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Faith that sets us free, Hope that keeps us in the struggle, Love that brings us back together.
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i dunno much but i know this person and i would be friends

Good morning, beloved. Take a look in the mirror. You’re looking at a masterpiece. Today is a great day to overcome evil with good.

28 Days of Good News - Reading the Gospel of Matthew in February. Day 19, Chapter 19. What do teachings on marriage, divorce, wealth, reparations, and status have in common? I wonder if our 5-year old kids have some wisdom many of us have lost by the time we're 50.

28 Days of Good News - Reading the Gospel of Matthew in February. Day 18, Chapter 18. We mostly have things backwards, Jesus says. Most everything we think about important people, kids, how hard God is to find, our petty grudges..... we mostly have things backwards.

28 Days of Good News - Reading the Gospel of Matthew in February. Day 17, Chapter 17. Transfigured. "In every human being Jesus discerned infinite possibilities. He saw humans as we might be, transfigured by grace." Ellen G. White

I didn't realize that there was a fortune cookie company which promoted fascism.

For some reason, I keep thinking about how the Emperor Tiberius (the emperor who crucified Jesus) renamed the Sea of Galilee "Lake Tiberias" after himself as part of his brutal repression of the Jews. Renaming things is a powerful form of colonization and oppression of subject populations.

28 Days of Good News - Reading the Gospel of Matthew in February. Day 14, Chapter 14. In which Jesus and his friends see their worst fears come true, and respond by cultivating a beautiful vision of what life can still be and the collective power to achieve it. Vision and power, vision and power.

28 Days of Good News - Reading the Gospel of Matthew in February. Day 13, Chapter 13. Don't despise small beginnings. They're all we've got. And don't let the great be the enemy of the good. A thriving mustard bush makes spice and shade - that's pretty great. Same with whatever you can become.

28 Days of Good News - Reading the Gospel of Matthew in February. Day 11, Chapter 11. "Come to me, all you who are struggling hard & carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Put on my yoke, and learn from me. I’m gentle and humble. And you will find rest for yourselves.” Gentle, humble Jesus

28 Days of Good News - Reading the Gospel of Matthew in February. Day 10, Chapter 10. What to Expect Jesus gives his student interns a pep talk. Maybe God gives us all this pep talk: Life is going to be hard in 100 ways. But some people will have your back, and I always will too.

28 Days of Good News - Day 9, Matthew 9 - One of Jesus' core sayings: I want mercy, not sacrifice. Religion that's not kind and loving is trash. Government, education, family life, corporate cultures that aren't as loving and as kind as they can be are toxic. Mercy is the largely untried Way for us.

American immigration policy has (almost?) always been racist & white supremacist. But when's the last time that the US has had such an openly white supremacist immigration stance? Or one so directly impacted by corruption (in this case Trump's leading donor Elon Musk's influence on Trump's policy)?

I’ve recently noticed when I pray the Jesus Prayer, I’m no longer asking Christ for mercy that will save me from a future hell. My prayer is for mercy from myself—for I seem all-to-happy to lock myself away from the fullness of the Creator’s presence made available to me through Christ’s victory.

28 Days of Good News - Day 8, Matthew 8 - in which a curious, calm, and compassionate Jesus heals a social outcast, his enemy's best friend, a trauma survivor, even his mother in law. And this story of Jesus asleep in a boat reminds me of God's calm in our storms and maybe that heals me too.

28 Days of Good News - Day 7, Matthew 7 Jesus has some wise, funny, and timely advice on human (and divine) relations and how to live a morally serious life. Just one of many: Build your house on rock: core foundations and convictions matter. What don't we compromise? What will we fight for?

“Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.” -Gandhi Get ready. The days ahead are going to demand good trouble, holy mischief, and civil disobedience.

Do not be daunted! Responding When The Zone is Flooded

now that's how you write a headline

28 Days of Good News - Day 6, Matthew 6 What is the good life? Manage your image? Grow wealth? More,more,more? Nope. Musk, Trump, and all (OK, for Jesus it was King Solomon) have it wrong. Don't be impressed or afraid. Manage self, love and trust God, do justice. One day, one step at a time.

28 Days of Goodness - Day 5, Matthew 5 Who gets to be happy? Who gets to be well, complete, whole?Jesus tells the too broke, too small, too late - those whose backs are against the wall - it's you. No matter what evil and chaos come your way, it's you. Faith, hope, & love can show us the way.

28 Days of Good News -Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 4. First 100 days. Jesus' first 100 days have no executive orders, no attacks on enemies, no stirring up fears, no establishment of authority and control. Just prayer to get his purpose clear. And friendship and love for people others call nobodies.

28 Days of Good News - Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 3. Baptism: an old religious ritual of symbolic washing. Like all religious rituals, it's beautiful and weird. Jesus starts his career by getting baptized. Maybe we all need ways to start new chapters. I think God's proud of us every time we try.

We're watching a bunch of guys who were born on third base strip the copper wiring out of the ballpark.

28 Days of Good News - Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 2. Baby Jesus, Wise Men, Herod. Matthew is connecting Jesus to founding fathers and mothers, exodus, and exile. We see what wise power and foolish power looks like. Petty, insecure, violent. Or wise, humble, generous.

By David Hayward

28 Days of Good News - reading the Gospel of Matthew in February. Day 1, Chapter 1. It's a "Great Man" origin story. Jesus has royal lineage, miraculous birth story. He will save his people, set them free. What's different strikes me. This is not a classically braggadocious great man story.

Bernice King says it well. We needed compassion, empathy, humility, and truth this week from our president. We got lies, blame, racism, and mean-spirited, petty attacks on our trans and differently-abled siblings.

Pete Buttigieg isn’t taking Trump’s shit today.

We’ve always been a country with demons. Evangelicals, for example, have always had them too, tho some think the demons are recent. But now they’ve put the demons plain as day in the center seats of power. Nothing new. Nothing we can’t resist, tho who knows how costly or difficult.

It’s the way of the Cross. Not the way of conquest. How do we shift from what St. Paul calls the “brute strength” of a nervous system in fight mode to the kind of real strength that wholeheartedly lives a life of mercy and compassion?

Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which honors all the victims of Nazi atrocity - Jews, Roma, LGBTQ+, the disabled, Slav, Jehovah's Witnesses, political dissidents, and all the others targeted by that regime of racist Christian nationalism. May their memories be a blessing.

All so true.... 😍 and 🥲

My Danish (the people, not the food...) friend gave me an idea for February - 28 days of good news. I'll read the gospel of Matthew throughout February - 1 of the 28 chapters a day - and share brief thoughts here. Let me know if you want to read along.


Week 1 Round up: I've engaged with social media and news less this week. For my own resistance and resilience, and for the faith community service and leadership I do, relating to national politics about once a week feels like enough. A few things that stand out to me:

Flagging our latest episode, where I'll be joining each week for the first 100 days of Trump's presidency. Sign up to join us each week.

I wrote this on one of the darkest days of my life. It gave me an anchor to hold onto.

What is abundantly clear in many of the negative responses to Bishop Budde’s invitation to mercy is that many Christians either do not know Jesus or have simply rejected him. But there is a better way. Today is the day of salvation.

If a Christian leader in her pulpit, addressing a president who voluntarily placed himself in that sacred space, cannot speak out of the heart of the Gospel, then we might as well turn our cathedrals, basilicas and other houses of worship into museums.