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Policy and research Guest professor Ghent University Active in Industrial relations, trade unions, collective bargaining. And waterpolo 🤽
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EnquĂŞte UNI Europa toont dat grote meerderheid EU-burgers (72%) voorstander is van openbare aanbestedingen die levensstandaard werknemers versterken door middel van collectieve onderhandelingen. 83% wil dat vakbondsonderdrukkers ( #UnionBusters) en onderbetalende bedrijven worden uitgesloten. #cao

1/3 EU burgers willen dat overheidsgeld bijdraagt aan socialer Europa met betere arbeidsomstandigheden en lonen. Logisch, toch? 👉Miljoenen mensen werken bij bedrijven met overheidsopdrachten 👉Contracten vertegenwoordigen 15% van Europese economie 👉Publiek geld kan goede werkomstandigheden garanderen

When the EU thinks about simplification, it should remember the words of Jacques Delors: “If you don't have collective agreements between unions and employers, governments have to legislate more”

If your local school was cleaned by a contractor, how shoud one select? (1) the cheaper the better (2) the best company in terms of price, quality, social and environmental criteria? EU citizens think (2), the EU pushes for (1) New study

BREAKING: A survey commissioned by UNI Europa finds that a large majority of EU citizens (72%) are in favour of public procurement that strengthens workers’ livelihoods through collective bargaining. This is a clear signal to the European Commission as it set outs to reform EU procurement rules.

“15% of GDP in Europe is spent through public procurement. It really is the easiest way for the EU to promote collective bargaining.” Our Regional Secretary Oliver Roethig’s call for a bold reform at the / event on public procurement.

Episode 1 of the public procurement & collective bargaining week with and No public money for social dumping

Tatcher in 1981: "Economics are the method; the object is to change the heart and soul" That's quite the marxist materialist analysis

Next week, 3 events on 'public procurement and collective bargaining' Monday 3 march: & launch a study with, Niklas Bruun,, and

Pope Francis on unions: There is no good society without a good union, and there is no good union that is not reborn every day in the peripheries, that does not transform the economy’s rejected stones into its cornerstones. (1/2)

Pope John Paull II, in "Centesimus Annus" "Here we find the reason for the Church's defence and approval of (...) trade unions (...) because the right of association is a natural right of the human being, which therefore precedes his or her incorporation into political society"

"We will be aiming to change Europe’s public procurement rules so that decent employers will no longer be undercut by an unscrupulous race to the bottom on low pay, bad conditions and union busting." Time to stop public money fuelling a race to the bottom.

New ESENER data from EU OSHA confirms the long term trend: the chance of a company being inspected continues to decrease Labour inspection is becoming like ticket control in Brussels busses: it exists, but nobody ever sees them

🚨Nieuwe Analyse🚨 Arizona I is een feit. Maar kloppen de uitgangspunten achter deze ‘herstel’- en saneringsregering wel?

Development in Australia with over 60 employers joining a multi-employer agreement for Early Childhood Education and Care sector. That's over 20.000 workers receiving a 15% pay increase! (1/2)

Just found out my Belgian village used to have a street called "potato street". They've renamed it but missed the opportunity to call it "fries street"

Absoluut! Eén loonindex klinkt goed, maar is het niet. De schoonheid van het systeem zit in zijn chaos en diversiteit! 👇

“There has not to be a contradiction between social rights, solidarity, cohesion and competitiveness.” In the European Parliament, former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta made the case for a revision of the EU’s public procurement rules with strong social conditionality.

Should we democratize firms by putting workers in company boards? Happy to share a Belgian perspective at the conference at

Dramatic news for EU workers. The ECJ Advocate General advocates to annul the Minimum Wage Directive. While the EU has been destroying collective bargaining for decades, a small step towards promoting it seen as illegal.

Dramatic news for EU workers. The ECJ Advocate General advocates to annul the Minimum Wage Directive. While the EU has been destroying collective bargaining for decades, a small step towards promoting it seen as illegal.

A highly controversial opinion was submitted to the Court of Justice of the EU today. ⚠️ It calls for the axing of the Adequate Minimum Wages Directive 🤯 "This opinion, if confirmed, would be a huge blow to working people and their trade unions."

Een staking tijdens een lopende onderhandeling is helemaal niet zo vreemd. In het Duits hebben ze daar zelfs een woord voor, de *warnstreik*

Over de vakbondsactiedag tegen pensioenhervorming: "Als je niet aan tafel zit, sta je waarschijnlijk op het menu" VRT Radio 1, #DeWereldVandaag

Hoe kijken Vlaamse managers naar sociaal overleg? Onderzoeksnota in Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken over referentiekaders:

Brusselaars, hoe zit dat nu eigenlijk met die lage emissiezone?

BREAKIN: As the year comes to a close, another 17 MEPs have pledged to work towards a reform of EU Public Procurement Directives that ensures respect for collective bargaining, In 2025, we will fix the EU's broken procurement rules. #ProcuringDecentWork A🧵on the 17 MEPs:

Go and organize/support unions! An additional year of #union membership reduces the odds of #mortality by 1.5%. This magnitude is about half that of consistent attachment to paid employment. Details in this great paper by & colleagues:

Canada is the only country on record where union density among young people increased after 2000 Does anybody know why Canada countered the overall trend?

Special on multi-employer bargaining with articles on UK, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark etc. Check also the video on single and multi-employer bargaining here

Special on multi-employer bargaining with articles on UK, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark etc. Check also the video on single and multi-employer bargaining here

Democracy at work & democratic societies Presentation at #ADAPTconference on why we need to look at companies to save our political democracies

Would you want AI as your boss? Much has been said on the replacement of workers by AI, but what about the bosses? A US survey showed the workers are quite open to that idea (65%) because workers think it would help fix the bosses' *favouritism*

Een lesje voor de stoute kinderen vandaag #sinterklaas #sintnicolaas #syndicolaas

Democracy at work & democratic societies Presentation at #ADAPTconference on why we need to look at companies to save our political democracies

Collective bargaining is good Sectoral bargaining is better Explainer video by

Collective bargaining is good Sectoral bargaining is better Explainer video by