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Journal of Software and Systems Modeling
140 posts 54 followers 3 following
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#OnlineFirst The extended EA ModelSet—a FAIR dataset for researching and reasoning enterprise architecture modeling practices Philipp-Lorenz Glaser, Emanuel Sallinger & Dominik Bork

#OnlineFirst The technological landscape of collaborative model-driven software engineering Abhishek Choudhury, Ivano Malavolta, Federico Ciccozzi, Kousar Aslam & Patricia Lago

#OnlineFirst Developing configurations and solutions for logical puzzles with UML and OCL Martin Gogolla & Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado

#OnlineFirst Defining and generating multi-level and uncertainty-wise test oracles for cyber-physical systems Pablo Valle, Aitor Arrieta, Liping Han, Shaukat Ali & Tao Yue

#OnlineFirst Networcat: applying analysis techniques of shared memory software on message-passing distributed systems Levente Bajczi & Vince Molnár

#OnlineFirst SustainScrum: integrating sustainability assessment in a tailored Scrum process for computing quantitative sustainability indicators Alexandra Mazak-Huemer, Michael Vierhauser & Iris Groher

#OnlineFirst Enhancing remaining time prediction in business processes by considering system-level and resource-level inter-case features Reza Aalikhani, Mohammad Fathian & Mohammad Reza Rasouli

💡 Get ready for No.2 of our #SoSyM interview series! We provide first-hand insights into the past, present, and future of the SoSyM journal from the Editors-in-Chief. This time in the spotlight: our Editor-in-Chief Benoit Combemale! To the interview:

#OnlineFirst Requirements specification using templates: a model-driven approach Ikram Darif, Ghizlane El Boussaidi & Sègla Kpodjedo

#OnlineFirst On the use of large language models in model-driven engineering Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio, Claudio Di Sipio, Phuong T. Nguyen & Riccardo Rubei

Congratulations to the 2024 #BestReviewers of SoSyM and thanks for your hard work! You can find the full list here:

#OnlineFirst Integrating smart contracts into the modeling paradigm to harness the potential of models Cristian Gómez-Macías, Francisco Javier Pérez-Blanco, David Granada & Juan Manuel Vara

#OnlineFirst Adding higher-level semantics to Functional Mock-up Units for easier, faster, and more robust co-simulation connections Martin Rindarøy, Håvard Nordahl, Severin Sadjina, Stian Skjong & Marianne Hagaseth

Excellent news: 🤩 Our SoSyM Associate Editor-in-Chief, Marsha Chechik, is named as 2024 ACM Fellow for her contributions to formal reasoning for quality software development at scale. Our warmest congratulations, Marsha! 👏

#OnlineFirst Refactoring goal-oriented models: a linguistic improvement using large language models Nouf Alturayeif & Jameleddine Hassine

#OnlineFirst Code generation for classical-quantum software systems modeled in UML Luis Jiménez-Navajas, Ricardo Pérez-Castillo & Mario Piattini

#OnlineFirst Impromptu: a framework for model-driven prompt engineering Sergio Morales, Robert Clarisó & Jordi Cabot

#OnlineFirst Adaptive caching for operation-based versioning of models Jakob Pietron, Heiko Raab & Matthias Tichy

#OnlineFirst Safety behavior abstraction and model evolution in autonomous driving Chao Tan, Tiexin Wang, Man Zhang & Tao Yue

#OnlineFirst A reference architecture for the development of GLSP-based web modeling tools Haydar Metin & Dominik Bork

#OnlineFirst Extract, model, refine: improved modelling of program verification tools through data enrichment Sophie Lathouwers, Yujie Liu & Vadim Zaytsev

#OnlineFirst Digital twin and the asset administration shell - An Analysis of the Three Types of AASs and their Feasibility for Digital Twin Engineering Jingxi Zhang, Carsten Ellwein, Malte Heithoff, Judith Michael & Andreas Wortmann

#OnlineFirst Model-based verification of data protection mechanisms in collaborative business processes Sara Belluccini, Rocco De Nicola, Marlon Dumas, Pille Pullonen-Raudvere, Barbara Re & Francesco Tiezzi

