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An Anglican parish church and prayerful, safe space in the heart of Cambridge.
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A great blessing to meet this morning with folks from Cambridge Besomand to learn more about the wonderful faithful work they do for neighbours in need (and among many others helping out)!

Some of our young people at having a flipping good time making pancakes today at church — and talking about getting ready for #Lent

Some of the fabulous young people and youth leaders who led today’s Sunday service of Holy Communion. A lot of work and prayer went into to today’s service, and a huge blessing to hear from our young people in today’s sermon, intercessions, and readings.

Last week, we marked the Feast of Candlemas with a radiant procession from Corpus Christi to St Bene't's. Here are some snapshots of that brilliant blue Sunday morning.

Did you catch the vicar this afternoon back on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire with, talking about Candlemas, hope, and the Besom Project? Have a listen in the bbc app, at 3.23pm!

An incredible experience on Tuesday to attended an interfaith Holocaust Memorial Day service at the guildhall in Cambridge, before the mayor and members of the city council at which I spoke as Bishop’s Interfaith Advisor for the Diocese of Ely.

We are searching for a new parish administrator here at St Bene’t’s. If you, or someone you know, is looking for a paid, part-time (15-hour week) role supporting our thriving church community, the job description and application form can be found here:

Candlemas bells — snowdrops — are in bloom all over Cambridge, in anticipation of Candlemas next Sunday, 2 February. Join us at 10am for a special choral #Candlemas service 2/2/25, beginning at the chapel of , and then processing to

Need a break? A place of peace? We’re open every day from 9am to 6.30pm, in the heart of Cambridge — where we have sharing the good news of love and mercy for over a thousand years.

Courageous words from Bishop Budde, as she preached the gospel at National Cathedral. We’ve been talking about her witness in our 20s & 30s group today.

Great to speak with Dotty McLeod on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire 📻 this morning about the Presidential Inauguration, and Christian hope. But I still find live radio terrifying!

At 3pm on Sunday we’ll be heading to Wesley Methodist Church as we join in celebrating the week of prayer for Christian Unity.

Join us this Sunday at 8 & 10am as we hear the story of the miracle at Cana, when Jesus brought abundance and joy at an unexpected hour.

I’ve written a column for US magazine The Christian Century for several years. My latest is about what cherishing #trans lives might look like through a theological lens. It’s a passionate, furious piece as such times as these require. Do share:

Initial 'I'(n principio) at the beginning of Genesis with six medallions one of which is marked HILE (ὕλη) and refers to matter or stuff. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 048; Bible; c1170 CE; England (St Albans); f.7v

We stopped using X/Twitter in September. The social media visibility was not worth the toxic environment of the platform, so at odds with our Christian values of inclusivity and love.

Join us this Sunday for the feast of the baptism of Christ, and a very special celebration of the Reverend Canon Richard Ames-Lewis.

Today I pressed at the Eucharist at on the 20th Anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. Deo gratias! “In all that you do, you are to nourish Christ’s people from the riches of his grace, and strengthen them to glorify God in this life and in the life to come.”

The Epiphany Proclamation is an ancient tradition, announcing the date of Easter (20 April this year), and the other movable feasts which are in turn calculated by the number of days before or after Easter: (1/8)

A pre-sunrise dusting of snow at on Epiphany Sunday

Seeing out 2024 with prayer! Setting up for evening prayer, which we hold daily at 6pm both on zoom and in person at @stbenetscam #Cambridge. Do join us any evening; link on our website. Make daily prayer one of your 2025 resolutions. #nye #newyear #2025 #resolution

Just under a fortnight left before our Young People’s Group spring term card kicks off! Put the follow dates in your diaries!

First Sunday of Christmas — still scratching your head over that comma in our last hymn today? A handy guide:

Join us for the First Sunday of Christmas, and the story of Jesus as a child teaching in the Temple. 8am & 10am (and a pub lunch after the 10am coffee!)

May the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the perseverance of the wise men, the obedience of Joseph and Mary and the peace of the Christ-child be yours this Christmas; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always.

Midnight Mass at St Bene’t’s, Cambridge. Merry Christmas!

What a joy yesterday to have @waterbeachbrass and neighbours near and far join us for lessons and carols at @stbenetscam. See you Christmas Eve (4pm & 11.30pm) and Christmas Day (8am & 10am)!

Next Saturday, 21st Dec 4pm, we will be holding our Blue Christmas service. We realise Christmastime can be a challenging time, and we hope that coming together for a service of music, prayer, and candlelight will ease some of the loss, loneliness, or grief many may struggle with at this time.

What a joy to pack for this year's WinterComfort concert with Resound Cambridge!

We are delighted to be hosting what will be a wonderful concert by Resound Choir in aid of Wintercomfort on Saturday 14th December. More details via this link:

Sometimes it's all hope, or clever theology. But in times like these when it’s hurt and fear, I lean heavy on the psalms and Paul's instruction to preach Christ and him crucified: (Sermon starts at 26:41)

Saturday morning at 10.30 we’ll be exploring the ethics of the Assisted Dying bill. Do join us; pre-registration helps but isn’t required

We mark Remembrance Sunday (10th Nov) with a service at 10am, followed by a minute of silence at 11am. All are welcome.

Our upcoming Resourcing Faith Study Day is next Saturday (16th Nov). Book your ticket via

This Hallowe’en photo is a detail from one of the memorials at @stbenetscam Hallowe’en is a contraction of “All Hallow’s Eve,” or as we would say today The Eve of All Saints’ . (We know all about apostrophes in the middle of words here at Bene’t’s). Here’s the prayer for the Eve of All Saints: