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Nature nut with a camera; wandering the bush in BC, Canada
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The weather & temps have been very up and down. One day it's sunny & warm(ish) the next it's breezy & down to -13C and it's floof time.

A grey dark day. The snow was soft and sticky, sunk up to my knees several times. Flushed this nervous little hare. Colour change has just started, sure sign Spring is coming!

Came across a Cow moose and her twin calves, which I had not seen since early summer. Happy to report that all 3 appear to be in good health and showing no signs of tick infestation. This is the bull calf munching on Red-osier Dogwood sticking out of the snow.

I could hear some noises coming from a flowerbed under the eaves. This lady popped out for a look around, before continuing pecking away. I guess my old landscape ties are more decrepit than I thought! Female Pileated Woodpecker

It was a crispy -27C this morning in the central interior of BC. Thankfully, there was no wind while I was out taking sunrise pictures.

It was -30C in the central interior of BC again this morning. Brilliant blue skies and sparkly snow. Hurts to breathe in too deeply. Imprint of where a Willow Grouse landed. They flop into the snow next to the wild roses, intent on eating rose hips.

The Northern Interior of BC has been experiencing some crispy weather. I've been waking up to -25C temps (not including wind chill) the past few mornings. Jack Frost has been decorating my North facing basement windows.

December: Grouse hiding in the branches. A pair hung around for several days, until the had finished eating all the wild rose hips in the immediate area.

Gentiana cruciata aka Cross Leaf Gentian

Butterfly pic taken in August 2022, flitting about some willows at the edge of a marsh.

November 2023, no snow to speak of, so Mustela erminea aka Ermine or Short Tailed Weasel were very easy to spot.

Late winter of 2023, most of the Nechako river was frozen over, except for this one spot in front of the backwater. It was put to good use by a family of beaver, for snacking & sunning.

November 29, -12C, heavy cloud cover. Male Common Goldeneye, fishing between ice floes on the Nechako River. A grey day with a strong breeze coming off of the river, numb fingers & toes waiting for this fellow to come close enough to the shore.

Winter of 2023/2024 Mustela erminea aka Short-tailed Weasel playing peek-a-boo.

Northern Red-Shafted Flicker after Mountain Ash berries. Mid November 2024

Mid-September. A grey rainy day on the shores of the Nechako River; after an especially windy night, many fallen leaves were caught in the river rocks.

Mid September; Muskrat kit munching on what I believe is Elodia, an aquatic plant that grows in shallow ponds and backwaters.

Mid September, a watchful Merlin in a perch next to an overflow pond. She would shoot out over the water every few minutes and snap up a dragonfly. Her success rate was pretty impressive, 8 out of 10 dives.

Late fall, hiking through the bush, thought I heard one of my camera buddies up ahead of me. Stepped into a clearing, just in time to see a black shadow disappear into the willows. Black bear paw print. Interior of British Columbia.

Mallard duck feather