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Professor of Global and Asian History at the University of Bristol. Previously: Cosmopolitan port-cities/ These days: Third World Solidarity and Socialist Internationalism She/her
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Applications for the MA Black Humanities are open You can find more information here: Come join us! Please share widely!

Are you in London this afternoon? Make sure to attend this event at birkbeck 2-4pm to launch this incredible new handbook on histories of socialism and development with and 🔥🔥🔥 online link available too, just lmk!

Another reminder - and correction - that this is tomorrow (TUESDAY not Thursday). Really looking forward to it! If anyone would like to join online, please let know, & thanks again to Jessica and Birkbeck's Centre for the Study of Internationalism for hosting us!

Obviously I can't read a calendar 😊 the launch is next TUESDAY, Feb 11.

If you haven't read it, I'd strongly recommend Amy Kaplan's book OUR AMERICAN ISRAEL on the development of the special relationship between Israel and the U.S. since 1948 - Amy was a fearless and brilliant scholar, and this book is necessary reading right now

Next Thursday (2-4) we'll be launching Development, Socialism, and Internationalism in the Third World (edited with with a brilliant group of discussants (below)- many thanks for hosting us at Birkbeck!

A reading suggestion:'s reflections on his experience of writing a scholarly comic book. "There needs to be a good reason to put academic work into the comic form. As Marshall McLuhan would put it, there should be synergy between medium and message."

The "anniversary" of the coup always brings alot of attention to the situation in Myanmar which is good but alot of people / media / countries who pop up don't really comment the rest of the year. More sustained attention & support is needed. Tis the reasons I built the #whatshappeninginmyanar feed

I was interviewed for this ...

New article! Open access - ‘Indonesian Tourism Workers on Volcanoes and Geotourism's Colonial Origins: Making a Subaltern History Visible’ #indonesia #photography #volcanoes #labourhistory #colonialism #tourism 🇮🇩📷🌋

The ❤️ wants what it wants - I asked my co-hosts at Pusat Sejarah Rakyat (the People's History Centre) in Malaysia what I should speak about while here, so it's round 12 of Bandung, with responses from incredible activists on how transnational activism changed in the 70s/80s and beyond...

Loved seeing this pic of with our book cover at the conference - and have major fomo for missing his panel with and

The #FactsFirstPH coalition says fact-checking initiatives need to be strengthened, not scrapped, pointing out the role of disinformation in past Philippine elections

Very excited to be co-editing this new Bloomsbury handbook on Histories of Internationalism with and David Brydan. To allow for the widest possible regional and thematic perspectives we've opened a call for contributions!

Will be very interested to see this next fall. It’s a welcome departure for the IWM exhibition hall and could set the standard for a new public history of British decolonization

"What’s unfolding in South Korea is not just a domestic issue—it’s a reminder that democracies everywhere require constant vigilance". Thank you so much for this much needed information, I hope the whole world listens.

Opportunity: Burma Studies Group travel award for 2025 AAS conference with preference given to junior Myanmar scholars

A big hello to all our new followers! We are a quarterly literary magazine focused on Asia and Asian perspectives. We also have an email newsletter that we encourage people to sign up to because it’s direct and not subject to the vagaries of socmed whims:

As this site is coming alive, I tried to help my own orientation by creating a starter pack for global urban history. Suggestions welcome

Usual caveats apply

I wrote an essay on decolonization talk for Aeon Magazine, sparked in part by the seemingly odd image search results for 'decolonization' when making posters for Ohio State's International History Seminar last year.

There are many layers here, but I want to comment on one aspect of these findings for now--the editorial board representation. Some will see this and immediately think: we need to get more POC on our boards! I understand that impulse, but encourage you to think a few steps down the game tree 1/n.

Special Issue of Radical History Review: 'Revolutionary Papers: Anticolonial Periodicals from the Global South' from Introduction open access

Very proud that our new volume on Development, Socialism, and Internationalism is now out on Open Access! Many thanks to my wonderful co-editor Nana Osei-Opare and all our contributors, & & David Brydan for welcoming us in their series

Postdoc alert! Come join our wonderful Peace Movements Project team! We are looking for someone to work on the history of peace movements in the MENA region - please share widely and let me know if you have any questions!

Very excited about the new History lab in this month's AHR on Southeast Asian History and Contemporary Art!

Out Now!