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I’m a bridge to inner truth, reminding you to reconnect with your potent spirit energy. I'm here to reveal and inspire – and to find new Conscious Growth Club members who will add their enthusiasm and uniqueness to our beautiful, life-enhancing community.
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Every physical task or project is a vibrational experience too, so you may feel boredom, flow, enthusiasm, frustration, wonder, etc as you go. There are interesting choices to be made at both levels. You get to decide what to do, how and why you do it, and with what frequencies of energy.

You get to experience more of whatever misalignments you still tolerate in your life.

Remember that you don't have to get caught up in other people's priorities or an algorithm's priorities. Choose and direct your own priorities consciously. Every day is yours to command minute by minute and hour by hour, so direct the flow where you want it to go. Start by deciding what you want.

Reality loves to reveal itself in layers. The key is to discover the purpose of the current layer and to appreciate this layer based on that purpose.

I'm considering a change for Conscious Growth Club Year 9 (starts on May 1st) where there'd be no off-camera mode for our Zoom calls in the club. So we'd drop observer mode, and we'd adopt the standard to having everyone visible and present on each call. No energies like hiding, multi-tasking, etc.

I like to learn something new (especially how-to skills) every week, if not every day. YouTube is such a great resource for that. Now I feel motivated and inspired to replace every flush valve in the house, especially after learning how to spot their underwater hiding places.

I'm developing a much better understanding of Pakled culture this year.

That’s more like it.

As you grow smarter, the world around you may seem to be getting dumber.

Many new species of expletives are likely to bloom this year.

Yesterday I learned more about smoke detectors than I ever knew before. I have a dozen in my house, and oh how I hate that chirping sound! I decided to educate myself and discovered I can get ones with that won't chirp for the life of the detector, using 10-year lithium ion batteries. Done deal!

I'm finding that I can efficiently cycle through about 3-4 different vibescapes for an optimal flow through each day. Too little or too much variety becomes suboptimal.

Many humans apparently like to eat a bird's reproductive material for breakfast. That's pretty strange behavior both physically and vibrationally unless your body is starving and desperate for anything potentially consumable.

Some Trump supporters cry foul when people label them racist because they don't identify with racist attitudes. The reason they get labeled racist is because their vote supports Trump's abundant racist speech and racist policies. The label seems fair because supporting Trump is racist behavior.

I can't seem to look at a Cybertruck without immediately thinking, sensing, feeling, and downloading through all channels that the owner must be an extraordinary douche who is also proud of being an extraordinary douche. No part of me seems to want to test, challenge, or object to that sensation.

I really appreciate that my younger self cared about the well-being of his future self and kept taking action with the intent to make my life better, not easier per se, but very rich in love, service, great people, fun, and juicy growth experiences. I'm perpetually grateful for his gifts.

Life in physical form can be so delicious sometimes. I can see why we created these bodies for ourselves to play with in physical space. There are so many sensual delights to bask in.

This is a fabulous year to skip the Super Bowl.

One of my biggest challenges is getting my imagination to open up with more specificity – to get my mind to crystalize and concretize a desire or possibility and not leave it fuzzy. The next step is to decide to make it a reality. I'm pretty good at the rest, which is usually an engineering problem.

Undesirable energy patterns are not you. They're just passing through. Don't succumb to the trap of identifying with them. You can consciously eject them and send them on their way. I even met someone who successfully did this with chronic pain by reminding himself daily: "The pain is not me."

Being 17% sadist really comes in handy sometimes.

Google has apparently relaxed its resistance to developing AI for weapons and surveillance.

When I used to spar in Tae Kwon Do, there were few experiences as satisfying as landing a solid kick to the head. The shocked look on the opponent's face combined with the smack sound echoing through the dojang was a true sensory delight. For two weeks now, I've been feeling oddly nostalgic for it.🥋

Are you noticing that the world around you is out of sync with your values, convictions, and logic? It's all purposeful, not meant to beat you down or discourage you. You're not helpless. It's all here to remind you that you can consciously choose to become and to create something more inspired. ❤️

Wow. This is just stunning.

It's fascinating how much there is to learn about wise, courageouus, and intelligent leadership by witnessing its opposite.

Go Rogue is a new Zoom series I'm hosting January 28-31 (Tue-Fri). It's a beautiful deep dive into embracing your uniqueness as we honor and strengthen your inner rogue. Transform your most challenging qualities into an fresh source of flow. Join me for this epic journey.

Imagine being a pig or a cow witnessing the rise of humans and fantasizing about how much better life will be for all mammals now that mammalian life has birthed such great intelligence.

After breakfast I like to ponder life, consciousness, growth, & what's going on in myself & in the world. Once that's done I tune in deeply to my inner senses and concentrate on sensing, especially seeking to amplify & decipher the faintest signals I can perceive. Then I set intentions for the day.

As in previous years, Trump supporters remain ineligible to join Conscious Growth Club in 2025. There are numerous reasons for this, one being so I don’t have to vomit daily to purge their residual energy signature, which is incompatible with my human matrix this lifetime.

Our CGC Intention Infusion this month is "unfolding with ease." The intentional tracer is any reference to rock-paper-scissors. Hold this intention with us if you wish to be part of the group manifestation energy. We do a fresh intention experiment every month in the club, co-created wtih CGCers.

Every calendar quarter in Conscious Growth Club, we have a flexible vibrational theme that we invite members to coalesce around. The quarter's theme is OPEN. For me this includes discovering how to integrate many diverse interests that I care about into my linear time flow. Well... mostly linear.

If you want to bend part of your reality to your will, you will likely need to get permission. Sometimes it's readily granted, other times instantly rejected. The most interesting attempts invite spirity negotiations and surrender to the growth journey before the request is marked for approval.

Winter won't last forever. We are really coiling the spring now.

The worse the outer world becomes, the more motivated, passionate, uplifted, and unshakably optimistic I feel. Perhaps it's because as part of it descends into abject stupidity, the call to co-create something far more magnificent grows ever more present, exciting, energizing, and accessible.

A great productivity system gives representation to all vibescapes that matter to you and advances them into the world of action. So everything you care about gets a guaranteed time slice. Otherwise the system is weak and incorrect, and whichever parts of you that it stifles will resist it.

Today is roughly my 28-year veganniversary, give or take a few days. Perhaps the most interesting aspect has been discovering how to feel centered, empowered, enthusiastic, & inspired in a world that's dreadfully misaligned with my values & ethics. Such good training – not easy but very purposeful.

Your human heart has valves that open and close, as does your vibrational heart. The rhymthic pumping keeps you going. 💓💓💓

Are you here to be mono-vibe (like love or peace) or multi-vibe?

Solve the problem vibrationally first, then mentally and physically.

Ask for all of what you want. Do you want only peace and calm? Yawn, boring. Only jaw-dropping intensity? Yikes, stressful! Ask for the entire amusement park from the kiddie rides that soothe your soul to the intense roller coasters that set your soul ablaze. Life is wavy – invite the whole wave.