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Recent Archie digest pickup: a nice Dan DeCarlo featuring a bikini-wearing Betty on roller skates. #archiecomics #teambetty #dandecarlo

A couple random Archie's Pals 'n' Gals covers from the pile I'm cataloguing ahead of next week's dollar comic book show. #archiecomics #bettyandveronica #dandecarlo

“There is no escape! I’m doomed to spend the rest of my life on this mad world!” (*) Released this very day in 1960, Action Comics # 263, with its cover by Curt Swan & Stan Kaye featuring Superman & the citizens of Bizarro World. (*) Cripes I know how he feels.

You have to watch for attacks while swimming in the ocean. (From Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica #71, November 1961) #archiecomics #teambetty #dandecarlo

Who would wear such a ridiculously long tie? (From Pep #171, June 1964) #subtlepoliticalcommentary #archiecomics

A pinup treat for Veronica fans. (From Pep #171, June 1964) #archiecomics #veronicalodge #dandecarlo

House ad for Josie comics from Pep #171, June 1964. #archiecomics #josie #dandecarlo

I'm not a huge fan of Archie's 2015 reboot but it had some moments, like this great Joe Eisma Sabrina and Jughead cover. (Jughead #11, January 2017) #archiecomics #jughead #sabrinatheteenagewitch #joeeisma

Veronica tried to torpedo Betty on their yachting trip by showing her how to dress... (From Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica #71, November 1961) #archiecomics #bettyandveronica #dandecarlo #teambetty

!!! (From Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica #71, November 1961) #archieoutofcontext #archiecomics #bettyandveronica #dandecarlo

That time when Betty and Veronica met a Loch Ness type lake monster... From Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica #71, November 1961. #archiecomics #bettyandveronica #dandecarlo #lochnessmonster

I am convinced that the person who wrote the subtitles for Justice League Unlimited was having a very good time. #sundaymorningcartoons #justiceleagueunlimited #dccomics

A pair of pinups from Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica #100, April 1964. Peak DeCarlo! #archiecomics #bettyandveronica #dandecarlo

Today's new pickup, my first back issue purchase in a month: a nice low grade copy of Teen Titans #1 signed by all-time great Nick Cardy. #dccomics #teentitans #nickcardy

Lana Lang page from Standards Manual's incredible DC Style Guide reissue.

I know exactly how you feel, Mr. Lodge! (From Betty and Veronica #73, March 1994) #archiecomics #bettyandveronica #dandecarlo #mrlodgefanclub

Gotta love those stretch pants! (From Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica #108, December 1964) #archiecomics #bettyandveronica #dandecarlo

Another day, another obvious scam. This dummy couldn't even be bothered to change the platform we're on.

The kind of diet I can get behind! (From Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica #71, November 1961) #archiecomics #bettyandveronica #bobwhite