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Learning to pour my heart out about my university job
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Academia in DigitalDeutschland: apparently it will take 3 weeks to get the Dean's signature. While he is in the office.🎓🇩🇪 #AcademicSky

I don't love it when someone wants me to call my boss during his vacation because the 2 of them forgot to complete some urgent task before the 🎄holidays. I'm in the corner now to practice saying no.🎓 #AcademicSky

Supporting a doctoral researcher for almost 7 years, and then missing her viva today due to a bad flu!🤧 Still incredibly proud.🎓 #PhDone #AcademicSky #PhDSky

Scientists, academics, researchers: We’re excited to share that is now tracking mentions of your research on Bluesky! 🧪

The world through squid eyes!🐙🎓🦑 #AcademicSky

First time ever in my life that I meant when I said "endlich Kaffee".☕

Really enjoyed the #HorizonEurope🇪🇺 course🎓 atmosphere by this week, including some challenging topics (personnel costs🤓) and even clues about cooperations with Switzerland🇨🇭. #AcademicSky

Today some uni colleagues had an argument about a task "required" to be done on paper because the last time they tried Excel, it didn't work. I have achieved new levels of Fremdschämen.🎓 #AcademicSky

It's been one of those days when I learned some very disappointing and frustrating things. RIP academia.🎓 #AcademicSky

Bureaucratic 🇩🇪 Unwort des _Jahrhunderts_: 'papiergestützt'.📄 #AcademicSky🎓

Academia is considered a place of privilege. Because of the expectations for working in a university we may feel the need to be quiet about challenges in our private life.🎓 #AcademicMentalHealth #AcademicSky

How do electronic sick reports (eAUBs) (recently introduced across 🇩🇪) continue to bear so many mistakes and still get lost on the lengthy way patient–doc/hospital–health insurance–payroll–HR–manager? #AcademicSky🎓

Coping with <15°C office temperatures as heating at uni buildings is turned off during holiday season (if only it worked properly the rest of the year).🥶

Almost shocking to be back today.🎓 Invoices due last November were still not paid during the holidays. Practically spent the day sending out reminders.🤷🏽‍♀️

There should be a maximum of, say, 15 days for universities to reimburse you for travel expenses. If you are a University in Germany that limit should go down to 7 days because inevitably it will turn to many times that because of your creepy paper documents only fetish.

More and more PIs/academics around me are leaving TwiX. The question remains: where/what now? How to promote achievements & announcements without any capacity to build up a profile.🎓 #AcademicSky

ExzellenzUni🇩🇪🎓 yesterday: We sent you the contract last week via Hauspost, you should get it any minute. Today: Uhm, that contract seems still here. Can you come pick it up asap? #AcademicSky

ExzellenzUni at its best again: no possibility to post job ads on any career portal. Because, obviously, Fachkräftemangel is not a thing here.🇩🇪

Nobody cares about your excuses hours after you didn't show up to a meeting that only would have made sense with you attending. How busy you were with very important other things only means you don't give a damn about the people waiting for you. Plus, you really are just bad at time management.

Interesting documentary: UnCharitable. Any parallels between non-profits and sustainability in academia? Why not pay decent wages to people working for a good cause.🎓💰 #AcademicSky

Overheard a prof saying "students suffering from anxiety who can't leave their home _even for exams_ are not fit for academia and should just quit uni".🎓 #AcademicSky

"Den schwerstbetroffenen Patienten – die Krankheit tritt in unterschiedlichen Ausprägungsgraden auf – geht es häufig innerhalb von relativer kurzer Zeit so schlecht, dass sie nur noch im Bett liegen können, geschützt vor Licht und Geräuschen, auf die sie extrem empfindlich reagieren" #MEAwareness

ExzellenzUni🇩🇪 failing university rankings by evaluating whether the staff has to clean their offices & kitchen themselves. Not the toilets though. For now.

Sexual harassment and gender biases remain entrenched despite implemented gender equity initiatives and policies.🎓

Laying someone off is hard —as it should be—, even during the probation period.🎓

Anybody else hit by budget cuts on BMBF🇩🇪 research projects? If I can get some uni official to seal the deal (yes, literally put a seal on the letter), I might be able to save ~900€.🎓

I admit that currently I 🤮 a lot about this ExzellenzUni here.🇩🇪 Either blame it on the 🌫️weather, or there's something new dropping in daily on top of all the end-year stress. Gonna turn 180° and view today's one positively. They are catching up, only 2 years behind now.🐙

ExzellenzUni: some colleagues are still waiting for reimbursement of travel expenses 5 months after conference trip. Not a nice record.🇩🇪

Remind me🐙 again why an event organizer would have no meatless options of catering.🐷🐷🐷

Oh, it's just me🐙 again untangling miscommunication between uni's central divisions regarding temporary vs permanent employment.🇩🇪 Definitely above my/anybody's paygrade! #ichbinHanna

So I guess I will start the day by figuring out how to set up a 2-yr research project with funding for only 4 months. A better morning to you all.🧮💶

Achieving the impossible: handed out a crispy new permanent contract to our postdoc after multiple temporary employments.🎓🐙 #ichbinHanna

Thanks to + for the podcast episode 'Das WissZeitVg widerspricht Europäischem Recht – mit Simon Pschorr' about our daily struggles in these historic #ichbinHanna times!🇪🇺🎓🇩🇪

Cute (~16 yo) couple on public transport to each other: "Digga, du riechst so gut!" They seem to shower.🇩🇪🚌

Is it normal to have a purely _academic crush_ on someone? Actually, multiple someones. Asking for a friend.

Uni's finance dept. now requires 2 POA signatories even for low expenses etc., without any announcement or communication.🇩🇪🎓 Can't wait to see all the rejected payment requests... not now, but after their 3-4-week turnaround time via Hauspost😎

Yet another round as I navigate bureaucracy to have temporary employment contracts extended. Just because I am so very experienced, why not for 7 researchers simultaneously this time?! Go ichbinHanna!🎓🇩🇪

How long does one normally wait for the reimbursement of travel expenses? Current average: 4 months and counting... Aiming to break records here!🇩🇪🎓