#OnlineFirst Boosting bug localization in software models of video games with simulations and component-specific genetic operations Rodrigo Casamayor, Lorena Arcega, Francisca Pérez & Carlos Cetina

#OnlineFirst Can explainable artificial intelligence support software modelers in model comprehension? Francisco Javier Alcaide, José Raúl Romero & Aurora Ramírez

#OnlineFirst How are informal diagrams used in software engineering? An exploratory study of open-source and industrial practices Robbert Jongeling, Antonio Cicchetti & Federico Ciccozzi

#OnlineFirst Jidoka: automation with a human touch Eban Escott

#SoSyM-Issue 2024/06 has been published:

#OnlineFirst Experimenting with modeling-specific word embeddings José Antonio Hernández López, Carlos Durá & Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado

#OnlineFirst Automated testing of metamodels and code co-evolution Zohra Kaouter Kebaili, Djamel Eddine Khelladi, Mathieu Acher & Olivier Barais

#OnlineFirst Conceptual modelling of temporality and subjectivity as cross-cutting concerns Cesar Gonzalez-Perez

#OnlineFirst Run-time threat models for systematic and continuous risk assessment Stef Verreydt, Dimitri Van Landuyt & Wouter Joosen

#OnlineFirst An elucidation of blended modeling from an industrial perspective Jörg Holtmann, Federico Ciccozzi, Wim Bast & Joost van Pinxten

#OnlineFirst R-IO SUITE: integration of LLM-based AI into a knowledge management and model-driven based platform dedicated to crisis management Aurélie Congès, Audrey Fertier, Nicolas Salatgé, Sébastien Rebière & Frederick Benaben

#OnlineFirst Using DSLs to manage consistency in long-lived enterprise language specifications Peter Linington, Zoran Milosevic, Akira Tanaka & Igor Dejanovic

💡Did you know, that #SoSyM has already published more than 70 special sections? Such special sections are prepared based on work from highly innovative conferences & workshops in the modeling area. Interested in creating a special section? Find out more here:

#OnlineFirst Business process improvement with AB testing and reinforcement learning: grounded theory-based industry perspectives Aaron Friedrich Kurz, Timotheus Kampik, Luise Pufahl & Ingo Weber

#OnlineFirst gLTSdiff: a generalized framework for structural comparison of software behavior Dennis Hendriks & Wytse Oortwijn

#OnlineFirst Completion of SysML state machines from Given–When–Then requirements Maria Stella de Biase, Simona Bernardi, Stefano Marrone, José Merseguer & Angelo Palladino

#OnlineFirst A closer look at activity relationships to improve business process redesign Kerstin Andree, Dorina Bano & Mathias Weske

#OnlineFirst Ceaml: A novel modeling language for enabling cloud and edge continuum orchestration Ioannis Korontanis, Antonios Makris & Konstantinos Tserpes

#OnlineFirst From single-objective to multi-objective reinforcement learning-based model transformation Martin Eisenberg & Manuel Wimmer

#OnlineFirst Incremental model transformations with triple graph grammars for multi-version models and multi-version pattern matching Matthias Barkowsky & Holger Giese

#OnlineFirst Redescription mining-based business process deviance analysis Engjëll Ahmeti, Martin Käppel & Stefan Jablonski

#OnlineFirst The sustainability assessment framework toolkit: a decade of modeling experience Patricia Lago, Nelly Condori Fernandez, Iffat Fatima, Markus Funke & Ivano Malavolta

#OnlineFirst Modeling the obsolescence of models Iván Alfonso, Jean-Sébastien Sottet, Pierre Brimont & Jordi Cabot

#OnlineFirst Continuous Evolution of Digital Twins using the DarTwin Notation Joost Mertens, Stefan Klikovits, Francis Bordeleau, Joachim Denil & Øystein Haugen

#OnlineFirst Exploring the interaction of design variability and stochastic operational uncertainties in software-intensive systems through the lens of modeling Javier Cámara

#OnlineFirst An architecture for coupled digital twins with semantic lifting Santiago Gil, Eduard Kamburjan, Prasad Talasila & Peter Gorm Larsen

#OnlineFirst Uncertainty-aware environment simulation of medical devices digital twins Hassan Sartaj, Shaukat Ali & Julie Marie Gjøby