, får #USA nå smake sin egen medisin, regimeendring, bare at det nå kommer innenfra, fra en gruppe ekstremister som har tatt over statsapparatet og utfordrer rettsstaten, sier

Meh - det er ikke nok. Det skal længere ned. Helt ned i sølet.

I aftaleteksten til forliget om den nye epx-uddannelse bliver der lagt vægt på at eleverne skal gøres “fortrolige med vores egen kultur og historie, samt forberede dem til deltagelse i et samfund med frihed og folkestyre.” Forligspartierne bygger dette på at vi lever ... #uddpol #epx #skolechat

Francis criticizing Christian identitarianism (what Rogers Brubaker called "Christianism"): "...worrying about personal, community or national identity...easily introduces an ideological criterion that distorts social life and imposes the will of the strongest as the criterion of truth."

American science is under attack. This includes everything from cuts to censorship. This will likely have damaging consequences for fields ranging from medical science to agricultral from national defense to economics. See this letter from the Director of the NIH:

Bodø/Glimt leverer fortsat spændende resultater europæisk. Denne afslutning - hvor de første udligner den samlede stilling, sparker sig til avancement og derefter lukker Twente tilbage på 4-5 minutter er alligevel lidt vildere 🥳 Fodbold er en skøn sport.