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In to video games, cosplaying, furries, video games, adventures, food and YouTube content creator. But just as a start going to just post cosplay, mascot costume, YouTube, kigurumi and furry/etc content
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I'm going to tap out tonight. Don't have the energy to stay up late. But maybe if rain isn't that bad this weekend I'll look into furmeet tomorrow or Sunday to Oceanside.

So my cosplay options for tonight are either Meg Griffin(Family Guy), Sonic the hedgehog gear or one of my furry masks.

Zoom appointment went good and was interesting to check out. Now I can relax before I get ready for a cosplay thing tonight, but depending on how today goes there a chance I might tap out.

So keeping this to twitter and Blusky. But looks like my new husky mascot suits in SoCal, might need to arrange pickup or might get delievered next month. Also found some padding I'm going to try to get for my furry partials.

Happy Fursuit Friday. Just ordered some more furry paws so my furry kigurumi partials are going to be ready for cons, furmeets and gatherings. So here is a random one from Airi. #fursuit #fursuitfriday #cosplayer #cosplay #kigurumi #kigurumimask #masking #furry #furrykigurumi #cosplayer #cosplay

So here is how I'll be ending Feb and starting march. Today I'll be relaxing and got a zoom appointment later on today and tonight might be checking out adrenaline cosplay party since theme is 90s.

New videos up on both channels so be sure to check them out.

Happy Pokemon Day. Took some pictures of my old mudkip cosplay before I put him up for sale. Hope to cosplay some more pokemon.

I'm seeing things in LA these days. While in Downtown LA area I was wondering why someone would dump kegs of beer on the streets. Even from the distance could smell the alcohol. #beer #beerdumplings #beerdump #drink #poring #dump #dumping #beerkeg #keg #dtla #losangeles

Well up after getting my butt waken up 3 times this morning due to scam call, tenant lockout and cat meowing in the building. Now I'm up and taking my time, follow by plan to knock out a few more errands today now that money came early.

Found it and yep found this old picture from 2006 were I'm relaxing in my room with the Giant Sonic and Knuckles plushies. Look back at how far I've come and how I got into Sonic the hedgehog. Also I still have one of those plushies as of today.

Found a DVD disk from storage full of old videos when I was goofing off with friends this was the time we were in middle school to the beginning of highschool and wouldn't forget time we had some fun with Giant Sonic and Kunckles Plush.

Got so much done today. Knocked out remaining errands and chores for the week. Plus I took the time to edit YouTube video. One part I'm sure missing already is doing fun and goofy videos with friends.

I wish the Original LA Pantry Cafe good luck. Saw this going on outside. Also I got to dine at some historical restaurants lately. #originalpantry #originalpantrycafe #cafe #resturants #historical #foodie #food #losangeles #la

After two days of fun and partying. Time to get back to work. Got errands to a chore to knock out today.

Some humor before I call it a night. Couldn't get over funny scene from the Simpsons..

Rest of today was a blast, got to hang and chill with friend before he had to head back to station. Plus another friend came over and joined me. Past few days have been super fun.

Yep me and Inuyasha are enjoying the League of Legends Arcane pop up. They make really good boba drinks. #boba #bobabear #leagueoflegends #arcane #popup #drinks #funtimes

View of Los Angeles from Union station. Just taking a break after running last min errands and wanted to be ready for my friend when they arrive.

Just waking up and looking forward to today. I got some errands to run before I met up with a friend at Union station today.

Got so many errands done and looking forward to heading back to union station tomorrow. My friend Inuyasha is going to be in town and we plan to have some fun and hit up an arcane pop up event at Boba Bear in Korea town.

Well this morning I'm going to relax and take a break. But later on might run an errand or two. But I'm looking forward to tomorrow because a friend is going to be visiting from out of town tomorrow.

Well on my way home and made it in time for one of the Metrolink trains. It was nice to see my grandparents house one more time. Plus was helping the family clean out the place. It was nice to see cousins again. #memories #adventure #sanbernardino #inlandempire #selfie

Well getting to union station was a nightmare this morning. But finally made the San Bernardino Line. Not feeling enthusiastic about today but hoping to be back home tonight. Especially since I had to sacrifice plans today.

Want to get back to some pc games but going to sign off soon. Have a train to catch to Riverside tomorrow. So have a good night everyone.

Happy Fursuit Friday. Took a few pictures of Kat today while padded up for suiting. Hope you all like the pictures. #fursuit #fursuitfriday #furry #furrykigurumi #kigurumi #furry #kat #partial #fursuitpadding

Today I'll be resting up and getting ready for tomorrow. Looks like I'll be heading back over to Riverside area again.

New videos up on both channels. Be sure to check it out.

Today was about to relax but might as well knock out any errands today.

Got so much done today. Knocked out all cleaning and chores today. Follow by knocked out one errand. So now in the next few days I can take it easy unless anything last min comes up.

Alright well taking my time today, and going to knock out a few last min things today before I get on with the week.

Had a super long day today. Went on an adventure and a friend showed me around past the north. Hit up Hillcrest to northridge, Santa Paula, and Oxnard and Ventura. Also we were browsing thrift shops and saw this old computer and some old graphic cards/gpus. #thriftstores #graphiccards #vintage

Up a little early because going on an adventure with a friend today. Looking forward to today.

Well even though original plans didn't work out. At least I got a bunch of errands done today and places I went to today weren't that croweded.

Going to take a break instead. Also had some unexpected things come up I gotta figure out.

Taking my time this morning except I woke up late for Azusa train ride. So maybe I'll hit up Santa Monica or Universal City walk today. If not I might be taking a break.

Alright today I'll be taking a break, passed on train ride to Oceanside and I'll save it for next month. So going to relax and get some stuff done around the house.

No disrespect to cons or events. But what did I just see on my IG feed. Idk if they should be promoting those cars.

For ones going to Anime Impulse and any other cons this weekend. I wish you all good luck. These 1st two months haven't been great for me to attend cons because been focused on priorties and was swapped with ebay sales, follow by getting caught up with important stuff.

Well good news is my zentai suits for furry kigurumi arrived from both Ebay and AliExpress. One was a perfect fit but the other one couldn't wear G Cup so had to switch over to DD Cup. Looks like my furry kigurumi/parials are good to go. Also might try and order some furry paws another time.

Ended Valentine's Day watching Kitchen Nightmares UK, followed by cooking a pizza and watching some more videos. Also saw something funny. Was at target and saw some guys scrambling to get last min gifts for their dates. In no rush but when time comes the right girl will come.

Here is a collage of Cheer bear and the kigs, wishing you all a happy Valentine's day. #carebear #cheerbear #kigurumi #kigurumimask #kigurumicosplay #kigurumianimegao #cosplayer #cosplay #valentinesday #happyvalentinesday

Well today I got a few errands to run before the weekend arrives. Happy Valentine's day, still single and in no rush.

New photos up on both channels. Be sure to check them out.

Going through an old box of PC stuff I've had since middle school. Stack of unused DVDs to manual to kid pix. Copy of Amazon Trail 3rd edition and I doubt my old copy of Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic R will work on modern PCs.