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Hello my name is Steven. I’m on here to chat about #DaysPeacock. Huge #Jarlena fan. Will always love and miss you Drake Hogestyn ⚾️⏳
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Good morning Happy Sunday. Wishing you all the best have a wonderful day. #Days #Jarlena

Good morning Happy Saturday. Wishing you all the best have a wonderful day enjoy the weekend. #Days #Jarlena

My heart breaks for Marlena. She misses John so much it’s devastating seeing her in so much pain. Now she’s on the search for him honestly I’m not ready for what’s to come. #Days #Jarlena

"My missing husband has dedicated his life to your agency. You know what also? It's about Director Donovan who is not returning my calls." #Days #Jarlena

"Yeah, Paul, we're just keeping everybody in the loop that's why I'm calling. I was wondering if Andrew had heard any info from the agency. I know it's classified, I was just hoping that...Alright, listen, if you hear anything, let me know and I'll do the same." #Days #Jarlena

"Shane won't return my call. That's a bad sign, isn't it?" #Days #Jarlena

"What am I meant to do with that? Just sit on my hands and wait?" I really hate how he always talks down to her like she doesn't have a brain in her head, an able body, and a stronger connection to John than anyone else around. #Days #Jarlena

"You know who else needs me? John needs me." "Marlena, you know that John can handle himself." "Yeah, so can I." How she didn't kick his ass out of her office and go get one of the kids to go find John is beyond me. #Days #Jarlena

"You know what John would do if I'd gone missing? He would be scouring the planet looking for me. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to go find him." #Days #Jarlena

"She's tough, but I think she's really trying hard to hang in there, but I don't know how much longer she's going to be able to do it. It's the waiting and not knowing." 💔 #Days #Jarlena

"No, no. I've been holding on long enough. I'm tired of waiting. I'm done." "Marlena, where are you gonna go?" This guy. She's going to tear the world down to find her husband and she doesn't need you patronizing her or trying to convince her that she can't. #Days #Jarlena

"So are you going to go to DC to confront Shane?" "I am. And I'm not leaving until I get answers. I'm gonna find out where my husband is. And don't try to stop me. Cause if you try, you're just wasting your time." #Days #Jarlena

Watching those tears well up is always hard with her, but knowing those are real this time is so much harder to watch. 💔 #Days #Jarlena

"All right. I am coming for you." Imagine how excited we would be if Marlena got to go on this grand adventure to save her husband and we knew it would end in the happily ever after that we've always gotten with them. Sigh. 💔 #Days #Jarlena

Well, Jeannie Theresa and her wig are back. #Days

OMG, I love this. Everyone break out your bracelets for this one. 💜 #Days #Jarlena #SwingForTheFences #HogeysHomeRunners #PanCan

I love this too: Eric Martsolf and Martha Madison have co-chaired this fundraising team in honor of TV's greatest hero, (and their onscreen Dad) Drake Hogestyn. ❤️💜🕊️ #Days #Jarlena

FYI, we still have some purple bracelets left over from DOD last year if anyone is interested in getting one. Please shoot me a message and I can work on getting them out to you before the April 26 Purple Stride Walk for Drake! 💜 #Days #Jarlena #HogeysHomeRunners #SwingFortheFences

I wanted to take this moment to wish Mary Beth Evans a Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope your day is full of joy laughter happiness and much more!!!!! #Days #Stayla

Let’s kickoff this #FlashbackFriday. With this lovely photo of Drake and Deidre. #Days #Jarlena #FBF

Good morning Happy Friday. Wishing you all the best have a wonderful day. #Days #Jarlena

I want to share this Brady Family Tree From My Days Of Our Lives Magazine with you all

Let’s kickoff this week #ThrowbackThursday. To this lovely photo of Drake and Deidre. #Days #Jarlena #TBT

Good morning Happy Thursday. Wishing you all the best have a wonderful day. #Days #Jarlena

Brady and Marlena scenes today were so heartbreaking. I loved seeing him comfort her through this tough time. Bravo to Eric and Deidre I know this couldn’t been easy filming this. Just want to say we love and appreciate you both so much. #Days #Jarlena

A replay of the pier flashback to start the show. 💔 #Days #Jarlena

"Oh, John. Where are you? And what am I going to tell the children?" #Days #Jarlena

"Are you okay?" "No, I'm not." "What's going on?" "I'm afraid I've got some bad news. Brady, your Dad is missing." 💔 #Days #Jarlena

The way Deidre's voice cracked when she said they couldn't find John. 😭 #Days #Jarlena

"Well, that means...that means..." "That means we don't know if John is alive or..." This poor cast. It almost feels wrong to watch them go through all this so publicly. #Days #Jarlena

"Oh, God." 😭💔 #Days #Jarlena

"I'm sorry to worry you." "No, don't say sorry. I'm grateful that we have each other right now." ❤️ #Days #Jarlena

"Does Paul know about this?" "No, I need to tell Paul. I should also tell Belle." All the kids need to know. Not just the biological ones. 💔 #Days #Jarlena

OH man. The way they're holding hands. It's like Deidre talked about with the hand squeeze and no words. Just eye contact and a hand squeeze. ❤️ #Days #Jarlena

"At least let me talk to Paul. You shouldn't have to be the sole bearer of this kind of news." "Okay, good. Thank you. And please tell him that I love him." "I will." 😍 #Days #Jarlena

"I'm so glad you're here with me today." "Me too. Let's stay positive, okay? We're gonna find Dad." "We will. I know we will." How I wish that was true this time. 😭 #Days #Jarlena

"I love you." "I love you." ❤️ #Days #Jarlena

We are watching real people go through a real loss in real time and it is absolutely brutal to watch. 😭💔 #Days #Jarlena

"Why don't you sit down." "Okay, sounds serious." "It is. It's about your Dad." #Days #Jarlena

"At least we know he's in good hands. The ISA is going to use every resource to try and find him. Yeah, of course, I'll stay in touch. Alright, Paul. I love you, man. Bye." #Days #Jarlena

Colton Little did an interview last June and said he had just worked with Deidre and that something dramatic happens to her character. And Deidre said she's had that happen to her character before. Those scenes must be coming up sometime this month now that we know John is officially missing. #Days

#WCW the elegant Deidre Hall #Days #Jarlena

Good morning Happy Wednesday. Wishing you all the best have a wonderful day. #Days #Jarlena

Marlena flashes back to their 91 Pier Reunion. "I can't count the number of times our love has brought us back together." 😭😭😭 #Jarlena #Days

But actually, the fact that Days is already written/filmed into 2026 is legit insane. #Days

“We have all been in such a place of trying to survive this terrible loss, trying to absorb what it means to Drake’s family, to our family, to the show, to the audience… It’s been a big ask for everybody.” All of this hurts so bad. #Days #Jarlena

It physically hurts to think about Deidre having to do more of these interviews as we get closer to John’s funeral. 💔 #Days #Jarlena

Seeing the flashback today of the pier reunion brought back so many emotions to me. As we progressed through this storyline it just continues to get harder to watch. No matter how much time passes we’ll always miss and love you Drake that’s a fact. #Days #Jarlena

Prepare for the incoming tears later this week. 💔 #Days #Jarlena