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St. James Presbyterian Church, Hanwell, NB A gathering place for worship, community, and serving! 1991 Hwy 640 web: Minister: Rev. Wendy MacWilliams (
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Annual congregational meeting today. The pastoral pup and I have different opinions on what it means to chair. #PastoralPup

Join us in worship today, 3rd Sunday in #Lent, at 11 am ADT, in person or online (, with J.A.M. (Jesus and Me) for children. Today we welcome new professing members. Pizza and fellowship will follow service. Following lunch we will have our annual meeting.

St. James and Friends of Hanwell had an amazing time partnering with the grade 8 students and parents of #HanwellParkAcademy to host last Saturday's community breakfast. Thank you for your support and a huge shout-out to the students, parents, and all the helpers—you were incredible! 💙

Palm Sunday (April 13) we will be supporting our neighbours served by The #FrederictonHomelessShelters. We will collect new or gently used spring clothing and essentials, including: Ponchos, rain jackets, spring jackets Hats, umbrellas Rubber boots, sneakers T-shirts, sweatshirts

Our Lenten journey continues. Join us for 2nd Sunday in #Lent worship at 11 am ADT, in person or online ( Children are invited to J.A.M. (Jesus and Me), our Sunday school time. After worship, stay for coffee and fellowship—we would love to see you!

On Mar. 15 we will have our next Community Breakfast (9-11 am) featuring pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs and hash browns. Proceeds to Hanwell Park Academy food program ("Feed the Bears") and Grade 8 class trip. Served by volunteers from St. James, Friends of Hanwell and Students of Grade 8.

On Mar. 15 we will have our next Community Breakfast (9-11 am) featuring pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs and hash browns. Proceeds to Hanwell Park Academy food program ("Feed the Bears") and Grade 8 class trip. Served by volunteers from St. James, Friends of Hanwell and Students of Grade 8.

Join us for worship at 11 am ADT (DAYLIGHT time—clocks go forward), in person or online ( as we learn from Christ and are fed by him at his table as we celebrate the sacrament of communion. Children are invited to J.A.M. (Jesus and Me). Coffee and fellowship follow.

Here's the words and music

Remember #DaylightSavingsTime starts this Sunday (in Hanwell). Clocks spring forward!

We were so honoured to see Janet, a beloved member of St. James, receive her quilt of valour. Thank you, Janet, for your years of service to our country. ♥️ The pattern of Janet's quilt is called Lucky Stars, very fitting considering all the ways Janet shines in our lives!

Pancakes!! Until 6:30

Reminder: Join us for our #ShroveTuesday #PancakeSupper this Tuesday, March 4 between 4:00 and 6:30pm. 1991 Hwy 640 (Hanwell Rd.). Admission by freewill donation! Pancakes, sausages, baked beans, biscuits, rolls and gingerbread on the menu (gluten-free options will be available).

Join us for worship at 11 am AST, in person or virtually ( and see the glory of God at work in your life. Children are invited to J.A.M. (Jesus and Me), our Sunday school time. And, as always, stay after worship for coffee and fellowship!

To date, thanks to community generosity, we have collected 509 pairs of socks, 8 pairs of mittens/gloves, 8 hats, 11 pairs of slippers, 1 scarf and feminine hygiene products for the #FrederictonHomelessShelters. Our goal of 400 has been exceeded, but we will continue collecting until the end Feb.

Join us for worship at 11 am AST, in person or online ( and experience God's steadfast, transforming love. 2nd Hanwell Scouting Group joins us for Baden Powell Sunday and we have J.A.M.—Jesus and Me—time for kids. Coffee and fellowship time follows (Birthday Sunday!)

Join us for worship at 11 am AST, in person or virtually (, as we open ourselves to the new life Christ brings. May we root ourselves deeply in God’s love and be nourished by hope. Children may participate in J.A.M.—Jesus and Me. Coffee and fellowship time follow.

Mark your calendars! All welcome!

Join us in worship at 11 am AST, in person or online ( as we explore what it means to move beyond the shallows and into a faith that is abundant, transformational, and alive. Children may participate in J.A.M.—Jesus and Me—time. Stay for coffee time and fellowship!

We've made the switch to Blue Sky! Join us for worship Sundays at 11am AT, either in person: 1991 Hwy 640 (Hanwell Road), Hanwell, NB or online: Or join us at one of our frequent community events (follow us for updates)